From insurance to Hollywood automation set to replace Jobs

From insurance to Hollywood automation set to replace Jobs

I was recently talking to a friend of mine who’s an accountant. He has his own accounting firm and lives an upper-class lifestyle in the Chicago suburbs. As he’s an accountant with an additional degree in economics, naturally the conversation veered to the future of the economy. He said he will happily pay for his daughter’s college education, provided she won’t pursue a degree in accounting.

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard a parent say they don’t want their child following in their career footsteps; a lawyer recently told me the same thing. And it’s not because they feel they’ve been unsuccessful or that their career was too demanding. Indeed, both are relatively well off and have plenty of free time to spend with their families. It’s because they feel future job prospects in their fields are bleak due to one thing: automation.

My accountant and lawyer friends are right to steer their children away, says Phil Burton-Cartledge, program leader for sociology at the University of Derby in the U.K. “When it comes to advice about higher education, I’d recommend students go for more generalist as opposed to specialist degrees, whether in the human, natural, or computer sciences. A broad range of skills and competencies is the best way to future-proof people for the challenges coming down the line,” he says. Full Story

These people seem to understand that there is a new trend in play and are trying to help their children. Many are ignoring this trend, and you have outlets who state that AI should not be feared and that individuals are overhyping the effect AI will have on the job market.  Taking that approach is completely idiotic. All you need to do is look at what is going on around you to see that is just a matter of time before computers take over. We will cover this in another update, but Amazon is spending a small fortune on robots; the cost of robots has dropped from $150,000 per unit a few years ago to $25,000 a unit, and the cost will continue to plummet. 

Several companies have already created the burgerbot; it can cook, and make a burger much faster than any human out there. In fact, one of the top players in the field has stated that their bot will replace two cooks, for a saving of roughly $90,000 a year. With unions pushing for higher wages and rising costs, it is inevitable that the fast food industry is going to experience a massive transformation. In fact, the burgebot should debut soon.

Pasadena-based Miso Robotics is rolling out a new “robotic kitchen assistant” called Flippy. Miso Robotics CEO and co-founder David Zito said, “We focus on using AI and automation to solve the high pain points in restaurants and food prep. That’s the dull, dirty and dangerous work around the grill, the fryer, and other prep work like chopping onions. The idea is to help restaurants improve food quality and safety without requiring a major kitchen redesign.”

. Now, CaliBurger has committed to using Flippy in 50 of its restaurants, at least, over the next two years. It has already been testing Flippy in a Pasadena restaurant, the companies said.Full Story

Some other fields that will experience massive downsizing:

-Travel agents



-Lawyers; AI could look up every case and find every possible argument to defend your position in a few hours and in the years to come this will drop down to a few minutes. There will be no need for paralegals anymore in the future.

-Government; now that will be a welcome development. AI will eliminate the need for all these useless agencies that pretend they are doing something but produce absolutely nothing. Government waste will drop as AI will be able to track every single dollar spent.


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