Trump’s approval Rating better than Obama’s

Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor

Trump’s approval Rating better than Obama’s

President Donald Trump’s average job approval rating across major polls in the United States this week has surpassed what his predecessor Barack Obama received in the corresponding period eight years ago. An average of eight major polls on Wednesday shows that Trump enjoys an approval rating of 44.3 per cent, according to Real Clear Politics. Eight years ago, on September 18, Obama’s average approval rating was 43.9 per cent, the polling data aggregator said.

The current president’s approval rating is actually at its highest point in two years. Trump’s average approval rating was better than that of Obama’s on all of the first three days of the week. And beginning from September 11, the arrow was moving upward on Trump’s approval rating graph. Real Clear Politics considered the average of eight popularity polls conducted between September 2 and 18. Economist/YouGov, Rasmussen Reports, Politico/Morning Consult, The Hill/HarrisX, Reuters/Ipsos, CNN, NPR/PBS/Marist and ABC News/Washington Post were the pollsters. Approval ratings ranged between 40 per cent and 51 per cent.

As usual, the conservative-leaning Rasmussen Reports poll returned the best result for Trump. It consistently rates him higher than other major polls. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 51 per cent of likely U.S. voters approve of Trump’s job performance. 48 per cent disapprove of the billionaire-turned politician. The latest figures include 36 per cent who “strongly approve” of the job Trump is doing, and 37 per cent who “strongly disapprove. Full Story

Trump’s approval Rating

“No, I think that we’ve handled it really well,” Trump said on Monday. “The American public thinks that we’ve handled it well, if you look at polling data.”

Survey data has been mixed.

Trump has hit his highest approval rating since becoming president – 47%, according to an average of the polls. That’s an increase of nearly 3 points over the last two weeks.

On Trump’s handling of the pandemic, Gallup found 60% of American adults approve. A Fox News poll out Thursday found it lower, at 51%. Reuters/Ipsos and Economist/YouGov polls similarly had it at 49%.

Those are all increases from two weeks ago, when the NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll found 44% approved of his response to the crisis. Full Story


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