Tactical Investor: Archives of Past Market Updates

Tactical Investor

Tactical Investor Market Update  Archives

As of now, the Dow is consolidating and trying to gain momentum to test the 34K plus range. Among the indices, the NDX and the Nasdaq are exhibiting the most strength and deserve close scrutiny. However, it is important to note that the NDX should not close below 11,960 on a daily basis. For those who are willing to take on higher risk, using instruments such as UDOW, TQQQ, TNA, URTY, etc., may provide opportunities to benefit from this potential trade. Market Update, March 7, 2023


TLT pulled back as projected, but it ended the week below 101. It is likely to rally to the 108 to 109 ranges and then pull back (as low as 96) before putting in a more solid albeit intermediate bottom. However, a weekly close at or above 108 will indicate that a multi-week base is in place. Market Update January 7, 2023

The easy trade is over; yesterday’s action partially confirms it. This does not mean that markets can’t run higher; it simply implies that you will need to work harder for your coin from here onwards. In other words, volatility levels will surge. Dec 4th update, 2022


A period of unusually explosive and irrational price movement is almost always followed by a brutal bloodletting period. Does this mean everyone will lose? Note all astute investors will have the chance to get into many quality companies that will sometimes take on gains in the 360 to 560 per cent ranges. Market Update Dec 27, 2021


For now, investors should understand that volatility is a trader’s or investor’s best friend. Given that V readings are still at sky-high levels, the Rage index is at a new high, and the GP (Gnosis Panoptes) index is dangerously close to putting in a new high, the odds are high that the next few weeks will be filled with volatility. Market Update September 30, 2021

Our rage index surged to a new high just before Afghanistan fell apart. If the Gnosis Panoptes (GP) index should put in a new high within the next 9 to 18 days, it could indicate that we should be ready for a sharp pullback in September. It should be sharp and swift, probably ending as fast as it began. Market update August 21, 2021

Looking at the two indicators posted below, one can see that the market is still experiencing a silent correction. The market of disorder could (“could” being the operative word) be pulling the wool over all the expert’s eyes. Everyone keeps stating that the market needs to let out steam, and maybe the opposite might come to pass. We know that market tops occur when the masses are euphoric. Sentiment analysis reveals that the herd is far from ecstatic. Additionally, the number of experts calling for a pullback continues to increaseMarket Update August 4, 2021 

The main story that nobody focuses on is how the Fed is creating all these anomalies. The Fed purposely creates boom and bust cycles by manipulating the money supply. The average Joe does not understand what is going on because the “hard money” concept is not taught anymore.  While the Fed creates Boom and Bust cycles, the focus is more on the boom because that is where trillions are raked in. The bust just allows the top players to buy great companies for pennies on the dollar. How do you think people like Warren Buffett make so much money? Sadly, the masses don’t understand this insidious trick.

The media works hand in glove with central bankers, so the masses stand no chance. Investigative journalism is a thing of the past. The only investigation being done now is to determine which headline will fetch the most eyeballs. If you understand that, then no one in their right mind can or should trust what 96% of the media pushes. Market Update June 18 2021

Investors have buried a considerable sum of money into money markets, and the return is horrible, to say the least. While the Fed might intervene, our original prediction that individuals seeking safety will be fried and forced to speculate sooner than later is coming to pass. Eventually, all this money will start pouring into stocks as there won’t be any other alternatives. This will provide even more fuel to the current rally. Central bankers are in a race to debase their currencies, with the goal being to finish last if possible. The US is best equipped to win this game, for it dominates on three crucial frontiers. Strongest Army in the world, World reserve currency status and almost total domination in the AI sector. Market Update June 3, 2021

What about the “it’s different” this time argument? Rubbish!! that is all we have to say to anyone coming up with that line. Look at the above chart. Can you even pinpoint the great depression or the so-called deadly crash of 1987? Every crash gave birth to a new baby bull. The key to banking vast sums of money is always to have some cash at hand and, most importantly, never over-commit funds to a single position. As long as the trend is on our side, we have to view every pullback through a bullish lens. Market Update May 12, 2021

If the MACDs complete the bullish crossover at this level, it will create a pattern that usually results in a fast upward move. The Nasdaq could then very easily trade to the 14,500 range with a possible overshoot to 15,000. After that, it could shed up to 2000 points before building up energy to challenge 18,000 ranges. Market Update April 30th, 2021

It is relatively easy to make money in the markets once you have mastered the art of patience and discipline. Failure to master these two skills will virtually guarantee a negative outcome. The reason most investors lose money is that they have no plan. When things look good, they jump in and vice versa.  Now ask them what makes an investment look sound or great, and they will reward you with the proverbial idiotic answer “because the experts” said so. The simple, time-tested methodology that has never failed over the generations is that one should never buy when the masses are euphoric and vice versa. Market Update, Feb 14, 2021 

It is quite likely now that the Nasdaq, which is leading the way up, will test the 14K plus ranges.  The Nasdaq could end the week above 13390, and if it does, it is likely to trade to the above targets.  We will issue some new plays today, but we are only going to get into extremely oversold stock, and we will only deploy 1/3rd of our funds at this stage.  Market Update Jan 25, 2021 

No change in the Anxiety index, and there is a spike in the number of individuals in the neutral camp. This informs that a substantial percentage of traders don’t know what to do or what to expect from the markets, which is bloody good news. When the markets sell-off, the dumb money will be doing most of the selling while the smart money will be waiting for the fear levels to surge, and then they will come in and start buying. Market Update Dec 31, 2020

Neutral readings have more or less remained constant since the markets bottomed. What is worse than fear? Uncertainty. At least when you are fearful, you have something to focus on. When you are uncertain, you are like a Yo-Yo swinging from one side of the fence to the other. The longer the crowd remains sceptical, the higher this market will run. If we had to make what is sometimes referred to as an educated guess, it is all but certain that the Nasdaq will trade to and past 15K. Market Update Sept 30, 2020 

The Dow has shed more than 1500 points from high to low. When a market sheds weight for three-plus days in a row without any real trigger, the next step is for the market to attempt to put in a bottom.  Market Update Sept 9, 2020

Hence with false filters and twisted perceptions, one is creating a reality that does not exist, and in doing so, one has no hope of upgrading one’s operating system. Note that we all have operating systems to a degree. These operating systems determine how you process the data you take in; this is why one person can see opportunity while the other can only visualise danger.  Market Update Sept 30, 2020

On the same token, the reason so many Magellan fund subscribers lost was that they were trying to outdo Lynch. They sold when the going got tough and purchased the fund when everything looked rosy, the perfect recipe for destruction.   So, what can we gather from this? That no matter how good the fund managers are, stupidity trumps logic.  Investors allow emotions to enter into the equation; the decision to buy is based on greed, and the decision to sell is based on fear. In essence, the odds of winning when employing such a strategy are virtually zero. Market Update Sept 20, 2020

Don’t fall for the sky is falling hype, for we have a Fed that is hell-bent on destroying anyone that dares to challenge them. You are going to see some big names get destroyed before this bull is over as these big names, in their infinite wisdom, will decide to take on the Fed, and as expected, the result is that they will end up dead, as in dead broke. Market Update July 12, 2020 

Helicopter money is here, and nobody is complaining about it; in fact, they want more and more. It may seem surreal to those with some semblance of common sense left, but at this stage and for several years to come, nobody will give a damn about the national debt. Market update July 12, 2020

So, whatever rubbish they pump out in the news, this pullback will resolve itself sooner than later because the Fed and its allies will either come out with new policies to push more money into the markets or directly intervene by supporting the financial system.  Market Update June 12, 2020

 We could be in for a new era in terms of market moves, sharp down days followed by even sharper reversals. Hence, the overall theme should be to view every sharp pullback through a bullish lens. Interim market update June 6th, 2020


There has never been a period where bearish sentiment has remained negative for weeks on end while the markets continue to soar without letting out any steam. This insane intervention by the Fed also informs us that this bull will indeed soar to unimaginable heights. It could very well end up becoming the modern version of Tulip Mania.  Market update May 31st, 2020

So, prepare yourself mentally to deal with sharp gyrations from time to time, for the rewards will be huge. We are now in a different market, and technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and any type of single analysis will fail. This is psychological warfare of the highest order. The order is to change the masses’ perception with a such subtleness that they will think and believe they arrived at a conclusion that was already chosen for them.  Market Update May 31, 2020

It appears that markets are experiencing the “backbreaking correction” one, which every bull market experiences at least once and is often mistaken for the end of the bull.  While it feels like the end of the world, such corrections always end with a massive reversal.  Given the current overreaction to the coronavirus, there is now a 70% probability that when the Dow bottoms and reverses course; it could tack on 2200 to 3600 points within ten days.   Central bankers are already talking about another version of shock and awe to boost the markets as they did back in 2009.  https://yhoo.it/2W4r9GVAs we stated before, the goal is to lower interest rates and debase the currency; hence, one can expect many shock and awe programs. Interim Update March 9th, 2020


We have a stunning development. The combined score of neutral and bearish sentiment has surged to 80, which is extremely telling. Consider that we are trading several 100 percentage points away from the 2009 lows and the masses are almost as scared as they were back in 2009. If the markets were to crash, it would be the first time in history a bull market ended on a note of uncertainty.  History is never kind to the crowd, and we don’t think that picture will change in the near future. Market Update Oct 10, 2019

When the trend is positive (UP), train yourself to view strong pullbacks, corrections and other negative developments through a bullish lens. Anyone can panic in the face of trouble, but only astute individuals can stand still and direct their energy to spotting opportunities. Don’t do what the masses are trained to do, for, after all these years of panic, they have nothing to show for it. Market Update Sept 15, 2019

The Dow has now dipped below 27K (on a monthly basis).  We see no reason to worry; investors should continue with their daily lives and focus on the things that make them smile or leave them peaceful. Remember, today’s news is nothing but weaponised propaganda and weaponized news is here to stay.    Tactical Investing Market update July 31, 2019

To embrace the “trend player” methodology, one needs to clear one’s mind from all the nonsense injected via the Mass media. Secondly, change the way they used to trade, and lastly, they need to understand that it takes time. Depending on how open-minded one is, the average turnaround time falls in the 4-12 week range period.  Remember that nothing good comes easy, and more importantly, this change will be permanent. One will know how to fish instead of always waiting for a handout.  Tactical Investing  Market Update July 24, 2019

Bitcoin is finally showing strength, it has managed to stay above 3900, and this suggests that a bottom could be in for the year.  There is an active zone of resistance in the 5850-6150 ranges. If it can manage a monthly close above $6150, then it will be in a position to test the 6900-7200 ranges with an overshoot to the 7500-7740 rangesMarket Update May  7, 2019 

In such an atmosphere, the main thing you should focus on is the trend; if the direction is up, then use pullbacks ranging from mild to wild to add to your long positions.  Hence do not let panic enter the equation if the market experiences a minor or strong pullback unless the trend changes and the trend is showing no signs of breaking.  With V readings in the super Ultra-high ranges, traders should be prepared and ready to deal with volatile market swings.  Until the trend changes, those shorting the markets ask for trouble unless they are ready to move quickly.  Market Update April 13, 2019 

So far in 2019, the number of individuals in the neutral camp has always surpassed those in the bullish or bearish camps, and this is very revealing. It clearly indicates that the masses are suffering from a long-term bias and that the political landscape is messing with their ability to distinguish reality from fiction. Market Update March 31, 2019

This bull market is unlike any other.  Before 2009, one could have relied on technical studies to more or less call the top of a market,. After 2009, the game plan changed, and 99% of these traders/experts failed to factor this into the equation. Technical analysis as a standalone tool would not work as well as did before 2009 and, in many cases, would lead to a faulty conclusion. Long story short, there are still too many people pessimistic (experts, your average Joe and everything in between). Until they start to embrace this market, most pullbacks ranging from mild to wild will falsely be mistaken for the big one. Market Update Feb 18, 2019

 The trend is up and showing no signs of weakening. Therefore we must treat anything the media attempts to market as a disaster as an opportunity factor. The media is an extension of the mass mindset. For any con, you need at least two elements, a con artist and a bunch of idiots. An observer is not part of this equation, for he/she does not equate with the conman or the idiot. The observer’s function is to observe and then use the data to plot the most favourable path. Tactical Investing Market Update Feb 28, 2019 

90% of advisers, experts, and financial commentators do not know what they are talking about, which means the same rules apply to the masses. Want proof? Go back and look at how they repeated the same nonsense each time the markets crashed and or surged upwards. They screamed that the world would end when the markets were pulling back. They alluded that the Milky Way was the next stop for the bull market when it was rising.

In both cases, they failed to spot the so-called top or the bottom. Why do you need someone to tell you the obvious? Do you need a jackass to tell you that the markets are crashing?  The only function these media wenches/experts serve is to inject emotion into the equation, make the masses sing right at the top and make them panic right at the bottom.   Tactical Investing Market Update Jan 14, 2019

The average trader has a convoluted view of the markets and the world. They are forever willing to bend the definition of risk and opportunity to suit whatever perspective is taking the lead role at the moment.  When prices are low, they assume that it is the wrong time to buy because they are bound to go lower, and when they are soaring upwards, they assume that it is the right time to buy because they are bound to soar even higher. The concept of risk to reward is thrown out of the window; they state they seek an opportunity with low risk, but their actions speak otherwise.  No Bull Market has ever ended on a note of fear; they end when the crowd is in a state of ecstasy.Tactical Investing Market Update Nov 26, 2018 

Ironically, in times of risk, the masses seek to take on more risk as opposed to taking on less risk. The masses beg for the opportunity to buy low and sell high, but when the moment finally arrives (and the risk factor is much lower) they baulk, and their argument is always the same “it is different this time, the market is going to crash, and we need to bail out”. However, they never put forth the same argument when the markets are racing upwards, and analysts all over the place are issuing insane targets such as $1 million (high-end price for Bitcoin, at which point we stated a top was near at hand), and they blindly assume the next stop is the sun or the next galaxy. Instead, the next stop is usually “hell”.   Market Update Nov 26, 2018

Remember polarised people are the easiest individuals to manipulate and deceive. Ultimately, higher rates of polarisation could be very beneficial for the markets. Tactical InvestingMarket Update July 8, 2018

Despite all the drama over the past ten days (since the last update), the markets continued to trend higher, and the Nasdaq is putting in new 52 week highs, so much for the naysayer’s argument that this market was set to crash.  If the Nasdaq is already surging to new highs, it indicates that there is a lot of extra cash sitting on the sidelines.  Because the other indices are not trading at new highs and not all the money is directed towards the Nasdaq.   It also tells us that there is a boatload of hot money waiting to be unleashed into the market; fools generally control hot money, and fools never lead the way up, they always follow.  Market Update June 23, 2018

Oil is rising; the dollar is trending higher, silver is putting in what could turn out to be a very explosive pattern, and the US bond market is issuing mixed signals. It sounds like everything is out of sync, and that’s exactly why it’s not. The bull market is not dead, and the trend is showing no signs of turning negative. In short, if this pattern continues and our indicators on the monthly charts move into the oversold ranges, then Dow 30K  is virtually a done deal. Tactical Investing Market Update May 22, 2018

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The bull market is not dead that is the most important thing we want everyone to get from this update. If it were dead, we would be making alternative plans.  The best signal that the bull market “is not dead” comes from the number of pending plays; if this bull market were dead, we would have very few plays on this listThe mass mindset is wired to react emotionally, and therefore it’s destined to fail.  Market Update April 30, 2018

 As long as the trend is up, every pullback is a buying opportunity; that’s what you should focus on. Market Update Jan 16, 2018

We believe in the adage that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound or several kgs of cure. We focus primarily on Mass psychology; technical analysis plays a secondary role. Mass Psychology is telling us that its time for defensive action.  We are going to opt for safety instead of glory.   Bullish readings indicate the masses are now very happy and to ignore that development would be foolhardy. Market Update Jan 8, 2018

For the first time in almost two years, the bullish sentiment has soared past the 50% mark, and the combined score of the bears and neutrals has dropped below 50%.  This could be the first signal indicating that the markets might experience a correction in the 15% plus ranges in 2018. We will continue to monitor the situation closely.  We are going to be the first ones to tell you that if this comes to pass it’s going to be a helluva of buying opportunity. Tactical Investing Market Update Dec 28, 2017

The bitcoin mania will end badly one day; the masses can never win, just remember that. It might sound sad, but that’s not what we focus on, we focus on trends and reality. Market Update Dec 17, 2017

It appears that a new trend in motion is starting to take hold in the sentiment arena; we are witnessing wild swings in sentiment.  This week we have experienced another wild swing; bullish sentiment soared to 44%; it’s quite a big move from the last reading.  We expect this trend to gain momentum going forward. Until the bullish sentiment surges past the 60% mark for several weeks on end, the markets are more likely to correct than crash. Market Update Dec 17, 2017

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This whipsaw action we have witnessed for the past few weeks is here to stay; this is the beginning of a new trend. It also suggests that no matter how strong the next correction is; it will prove to be a buying opportunity and not the start of a bear market. No bull market has ended on a note of uncertainty.  Market Update Nov 31, 2017

On the weekly charts, the Nasdaq is still trading in the oversold ranges, so it has room to run-up. Tactical Investing Market Update Nov 31, 2017

Despite trading in the overbought ranges, the Nasdaq has room to run before it hits the extremely overbought ranges and it is likely to trade in the insanely overbought ranges before it pulls back.    Market update Nov  2, 2017


The combined ratio of bears and Neutrals has dropped below 60% once again, and this marks the 3rd time this has happened this year. Therefore, it’s almost a certainty that the market will experience a strong correction and the likely time frame is within the next six monthsMarket update Nov  2, 2017

On the weekly timelines, we note that the picture is very bullish. The trend is up, and so even though the MACD’s (Nasdaq) is trading in the overbought ranges on the monthly charts, the path of least resistance is up. Market Update Oct 17, 2017

A strong reaction from the markets does not necessarily equate to a pullback. The markets could surge upwards; hard to imagine when the markets are so overbought.  However, just because this might be the least expected reaction, this is what might initially occur before the pullback. Tactical Investing Market Update  Oct 3, 2017

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We will go on a limb and state that this market will probably not crash until the combined score of the bears and neutrals plunge below 30%.  Market Update Sept 17, 2017

Surprisingly, bullish sentiment dropped 8% this week; bearish sentiment soared by 9%.  39% of the individuals are in the bearish camp and only 27% in the bullish camp.   The markets hardly let out any steam, and the crowd is already in panic mode. What would happen if the Dow had to shed 1000 points; the media which in general seems to be on some very strong cerebrally damaging substance would scream “bloody murder”.  Forget the naysayers; the markets are not going to crash until the sentiment turns bullish. Tactical Investing Market Update  Sept 1, 2017

Logic has no place in this market; so focus on the emotional state of the crowd.   Until the masses turn bullish, the very most we can expect from this market is a strong correction which will prove to be a buying opportunity. In the short term, the path of least resistance is still up. Market Update August 18, 2017

  Bearish sentiment is insanely low; in fact, while many want this market to crash, they don’t think it is. They have no conviction. Okay, that would be somewhat fine if the bulls were not adopting a similar stance. The bulls also lack conviction. And with almost no free market forces at play, the path of least resistance is upwards. Market update Aug 1, 2017

Given that markets tend to follow each other, the Nasdaq by default will probably trade deeper into the extremely overbought ranges as it started off late compared to the Dow and SPX. When a market plays catch up, it tends to overshoot to the upsideMarket Update July 21st, 2017

Give the resiliency of this market; the Dow could very easily trade to 22K before it trades to 19K.  Market Update July 6th, 2017. 

One has to wonder why so many experts almost purposely go out of their way to proclaim the next crash will mark the end of everything. Stock market crashes are perfect examples of misdirection; the crowd is directed to fixate on the fear factor and not the opportunity factor. The dumb money always buys close to the top and sells close to the bottom, and the smart money always does the opposite. Tactical Investing Market Update July 6th, 2017

The utilities are in a full bullish mode; they continue to trend higher, and if the alternative Dow theory holds, then it is not possible for the Dow to crash as the utilities would lead the way first.   Therefore a crash appears to be unlikely now, but a correction ranging from mild to strong cannot be ruled out in the future. Market Update June 18, 2017

The Dow appears to have broken through the top of the Channel formation that fell in the 20,800-21,000 ranges. If it closes above 21,300 on a monthly basis then despite the markets being overbought, the Dow could surge past 22K before running into a strong zone of resistance.  Market Update June 18, 2017

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Give the resiliency of this market; the Dow could very easily trade to 22K before it trades to 19KMarket Update July 6, 2017

The markets appear to have gone through a stealth correction over the past few months, several sectors, many of which we covered in this update are trading in the extremely oversold ranges on the monthly charts. This not atypical of an old bull market and implies that the markets might not have to experience a sharp correction.  Tactical Investing Market Update March 26, 2017

The masses are getting agitated, and that is always a bloody good signal as far we are concerned. Market Update Jan 31, 2017

The stock market has surged to new highs proving all the experts wrong and what we repeatedly stated before Trump won has played out perfectly. Market update Nov 30, 2016

Bank stocks and stocks in the transportation sector are rallying strongly; these two areas alone could power the Dow to 21K, thus if other industries kick in with the same strength, it is possible that the Dow could soar much higher. Over the years we have stated over and over again, that this bull market would rise to levels that would stun even the most ardent of bulls. We believe this has occurred, but as sentiment levels are far from euphoric, the markets are likely to continue marching upwards.  Market update Nov 30, 2016

We would like to state that it now appears that the Dow will trade past 20K and could surge well over 25K. However, let’s focus on 20K and 21K for now. Market Update Nov 6, 2016

All the long-term ingredients are almost in place for the Dow to trade to 21,000 over the next 12-18 months.  Hence, in short, we must whether we like it or not view all pullbacks as buying opportunities.  Tactical Investing Market Update August 2, 2016

Our long-term targets have not changed; we still see the Dow trading to 21,000.Market Update Aug 19, 2016

Here is the exact chart predicting Dow 21,000 we sent to our subscribers in August of 2016

People expect the market to crash and hence it won’t. Our trend indicator is positive, and we have not seen a market crash when this indicator is bullish; that’s it. Market Update, June 2, 2016

The odds of a crash are low.  Markets never crash when the crowd is uncertain, and those in the neutral camp are usually the most confused players out there. We would gladly welcome a substantial pullback.  Tactical Investing Market Update July 2, 2016. 

Even in a negative rate environment the dollar could hold up well and end up being one of the strongest looking currencies out there. People expect the market to crash as Market sentiment is rather negative and hence it won’t. Our trend indicator is positive, and we have not seen a market crash when this indicator is bullish; that’s it. Market Update June 2, 2016 

 The more likely outcome is for the dollar to test the 92.80-93.00 ranges before trending higher. If 90 is hit, we will jump up in joy.  Market Update May 17, 2016 


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Oil is still expected to trade to the $50-$55.00 ranges, with a possible overshoot to $60.00 by year-end. The ride up is expected to be volatile. Market Update May 2, 2016 

 We have shown everyone in real-time (not some hypothetical matchup) since July of last year that it pays to drink, celebrate, jump in joy or relax when the masses are panicking and to do the opposite when they are euphoric. Panic is a useless emotion. As usual, the masses lapped all the negative headlines and were left holding an empty can. Remember that the mass mindset is very dangerous when it comes to trading the markets.  Life is short, but if you think like a cow, it’s even shorter. Wake up or walk happily to the slaughterhouse.  Tactical Investing Market Update March 21, 2016

Oil Appears to have bottomed out in February as projected and now that it is trending higher, one of the so-called negative omens has been removed from the market.  Oil is projected to continue trending higher for the rest of the year; this upward move will be interrupted with rapid corrections. In other words, the ride up is not going to be smooth. Interim Update March 14, 2016

Notice that the $30.00 price point level has held on a monthly basis. Oil has not closed below this important level on a monthly basis for two months in a row, and this has to be viewed as a very bullish development. Our overall view is for crude oil to trend higher with the possibility of trading past the  $55.00  rangesMarket Update Feb 29, 2016

After trading as low as $27.56 oil reversed course and headed higher, it is now in a transition phase; moving from a down-trending phase to a bottoming phase.  Oil did not close below $30 on a monthly basis, so the outlook has not changed.  The current bottom has all the signs of a fake bottom, meaning that it is probably a setup for the early bulls.  Oil is likely to test its lows once again before a bottom takes hold.  A bottom could take hold in the month of February. Tactical Investing Market Update Jan 31, 2016

2016 could be a perfect repeat of 2011;  the market sold off strongly, and it looked like the end was near, but turns out that the only people that took a beating were the naysayers proclaiming the world is going to end.    Market Update Jan 16, 2016 

we will stick our necks out even further and state that we expect the Dow to trade to the 18,800-19,000 ranges in 2016; this view will remain valid unless the trend turns negative.  Market update Jan 2, 2016

It felt good to celebrate in the face of panic and brush fear away like a pesky fly.    Always remember, the masters of deception, thrive on fear.  Fear is actually very good if you are not on the receiving end. Once you learn to control this useless emotion, it can help you make a lot of extra money over your lifetime, and it can also help you lead a much better life.  Market Update July 17, 2015

Indeed, the late bulls were skinned alive, and you can still hear their bellows; the bloodletting is not over. The markets (Shanghai Index) will rally for a bit, and then there should be one more down leg, to snap the backs of the semi-strong bulls.  From a long-term perspective, we see nothing to worry about; everything is taking place as envisioned.  The long-term trend is still up.  Wait for some more blood to be spilt on the streets before taking larger bites. Tactical Investing Market Update July 17, 2015

When you think logically and or use old parameters to gauge this market, every single bone in your body probably screams out that this market should crash and burn. That is true, but what is also true is that as nothing is real, logic has no place when it comes to the illusory. Every statistic imaginable has been, is being or will be manipulated to satisfy whatever picture the manipulators want the masses to believe in. The most likely outcome is that the markets will trade higher than anyone expects as long as the trend remains up. Market Update May 31, 2015

We have infinite reasons and then some as to why this market should crash and burn.   However, the only thing that matters today is not what is going to happen, what has happened or what might happen. The man who controls the money supply (in this case woman) is the one that controls the direction of the market.  All the other stuff well it just makes for good chatter.    Overall, these tools are affirming the trend; therefore, all pullbacks must be viewed as buying opportunities.  Market Update Feb 28, 2015

The dollar easily traded past 93.50 and surged to our upper-level targets, when it surged to 95.85 (just a few points shy of 96.00).  As the trend was up we specifically stated that there was nothing stating that the dollar had to pull back and that is why we stated all pullbacks should be treated as buying opportunities.  The weekly trend is still strong so the overall outlook still calls for higher prices.     This means that the euro still has more downside. Tactical Investing Market Update Jan 31, 2015

The weekly trend is still positive, but showing signs of being extremely overbought and thus the current pullback is healthy; the same outlook applies to the monthly trend.   As long as the weekly trend does not change, then all pullbacks have to be viewed as buying opportunities, even though we might personally feel otherwise.   We have support in the 2000-2015 ranges and if that is taken out, the SPX will most likely revisit the lows of Dec 2014.    The last update for Dec 2014, sent out Jan 3, 2015

Note we stated that the Chinese markets were also extremely oversold not too long ago and continued to do this for a while; we were a bit early, but as the saying to the early bird comes the worm to the late bird the bullet.  The Chinese markets started to rally nicely since October of this year and topped out with our markets and should continue to resume their upward trend. One day we see FXI trading past 200 and RSX north of 70.   Market Update Dec 21. 2014

As the weekly trend is still up, and the daily neutral, the markets will/should experience another quick correction. We will not short the markets until the trend turns negative on the long-term time frames (weekly charts).   The trend indicator overrules everything else; thus regardless of the pattern if the trend says something else, we will follow the trend. Tactical Investing Market Update Sept 13, 2014

Dow 21,000 predicted in Aug of 2016

Top in the Gold market predicted in 2011 before Market topped out and broke down. Click here for full details 

The demise of the Japanese Yen also predicted in 2011. Click here for the full scoop 

Multi-Year Dollar Rally Predicted as early as May 2011

Euro Top Precisely  Predicted in May 2011. Click here for the full scoop 

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