
The Pension Nightmare & Ticking Time Bomb

The Pension Nightmare We covered this topic many times in the past, and our overall take was that things would only worsen with the passage of time. First, it was Detroit; now it’s Chicago, and soon it will be a city next to you. The common theme is that the City cannot find adequate ways … Read more

Tactical Investor Investment videos

From time to time we create videos for our viewers.  We have created many videos over the years, as it would be impossible to post the whole list here we are going to provide a small sample of the most pertinent videos.  The videos posted below should prove to be helpful to the novice investor.  … Read more

China’s Middle Class: Investing in a Growing Market

China’s Middle Class: A Force to Reckon Updated March 2023 China is now home to the largest middle-class population in the World and, at the same time, holds the undisputed heavyweight title for having the most billionaires in the world too.  China’s Middle Class has grown at twice the U.S rate, and according to Credit … Read more

Federal Reserve System: Its main objective is Market Manipulation

Federal Reserve System: Fosters Boom & Bust Cycles The weapon of choice is money, and central bankers utilize this weapon merciless to rain misery and death on the unknowing masses. Since Fiat was created, bankers have fed off the misery they have wreaked on humanity.  How do they feed off this misery? They no longer … Read more

Money Saving Challenge: Saving In Challenging Times

Fed’s only option to lower inter Money Saving Challenge Updated Dec 2022  How Can I Save Money When Fed Wants to Lower Rates:  The straightforward and easy-to-understand chart below clearly illustrates why the Fed has no option but to lower interest rates.  Central bankers worldwide have already embraced negative rates, so it is just a … Read more

Proprietary Index: China’s Exceptional Long-Term Prospect

Proprietary Index: China’s Promising Long-Term Outlook Updated Dec 2022 Out of all our proprietary indices (see the image below), this is the only one that has been trading off its highs for a long time. It is dangerously close to testing its lows.  Interestingly enough, the peaks correspond very nicely with the bottoming and topping … Read more

Cheap Alternative energy will replace oil & other Fossil Fuels

In 2030, the gap between capacity that is added by fossil fuels and renewable energy will widen to as much as 400%.  The trend is in, and it appears that oil will have a hard time trading back to the lofty levels of $140.00.  For the next 12 months, oil is not projected to trade … Read more

EV Battery News: Top Companies for Investors

Top EV Battery Companies to Watch Updated March 2023  It’s becoming increasingly clear that the gap between fossil fuels and renewable energy will continue to widen over the next decade. In fact, by 2030, the capacity added by renewable energy could be as much as 400% greater than that added by fossil fuels. As a … Read more

Secondary Insomnia: What It Is, And How To Find Relief

Secondary Insomnia: How prevalent is it in today’s society Insomnia is more prevalent in our society than you may expect. As many as one-third of adults are experiencing it in some form at any given moment. It can also affect children as well as teenagers. Due to its prevalence, it is important that we know … Read more

Fossil fuel’s Death; Electric cars will outsell Fossil powered Cars

Electric cars vs conventional cars Battery prices fell 35% last year and at this pace, the cost of an electric car should be comparable to the cost of the gas-powered car by 2020.  Bloomberg states that by 2040,  long-range electric cars will cost less than $22,000 in today’s dollars. By 2040, electric vehicles could account … Read more