Anti Islam & The Coming Religious Wars

Anti Islam & The Coming Religious Wars

anti islam and the coming religious wars

The Coming Religious Wars

Extracted from the August 7, 2004, Market Update

Navigating Beliefs: Unraveling Anti-Islam Sentiment and Exploring Religious Diversity

By the beginning of the 16th century, the medieval Church faced a period of immense turmoil, threatening its very existence. As the Church approached its fifteen-century milestone, internal and external challenges converged, pushing it to the brink. This section explores the rejection of papal supremacy by influential Renaissance thinkers like Niccolo Machiavelli and their scepticism toward the clergy’s role in society.

The Struggle for Power and Prosperity: Commerce and the Church

Within Europe’s bustling cities and towns, a growing class of merchants, bankers, and artisans yearned for more control over their economic endeavours. This subsection delves into their frustrations with the Church’s grip on their commercial activities and the nascent emergence of a secular concept of work and acquisition, foreshadowing the future ascendancy of capitalism.

 Corruption and Criticism: Reformers and the Church’s Offenses

Amidst the prevailing crisis, voices of dissent emerged, openly criticizing the Church for its manifold transgressions. This segment highlights the rise of reformers who denounced practices such as clerical corruption, the buying and selling of holy offices, and the moral failings of the clergy. Their outspokenness laid bare the pervasive problem of corruption within the Church.

 Peasant Revolts and Heretical Voices: Unrest against Authority

Peasants in various European regions, disenchanted with both the clergy and the aristocracy, initiated widespread revolts. This section examines their complex political, economic, social, and religious grievances. Despite the Church’s attempts to suppress dissent through inquisitions and crusades, heretics and heresies continued to proliferate, challenging established religious authority.


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 Martin Luther’s Challenge to Traditional Faith

In the historical tapestry, a pivotal figure emerges Martin Luther (1483-1546), the son of a self-made copper miner from Saxony (refer to Lecture 3). A Renaissance scholar, humanist, Augustinian monk, and Doctor of Philosophy, Luther fearlessly disrupts the status quo by openly criticizing the sale of indulgences. Wrestling with self-doubt, Luther refuses to accept that salvation can be earned solely through “good works.” Instead, he propounds that personal faith and a direct relationship with God are the true paths to salvation (“the just shall live by faith alone”). This seismic shift profoundly impacts Christianity and the Church, transforming it forever. Until 1517, believers had sought salvation by obediently adhering to the Church, viewing good works as the sole route. Luther, however, internalizes faith, making it a matter of heart and conscience. It becomes “inner-directed,” borrowing from sociologist David Reisman.

 Luther’s Resonance with a Disillusioned Audience

Luther’s ideas strike a chord with those disenchanted by the clergy’s worldliness, arrogance, incompetence, immorality, cynicism, and corruption. His message finds a receptive audience, speaking directly to the German people. They resent the Church’s accumulation of wealth, the nobility objects to the Church’s tax-exempt land holdings, and the peasants perceive Luther as a champion of social reform. The Ninety-Five Theses spark a violent conflict between Catholics and Protestants, transcending mere verbal disputes and leading to physical confrontations. While Luther’s influence is most profound in Germany and Scandinavia, the Reformation finds another leader in the conscience-stricken John Calvin (1509-1564).

 Calvin’s Emphasis on Obedience and Self-Control

Diverging from Luther, Calvin highlights humanity’s legal bond with God. Absolute obedience to God’s laws becomes the paramount principle. For Calvinists, pursuing moral righteousness requires restraining and controlling one’s desires while meticulously regulating social life and morality. This ethic of self-control rests on the belief that hard work in one’s calling can lead to salvation. However, Calvin teaches that only one out of a hundred men will be saved, as it is God’s will and must be obeyed.

I’ve often pondered why religion can be such a perilous instrument, manipulated by those in power to ignite a plethora of problems. Interestingly, the very term “religion” stems from Latin, conveying the idea of “reconnecting.” But I can’t help but wonder, are we truly reconnecting with one another, or are we drifting apart?

It seems someone has brilliantly articulated the essence of our conflicts, attributing them to our divergent religious beliefs. Their profound explanation sheds light on how we engage in battles, not realizing that our religious convictions are the catalysts.

Anti Islam Sentiment on the rise in Germany

The anti Islam sentiment is growing in Europe, particularly in Germany, with a significant Turkish population. A recent study by the Competence Center for Right-Wing Extremism and Democracy Research in Leipzig reveals a sharp increase in German prejudice against foreigners, specifically Muslims. The study indicates that over 44% of respondents believe Muslims should be prohibited from immigrating to Germany, up from 36.5% four years ago.

Additionally, nearly 56% of participants feel like strangers in their own country due to the presence of Muslims, compared to 43% in 2014. Professor Elmar Braehler, who conducted the research, suggests that these views contribute to the rise of the far-right party Alternative for Germany (AfD), which exploits fears of Islamization. Germany has the second-largest Muslim population in Western Europe, with around 4.7 million Muslims, of which approximately 3 million have Turkish roots—more than any other country outside Turkey.  Full Story

Is Anti Islam Sentiment Based on Fear

The European Union, comprised of 28 countries, is currently experiencing a climate of debate, controversy, fear, and even hatred surrounding the presence of approximately 25 million Muslims. This unprecedented situation has led to mutual distrust between Muslims and mainstream European societies. Public opinion surveys reflect a growing apprehension and opposition towards European Muslims, who threaten national identity, domestic security, and societal cohesion. Conversely, Muslims believe that most Europeans reject their existence while distorting and ridiculing their religious beliefs.

This worrisome misunderstanding intensifies dangerous Islamophobia while also contributing to the rise of radicalization. European nations are deeply concerned about these developments, as they jeopardize harmonious coexistence. Consequently, measures and laws have been implemented to counter extremist forces, address radicalization, and enhance the integration of Muslims into their host countries. Full Story

New Comments  On the Religious Wars and Anti Islam Sentiment: Oct 2019

The religious wars (Anti Islam) have escalated since this article was first written, and everything and more we predicted over a decade ago has come to pass. Europe has made a grave error in embracing multiculturalism. If you bring immigrants into the country, you need to enforce the values of the land. Secondly, you need to bring in immigrants who are willing to integrate with the existing population. You can’t bring in barbarians who refuse to integrate.

We are not stating that all Muslims are barbarians; many are willing to embrace new cultures and are open-minded. However, radical individuals must be stopped at the border and sent home. Additionally, all immigrants, irrespective of religion, should be put on five-year probation; if they violate any major laws, they should be deported immediately.

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