China’s war on Islam; China officially bans religious names

China's war on Radical Islam

Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor

China’s war on Islam: bans religious names for babies

Muslim parents in China’s Xinjiang region are facing a difficult decision in choosing a name for their newborns as officials have released a list of banned baby names, according to a report by US-funded Radio Free Asia. This move is part of an ongoing crackdown on religion in the region. The list includes names such as Islam, Quran, Saddam, Mecca, and references to the star and crescent moon symbol, all of which are unacceptable to the Communist party. Children with these names will be denied household registration, which grants access to social services, healthcare, and education..

Authorities in the Xinjiang region of China, home to around 23 million Muslims, have released a list of banned baby names that includes Mecca, Saddam, Islam, Quran and the star and crescent moon symbol. Households registering children with those names will be denied access to healthcare, social services and education. China has faced criticism for its crackdown on religion in the area. Young men are banned from growing beards and women are forbidden to wear face veils. The government blames religious extremism for hundreds of violent incidents in recent years, with Uighur rights groups attributing the unrest to local grievances. Full Story

China Bans Many Muslim Baby Names in Xinjiang

The Chinese government has released a list of banned baby names in the Xinjiang region, home to around 10 million Muslim Uyghurs, citing concerns that names with religious connotations could “exaggerate religious fervour.” Banned names include Saddam and Medina. Children with these names will not be granted household registration, which is required to access public services such as schools.

This is the latest in a series of regulations targeting religious freedoms in Xinjiang, including a ban on “abnormal” beards and veils in public places and punishments for refusing to watch state TV or radio programs. These policies represent a violation of domestic and international protections on freedom of belief and expression. Full Story


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