All Brexit options will be bad for Irish economy

All Brexit options will be bad for Irish economy

Editor: Vlad Rothstein | Tactical Investor

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Markets can remain overbought or irrational for much longer than most bears can remain solvent – this is a very irrational market. The Fed is supporting it and openly encouraging the corporate world to commit fraud by borrowing large sums of money (on the cheap). These funds are then used to buy back shares to manipulate EPS. It, however, also can push stock prices higher.  Many experts state that this market can’t trade higher much longer, but they have been saying that for over two years and counting. Take a look at the chart below, and while we do not wish this outcome for the Dow, it cannot be ruled out. Irrational Markets and Foolish

Britain’s departure from the European Union will hit the Irish economy no matter which type of deal is signed between London and Brussels, according to a study published on Tuesday.

Research commissioned by the Irish government compared four possible Brexit outcomes to the status quo scenario of Britain remaining in the EU.

The worst case would see no exit deal being reached and Britain falling back onto World Trade Organisation rules, amounting to a 7 percent hit to Ireland’s GDP by 2030, according to the study.

Such a blow would cost the country’s economy 18 billion euros, with Ireland’s annual growth slashed from 2.2 to 1.7 percent, according to the analysis by consultancy firm Copenhagen Economics.

Britain joining the wider European Economic Area (EEA), often cited as the “Norway model”, would be the best scenario with a 2.8 percent hit to Ireland’s GDP as duty free trade would continue on most products.

“Without a doubt, the study underlines the importance of a satisfactory transition period and exit deal,” said Heather Humphreys, Ireland’s business innovation minister.

“The government is utterly determined to get the best possible deal for the Irish people, negotiating as part of the EU 27 (member countries), and in full support of (the EU’s) chief negotiator, Michel Barnier,” she added.  Full Story

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