Trading Journal: The invaluable tool for traders

Trading Journal

Mastering Your Trades: The Essential Trading Journal Guide

Updated May 31, 2024

 Introduction: Mastering Your Trades: The Essential Trading Journal Guide

In the high-stakes world of trading, where fortunes can be made or lost instantly, the importance of self-awareness and meticulous record-keeping cannot be overstated. Mastering your trades requires understanding market mechanics and a deep dive into the psychology that drives market movements and personal decisions. This is where the essential trading journal comes into play, serving as a critical tool for reflection, learning, and growth.

Mass psychology often dictates market trends, as collective emotions such as fear and greed can drive prices to irrational highs or devastating lows. The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, “Character is destiny.” In trading, the habits and disciplines we cultivate shape our financial outcomes. A trading journal helps traders identify patterns in their behaviour, enabling them to harness their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses.

Thales of Miletus, one of the earliest known philosophers and mathematicians, emphasized the importance of foresight and planning. He famously predicted a bountiful olive harvest and secured all the olive presses in advance, demonstrating strategic thinking and preparation. Similarly, a well-maintained trading journal allows traders to anticipate market movements and plan their trades precisely.

Finally, with his profound insights into balance and harmony, Pythagoras teaches us the importance of equilibrium in all aspects of life, including trading. A trading journal fosters balance by providing a structured approach to analyzing successes and failures, thus promoting a harmonious trading strategy that is resilient to the emotional extremes of the market.

By integrating the wisdom of these ancient thinkers with modern trading practices, “Mastering Your Trades: The Essential Trading Journal Guide” aims to equip traders with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the market. This guide will show you how to use a trading journal effectively to enhance self-awareness, improve decision-making, and ultimately achieve tremendous success in your trading endeavours.

Unleash the power of MP with a Trading Journal.

We will start by listing a series of quotes from recent market updates. If you have not kept a trading journal, then while you read these excerpts, jot down what comes to your mind or try to visualize how you felt during the past few months, especially on down days. The geopolitical landscape has changed forever, and from now on, geopolitics will have at least a 30% impact on market action.

There is going to be no fixed formula that will work in the future. Why? The big players have so much money now that they delight in creating new narratives and generating new outcomes. Market Update December 27, 2021

This does not mean one cannot make money in the markets. Using Mass psychology and Technical analysis, one can still determine optimum moments to go long or short. However, one must understand the difference between bottoming/topping action and timing the top or bottom. Timing the precise bottom or top is an act best reserved for fools.

M.P. is not based on a set formula. Mass Psychology analyses the erratic nature of this creature, otherwise referred to as the human. Human beings are notorious for letting their emotions do the talking. When emotions do the talking, money flies out of one’s pocket and into the pocket of the top players. Instead of fighting the top players, ride on their coattails. Market update January 11, 2022

It appears likely that the market will experience two corrections this year. The first one, which could already be underway, is expected to occur in the 1st quarter. The 2ndone is more likely to occur towards the end of the 3rd quarter to the 4th quarter. Which crash ended the market? Which crash proved to be the end of everything? Ask yourself that question to yourself the next time you panic. Every stock market crash proved to be a tremendous long-term buying opportunity. There is not one person, alive or dead that can prove otherwise. Market update January 11, 2022

The anxiety gauge has moved into the hysteria zone, almost touching the extreme zone of madness; this happened only once in March 2020. Bullish sentiment is at an unheard level of 18. Right now, 82% of participants are either scared or sitting on the sidelines, waiting for a better tomorrow. Market Update January 24, 2022

Investors win while speculators fry.

The difference between an investor and a speculator (though most will deny being speculators) is that speculators monitor their portfolio daily and view 12 months as long-term investing. When the stocks they dreamed of purchasing pull back, they baulk and wait for even lower prices. Their lives are nothing but a never-ending loop of regret. If one examines their results over ten years, these chaps almost always severely underperform the markets. Long-term investing is not based purely on timelines but on trends. If the trend is positive and the masses are in a state of disarray, pullbacks should be embraced. Market Update February 1, 2022

This week’s bearish sentiment hit a new multi-year high. So we have two revolutionary developments taking place within one week. Experts are overreacting to the possibility of minor interest rate hikes, and the market is now trading in the extremely oversold ranges on the weekly charts. Suppose the markets experience another wave of selling next week. In that case, it could push the needle on the anxiety gauge even deeper into the madness zone than it did in 2020. Market update February 1, 2022

While we expect higher volatility this year, we also expect to accumulate many outstanding companies. In 24 months or less, individuals will be shocked at the gains some of these plays will produce. Remember, we got into GOOGL at 1300 and closed a position on a multi-billion dollar company for a profit of 75%. We expect similar opportunities and more over the next 24 months. Market update February 1, 2022

 The Benefits of Keeping a Trading Journal

Keeping a trading journal is an invaluable practice for traders of all levels. It offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance trading performance, emotional resilience, and strategic planning. This subtopic will explore the advantages of maintaining a trading journal supported by expert insights and wisdom from ancient thinkers.

 Enhanced Self-Awareness and Emotional Control

One of the primary benefits of a trading journal is the enhancement of self-awareness. Traders can identify recurring patterns in their behaviour by systematically recording trades, including the rationale behind them and the emotions experienced during the process. This self-awareness is crucial for emotional control and essential for consistent trading success.

Consider a trader who frequently exits trades prematurely due to fear of losses. By reviewing their trading journal, they might notice a pattern of anxiety-driven decisions. Recognizing this, they can develop strategies to manage their emotions, such as setting predefined exit points or using mindfulness techniques to stay calm during market fluctuations.

 Improved Decision-Making and Strategy Refinement

A trading journal serves as a repository of historical data, enabling traders to refine their strategies based on past experiences. By analyzing successful and unsuccessful trades, traders can identify which methods work best under specific market conditions and make informed adjustments to their approach.

Insight from Thales of Miletus:
Thales, known for his strategic foresight, would likely advocate learning from past actions. He once demonstrated his ability to predict future events by monopolizing olive presses before a bountiful harvest. Similarly, a trading journal allows traders to predict future market behaviour by learning from historical data.

A trader notices that long trades perform better in trending markets, while short trades are more successful during market consolidation periods. By documenting these observations in their journal, they can adjust their strategy to focus on long and short trades during uptrends and sideways markets.

 Accountability and Discipline

Maintaining a trading journal fosters accountability and discipline. By committing to record every trade, traders are less likely to deviate from their trading plan or make impulsive decisions. This discipline is crucial for long-term success, ensuring consistency and adherence to a well-defined strategy.

Insight from Pythagoras:
With his emphasis on balance and harmony, Pythagoras would appreciate the disciplined approach that a trading journal encourages. Just as Pythagoras sought harmony in mathematics and music, traders can achieve harmony by maintaining a structured and consistent journal.

Traders who commit to journaling every trade find they are more diligent in following their trading plan. They resist the temptation to chase after quick profits and instead focus on executing their strategy precisely, leading to more consistent and profitable results.

 Learning from Mistakes and Celebrating Successes

A trading journal provides a platform for reflection, allowing traders to learn from their mistakes and celebrate their successes. By documenting both the positive and negative aspects of their trading, traders can gain valuable insights into their strengths and areas for improvement.

Insight from Heraclitus:
Heraclitus, who believed in the constant flux of life, would remind traders that markets are ever-changing and that learning is a continuous process. “The only constant is change,” he might say, encouraging traders to adapt and evolve based on their experiences.

A trader who documents a significant loss in their journal takes the time to analyze what went wrong. They discovered they ignored an essential piece of economic data that influenced the market. By learning from this mistake, they become more diligent in their market analysis, leading to better-informed trades in the future.

Modern trading experts also emphasize the importance of keeping a trading journal. Dr. Van K. Tharp, a renowned trading coach, highlights the role of journaling in developing a trader’s edge. He argues that a trading journal helps traders understand their psychological tendencies and improve their trading systems.

Dr Tharp often cites the case of a trader who discovered through journaling that they consistently made the most profitable trades during the first hour of the trading day. The trader significantly improved their overall performance by focusing their efforts on this period.


keeping a trading journal is an essential tool for successful investors. Today, it remains just as crucial. Imagine being a Tactical Investor subscriber, and while reading the quotes and notes in your journal, you can make detailed cross-references. A trading journal gives you a clear picture of how you feel at any given point, which is invaluable in making informed decisions.

Without a trading journal, it’s easy to fall prey to the mass mindset, which tends to manifest during periods of extreme stress or volatility. You can avoid falling into this trap by keeping track of your emotions and decision-making process. Becoming aware of this process takes practice, but a trading journal can help you develop the necessary discipline.

A trading journal can still be helpful even if you’re not a Tactical Investor subscriber. It provides a historical record of your trades, allowing you to track your progress. Reviewing your past trades allows you to identify patterns and mistakes and adjust your strategy accordingly.



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