Trump’s Approval Rating Rises according to latest poll

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor

US President’s approval rating SOARS

DONALD Trump’s approval rating has risen since meeting Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin, according to the latest poll result, with his campaign against what he considers “fake news” fuelling the US President’s popularity.

A new survey from NBC-Wall Street Journal revealed the US President’s approval rating is at 45 per cent, up one point since June marking a new high since his inauguration in January 2017.

Pollster Fred Yang said the increase in Mr Trump’s popularity is linked to the media coverage of him.

Mr Yang said: “The more Trump gets criticised by the media, the more his base seems to rally behind him.”

In the same poll, it shows that 53 per cent of Republicans approve of Mr Trump’s handling of Russia compared to only 6 per cent of Democrats. Full Story


Trump approval rating rises

Following weeks of wavering, President Trump’s approval has climbed by 2 points to 47 percent while GOP lawmakers continue to face troubling numbers, according to a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll.

The results of the poll were in part bolstered by the success of the president’s meeting with Kim Jong Un. Fifty-nine percent of Americans liked the way Trump is maneuvering with North Korea, and 75 percent approved of the president’s agreement to meet with Kim in the first place.

Among Hispanics, the president’s favorability has climbed by 10 points. Approval from Democrats has increased by 4 points, and with Republicans, the number rose by 6 points. Among GOP voters Trump has the highest approval rating among modern presidents, with the exception of George W. Bush, of any president at this point in his tenure.

Even so, as analysts look to presidential approval polls for indication on how the midterm elections are likely to turn out, the discrepancy is rather wide. There has been little budging in the past month’s numbers for legislators — if the elections were held today, 45 per cent of registered voters would pull the lever for Democrats. Meanwhile, the number still stands at a mere 36 per cent for Republican lawmakers.

Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll co-Director Mark Penn told the Hill that he was taken aback by the numbers supporting Trump — in light of recent protests against the president for his tough immigration stance and family separations at the U.S.-Mexico border. Trump’s numbers, however, have fallen by four points in the last month with independent voters: 53 per cent of polled independents now say they disapproved of the president. Full Story

Trump approval rating ticks up to 47 per cent

President Trump’s approval rating has ticked up to 47 percent in the new Harvard CAPS/Harris poll released exclusively to The Hill, a 2 point hike from last month.

Trump’s approval rating was lifted in part by a 10 point climb among Hispanic voters. His approval rating rose by 6 points among Republicans and by 4 points among Democrats compared to last month’s poll. According to the same poll, Trump’s approval rating reached its highest point last year, at 49 percent.

Trump’s approval rating fell by 4 percentage points among independents, and 53 percent of those polled hold an unfavorable view of him.

The rising numbers appear to reflect the strong economy and the president’s summit meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

“[I’m] surprised that given the misstep on immigration that the president’s approval is holding steady or even increasing on the strength of the economy and the success of North Korea,” said Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll co-director Mark Penn. “He is holding his base and doing particularly well with men.”
“In contrast, the Republicans in Congress seem to be more of a deer in the headlights, paralyzed and leaderless. The Democratic edge remains fairly strong even in the face of Trump improving,” Penn added.

The majority of registered voters approve of Trump’s work to stimulate jobs, handle the economy and fight terrorism — the same finding from last month’s poll. Full story

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