Editor: Vlad Rothstein | Tactical Investor
Economy Under Trump
President Donald Trump on Thursday touted a Quinnipiac University poll showing record-high levels of optimism among Americans concerning the economy.
A combined total of 66 per cent of American voters described “the state of the nation’s economy these days” as “excellent” or “good,” up from the previous high of 63 per cent of voters who said the economy was “excellent” or “good” on December 19.
The poll released found that 40 per cent of voters said Trump was “more responsible for the current state of the economy,” while 49 per cent believed that former President Barack Obama shared more responsibility.
Approximately 37 per cent of voters said they believed Trump’s economic policies are “helping” the U.S. economy, while 29 per cent believed Trump’s policies were “hurting” it. Roughly 30 per cent said his policies “aren’t making much of a difference.”
“President Trump can hang his hat on the economy, but must share the hat rack with President Barack Obama, as two-thirds of the country see the economic picture as excellent or good,” Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll, said in a press release Wednesday. Read more
Economy Under Trump: Majority of Americans are Optimistic
American optimism on the economy is reaching new heights and President Donald Trump’s approval ratings look to be benefiting, at least somewhat.
The CNBC All-American Economic Survey found that for the first time in at least 11 years, more than half of respondents to the survey rated the economy as good or excellent, while a near-record 41 per cent expected the economy to improve in the next year.
“We’re not measuring a marginal change in the economy, we’re measuring a different economy,” said Public Opinion Strategies’ Micah Roberts, the Republican pollster for the survey. The poll of 800 adults across the nation, with a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points, was conducted Dec. 10-13 by that firm and Democratic pollster Hart Research.
The survey found that 42 per cent of Americans expect their wages to rise in the next year, and 41 per cent of homeowners see their home values going up, the highest level recorded since 2007. In 2011, while the country remained in an economic funk from the financial crisis, just 15 per cent of homeowners thought their home prices would rise. Read more
Economy Under Trump: Good Or Just So So
For the first time since President Donald Trump took office, the CNBC All-America Economic Survey shows more than half the public approving his handling of the economy, and it appears to be having some impact on his overall job approval rating.
The president’s economic approval rating surged 6 points to 51 per cent with just 36 per cent of the public disapproving, a 6 point drop from the March Survey. The poll of 800 adults nationwide, with a margin of error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points, was conducted June 16 thru 19 while the controversy over the separation of children from their parents dominated the news. But any impact on the president’s approval rating is difficult to find in the data. A comparison of the polling conducted Saturday and Sunday with Monday and Tuesday, when the story was more prominent, shows little difference despite considerable public outrage.
“People are so locked into their partisan views that it’s really hard to move those approval numbers,’’ said Micah Roberts with Public Opinion Strategies, the Republican pollster for CNBC. The increase in gas prices, now averaging $2.85 a gallon, according to AAA, has had only a modest impact on driving habits with only 28 per cent saying they are driving less now. But in 2007, when CNBC last asked the question, 55 per cent said they were driving less with a national prices average of $3.10 a gallon. Read more
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