Free Thinker; Religion Is A Tool Used To Control The Masses

Free Thinker

A Free Thinker Thinks, But The Masses Blindly Follow 

Updated March 2023

This is a video of the article titled The misunderstood differences between light and darkness of which a small excerpt is provided below. According to recent statistics, video-based articles are becoming increasingly popular among individuals. In order to keep up with this trend, we have decided to convert many of our articles, especially the most recent ones, into videos. We believe in staying current with the latest trends and adapting accordingly. After all, a trend in motion is unstoppable, and it would be foolish to try to resist it.

We are often told to “walk in the path of light,” but what if this message is misunderstood by most people? Typically, we associate light with good and darkness with bad. However, if we were true contrarians, we would question this premise. Applying common sense and mass psychology, we would most definitely question these perceptions.

Interestingly, science has now proven that approximately 95% of the universe is black (as in darkness). This information alone should be enough to make one think. Furthermore, it has been shown that humans, on average, use only about 5-7% of their brain capacity, and geniuses at most 15%. This means that the most advanced human being would only have knowledge of maybe 0.05% or less of the 5% of the universe that is in the light.

To A Free Thinker, The Concept Of Religion Appears Convoluted

 Random thoughts on the dangers of religion from other Authors 

Is Religion Dangerous? is a book by Keith Ward examining the questions: “Is religion dangerous? Does it do more harm than good? Is it a force for evil?” It was first published in 2006. Looking at the evidence from history, philosophy, sociology and psychology, Ward focuses on the main question: does religion do more harm than good? He begins by examining the critical area of religion and violence and goes on to assess the allegations of irrationality and immorality before exploring the good religion has done over the centuries. He suggests that without religion the human race would be considerably worse off and there would be little hope for the future. Wikipedia

The dangers of religion, according to Scientific American

I don’t know which is more dangerous, that religious beliefs force some people to choose between knowledge and myth or that pointing out how religion can purvey ignorance is taboo. To do so risks being branded as intolerant of religion. The kindly Dalai Lama, in a recent New York Times editorial, juxtaposed the statement that “radical atheists issue blanket condemnations of those who hold religious beliefs” with his censure of the extremist intolerance, murderous actions and religious hatred in the Middle East.

Aside from the distinction between questioning beliefs and beheading or bombing people, the “radical atheists” in question rarely condemn individuals, but rather actions and ideas that deserve to be challenged. scientific American 

Religion can be extremely dangerous.

If you choose a mistaken path, you can be cheated by it your whole life. Not only that, you are also cheated for many future lives because you will make mistakes in this life, and how your future turns out depends on this life. Whether your future lives will be good or bad depends on how you lead this one. You might create an unfortunate rebirth and suffer in hell or animal realms. If you have incorrect beliefs, believing wrong things are right, like believing that there is no such thing as liberation from cyclic existence, that affects your next life. It can be hazardous, not only for yourself but also if you lead others according to the wrong views. You can bring so many sentient beings to suffering in the lower realms, to hell and to rebirth as hungry ghosts.  Lamayeshe

To A Free Thinker, Religion is limiting.

Freedom is not free, and to break free from the chains that bind you, work is needed.

If you seek freedom, the 1st task is to attain financial freedom so that you can break free of the clutches of the top players who seek to enslave you. They want you to run in a circle like a hamster on a spinning wheel; the hamster thinks the faster it runs, the further it will go, but sadly it is going nowhere.

We teach how to use Mass psychology to your advantage, how to view disasters as opportunities and how not to let the media manipulate you and direct you towards actions that could harm your overall well-being.  Visit the Investing for Dummies section of our website; it contains many free resources and covers the most important aspects of mass psychology.

Secondly, subscribe to our free newsletter to keep abreast of the latest developments. Change begins now and not tomorrow, for tomorrow never comes. Understand that nothing will change if you don’t change your perspective or mindset. If you cling to the mass mindset, the top players will continue to fleece you; the choice is yours; resist and break free or sit down and do nothing.

“Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day; Teach a man to fish & he will eat for a lifetime; Give a man religion & he will die praying for a fish.”

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