Statin scam & Great Cholesterol myth

Statin scam & Great Cholesterol myth

People with higher cholesterol levels live longer

Read that again slowly, and no, it is not a typo.

This fact is not well-known to the general public because it would put a massive dent into a $100 BILLION drug market for statin drugs – drugs that lower your cholesterol. With approximately one out of every four Americans over 50 currently prescribed a statin drug with severe side effects, this is undoubtedly one issue you should investigate. Please don’t take my word on it, nor anybody else’s.

What the Research Says Concerning Cholesterol Levels and Mortality Rates

This is but a sampling of the research on the fact that low cholesterol is dangerous while high cholesterol is beneficial.

Study: Low total cholesterol is associated with high total mortality in patients with coronary heart disease, European Heart Journal, January 1997


The relative risk of non-cardiac death was 2.27 times higher in the low cholesterol group than in the controls (95% CI: 1.49-3.45), whereas the risk of cardiac death was the same in both group’s relative risk of 1.09; 95% CI: 0.76-1.56). Cancer was the most frequent cause of non-cardiac death associated with low total cholesterol. These results in patients with coronary heart disease add weight to previous studies associating low total cholesterol with an increased risk of non-cardiac death.

 Low Serum Cholesterol and Mortality, American Heart Association, June 1994


Falling TC (total cholesterol) level was accompanied by a subsequent increased risk of death caused by some cancers (hemopoietic, esophageal, and prostate), noncardiovascular, noncancer causes (particularly liver disease), and all causes. The risk-factor–adjusted rate of all-cause mortality was 30% higher (relative risk, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.06 to 1.59) among persons with a decline from the middle (180 to 239 mg/dL) to low (<180 mg/dL) TC than in persons remaining at a stable middle level.

Comment: The American Heart Association has known since at least 1994 that low cholesterol is associated with an increased risk of death. Of course, they theorize that the diseases the people died from caused low cholesterol – something this study did not prove (because it cannot – it can only show associations or links). But the AHA does not deny that low cholesterol is associated with increased death.

 Low Serum Cholesterol: Hazardous to Health?, Elaine N. Meilahn, MD, American Heart Association, 1995


Is having deficient cholesterol levels hazardous to health? There is evidence to suggest that it might be.

Continue Reading

You don’t have to buy the book by  Dr Uffe Ravskov, but he goes to illustrate without a doubt how the whole issue of cholesterol is nothing but a scam. We alluded to the nonsense behind the cholesterol hysteria in the past. Everyone at TI, including yours, truly consumes large amounts of eggs, butter, coconut oil, full-fat milk, etc. None of us has even come close to having a heart attack. My grandfather, who had high cholesterol, lived to 93, and my great Grandfather, who also had high cholesterol missed 100 by a few months; he died at 99.6. 

We know two ladies alive; one is 93, and her cholesterol would make most doctors yell, and the second is almost 99, and she too has relatively high cholesterol.  The book does make for a good read.  The medical and nutritional community are out to get you.  They are part of the same deck.  Do not believe all supplements are good, even those usually loaded with allergenic agents. In many cases, the additives the manufacturer adds render a good supplement useless.  If you want a good supplement, ensure it has no junk.

Challenging Conventional Wisdom: Cholesterol, Supplements, and Finding Quality Sources

Want to find the best source of supplements; then this site lists where you can buy the supplements you seek with little to no junk in them.  For example, we have seen VIT D supplements that have Sunflower, safflower or, in some cases, Rapeseed oil, which is the worst out there (also known as Canola); all these oils have one thing in common, they turn rancid very fast. Hence a quality supplement is turned into garbage. Thorne Research makes a good Vitamin D supplement with nothing bad.

 In terms of cooking, Coconut is the best oil one can use. The second would be butter, and the third would be Palm oil.  For salads, pure olive oil is good, but never cook with it, as it has a shallow boiling point and burns and any value it might have had is lost.  Do your research and google the dangers of polyunsaturated fats, which is what all seed-based oils are.

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