
Saving for retirement: Invest in stocks & retire rich

The single most valuable piece of information anyone can give you when it comes to the markets is to master control of your emotions.  Gaining control does not mean you do not feel the emotion; it simply means that you recognise the emotions of fear and euphoria are useless energy-draining emotions that have no place … Read more

Muslim Migrants unleashed make Sweden Rape Capital of West

  Is Sweden The Rape Capital of West This one chart illustrates just how bad things are in Sweden. This beautiful and easy going nation is being ripped apart with rapes, due to inviting barbarians that have no respect for women or even each other.  The problem is not religion per say but the culture and … Read more

China reform: powering ahead with supply-side reforms

By Tom McGregor, CNTV Commentator China reform; where does it stand The 2016 National People’s Congress (NPC or China’s top legislature) has already convened and Chinese leaders – President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and the State Council (Cabinet) – are calling for sweeping reforms to create better conditions for a prosperous nation and to … Read more

Gold as a safe investment: Stocks To Invest In

Gold As a Safe Investment Updated March 2023 Contrary to popular belief, gold may not be the safe investment it’s often touted. While it may have some value as a hedge against inflation, its historical returns have been lacklustre, and it may not provide the diversification benefits some investors seek. Its price can be subject … Read more

Central Bankers World Wide embrace race to the Bottom

He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away. Raymond Hull [color-box color=”red”] The Fed is stuck in between a hard place and a grenade, given this option, they will choose the hard place as unless you are looking for a one-way to ticket to nowhere you won’t choose the grenade. The … Read more

Mindset The New Psychology Of Success In The Stock Markets

Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success- Do or Die Updated July 2022 The current correction is the only one since 2011 that is real, and it could prove to be a precursor to a more significant upward move. If you recall, in the era, the markets corrected firmly in 1998, it looked like the … Read more

Can China attract foreign talent via green card Program

By Tom McGregor, CNTV Commentator The Green card lure China’s State Council (Cabinet) believes the nation is shifting away from an export-driven market and towards a services-based economy. Accordingly, the country is expected to lean on higher consumption, while Chinese companies are encouraged to invest more in research and development (R&D). Must Read: Fed’s out … Read more

China Corruption Still Running Rampant

China Corruption Still Running Rampant Chinese President Xi Jinping has called corruption the ruling Communist Party’s biggest threat and vowed a “sweeping victory” over the problem. Graft in the world’s second-largest economy has manifested as casino junkets, blow-out banquets and suspected collaboration with stock traders. Stopping it has been a key point for Xi, who got clearance Sunday … Read more

Currency Wars & Negative Rates Equate To Next Global Crisis

Next Global Crisis The “devalue or die” currency wars are picking up steam; Japan’s central bankers are not alone when it comes to taking rates into negative territory. A host of European nations have joined the devalue or die war; imagine having to pay the banks to keep your hard-earned money. The worst being that … Read more