Coffee lowers Diabetes Risk According To Research

Coffee lowers Diabetes Risk


Why Drinking Coffee lowers Diabetes Risk?

There’s also compelling research that increasing your coffee intake may actually lower your risk for developing type 2 diabetes. This is good news for those of us who can’t face the day until we get in our cup of java

Researchers at Harvard tracked over 100,000 people for about 20 years. They concentrated on a four-year period. They found that people who increased their coffee intake by over one cup per day had an 11 per cent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

However, people who reduced their coffee intake by one cup per day increased their risk of developing diabetes by 17 per cent. There was no difference in those drinking tea.

It is not clear why coffee has such an impact on developing diabetes. Caffeine may not be responsible. In fact, caffeine has been shown in the short term to increase both glucose and insulin levels.

Another 2004 study looked at a “mid-range” effect on people without diabetes who had been either drinking 1 litre of coffee at day or who abstained for a period of four weeks. At the end of the study, those who consumed more coffee had higher amounts of insulin in their blood. This was the case even when fasting.

If you have type 2 diabetes, the body tries to make more insulin in order to remove sugar from the bloodstream. The “tolerance” effect seen in long-term coffee consumption takes a lot longer than four weeks to develop.

Other health benefits of coffee

There are other health benefits of drinking coffee. According to the Mayo Clinic, past studies tended to not consider other risk factors of the coffee drinkers when performing the study. However, new studies with controlled risk factors show coffee’s other benefits. These include protection against:

  • Parkinson’s disease
  • liver disease (including liver cancer)
  • gout
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • gallstones
  • type 2 diabetes  Full Story

Coffee Could Lower  Risk Of Diabetes

A 2009 study of 40,000 participants noted that consumption of 3 cups of tea or coffee a day lead to a 40% lower risk of type 2 diabetes developing. [21]

A study of healthcare professionals in the US and UK, published in 2014, showed that those that increased their consumption of coffee experienced an 11% decrease in risk of type 2 diabetes over the next 4 years. Full Story

Coffee Consumption and type 2 diabetes

A systematic review with a meta-analysis of 457,922 individuals and 21,897 newly-diagnosed cases of type 2 diabetes from eight different countries showed a statistically significant negative association between coffee consumption and subsequent risk of type 2 diabetes2. The dose-response analysis concluded that every additional cup of coffee, up to 6-8 cups per day, was associated with a 5-10% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Drinking 3-4 cups of coffee per day was associated with an approximate 25% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes, compared to consuming none or less than 2 cups per day.

Additional epidemiological studies and reviews from different countries have also confirmed the inverse association with coffee consumption3-13. Furthermore, a 10-year follow-up study from Greece highlighted the significance of long-term habitual coffee drinking against diabetes onset14. Further dose response studies have also been reported. A 2014 study concluded that participants who increased coffee intake by more than one cup per day over a 4 year period had an 11% lower risk of type 2 diabetes, whilst those who decreased coffee consumption by one cup per day had a 17% greater risk of type 2 diabetes15.

A meta-analysis of prospective studies suggested a 12% reduction in risk of type 2 diabetes for every additional two cups of coffee per day and a 14% reduction for every 200mg increment of caffeine per day. This review also suggested that the effect was stronger for women than men16. A further 2014 systematic review and dose-response analysis also concluded that the risk of diabetes was reduced by, respectively: 8, 15, 21, 25, 29 and 33% for 1-6 cups of coffee per day17.

The effect of certain genetic polymorphisms on associations between coffee intake and type 2 diabetes was considered in a 2016 review, suggesting that the evidence for a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes in coffee drinkers may be limited when taking into account the genetic profile. These findings warrant further investigation23Full Story

Is  Coffee Good or Bad for Type 2 Diabetes?

Research has shown that coffee may lower the risks of a number of conditions including strokes, Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and certain cancers. In fact, coffee may even help boost your cerebral power by enhancing your concentration and memory.[1]

Researchers at the Department of Endocrinology and Internal Medicine at Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark reported that cafestol increases insulin secretion. This excess insulin helped reduce fasting glucose levels and improved insulin sensitivity in mice during their research.[3]

Another study from Dr. João Sérgio Neves and Prof. Davide Carvalho from the University of Porto in Portugal showed that caffeine may decrease the risk of death among women living with diabetes.[4] In fact, the study showed that one cup of coffee per day may cut the death risk by more than half. Full Story

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