Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor
Prostitute Definition: Pope Says its Like Torture
Prostitute Definition; The Pope’s Take
His frank comments came in a question and answer session in Rome with young people from around the world. Blessing Okoedion, a 32-year-old Nigerian who was once a victim of human trafficking, told the Pope she was troubled that many clients of prostitutes on the streets of Rome are Catholics. She said: ‘I ask myself and I ask you, is it possible for a Church that is still too male chauvinist to be able to question itself truthfully about this high demand by clients?’
Francis said that in Italy it was likely that some 90% of male clients of prostitutes are baptised Catholics. He added: ‘I would like to take advantage of this moment to ask forgiveness from you (exploited women) and society for all the Catholics who carry out this criminal act. ‘I think of the disgust these girls must feel when men make them do these things.’
He said: ‘Who does this is a criminal. This is not making love, this is torturing a woman. Let’s not confuse terms. This is criminal, a sick mentality.’ Read more
Pope Attacking People Who Pay For Sex
ROME — Pope Francis asked forgiveness Monday for all Christians who buy sex from women, saying men who frequent prostitutes are criminals with a “sick mentality” who think that women exist to be exploited.
“This isn’t making love. This is torturing a woman. Let’s not confuse the terms,” Francis insisted.
It’s a preparatory meeting for a big synod of bishops in October on helping young people find their vocations in life. Francis has insisted that young adults — Catholic and not — be integral in the process informing the otherwise all-male, celibate and rather old church hierarchy about the future of the church.
“Young people must be taken seriously,” he said.
Francis, who has made the fight against human trafficking and modern-day sex slaves a priority of his pontificate, urged young people to take up the fight against trafficking and forced prostitution.
“This is one of the battles that I ask you young people to do, for the dignity of women,” he said. He said forced prostitution was born of a “sick mentality” that no form of feminism has managed to rid from society, one that thinks that “women are to be exploited.” Read more
Pope Francis used strong words to condemn men
Who pay for sex with prostitutes during a meeting in Vatican City on Monday. Around 300 young people were invited for the meeting ahead of the Synod of Bishops scheduled for October, which this year focuses on youth involvement in the Church as its main theme. In opening the conference, the Pope invited participants to ask questions freely, without fear.
“Who does this is a criminal,” the pontiff replied. He then acted as a so-called Devil’s advocate, asking rhetorically: “But Father, does this mean one can’t make love?” He then firmly replied: “This is not making love, this is torturing a woman. Let’s not confuse terms. This is criminal.” Read more
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