German Defence minister Insults Saudia Arabia-Refuses to wear Hijab

German Defence minister Insults Saudia Arabia-Refuses to wear Hijab

German Defence minister Refuses to wear Hijab

Edited by Vladimir Rothstein 

Kudos to the German Defense Minister, Ursula von der Leyen, for taking a stand against the actions of the House of Saud. The stark hypocrisy of these individuals, engaging in activities contrary to Islamic principles such as drinking, fornication, and drug use, while imposing harsh laws, is undeniable. If the stringent punishments they advocate were truly enforced, every prince would likely be either incarcerated or dead. This inconsistency underscores their true objective — to sow division and promote radical Islam, fostering global unrest. Beyond oil, terrorism stands out as one of Saudi Arabia’s significant exports. It is crucial to remain vigilant and address the root causes of such actions to ensure a more stable and secure world.

Germany’s Defense Minister, Ursula von der Leyen, took a bold stance by refusing to wear a traditional head covering during her meeting with Saudi Arabian Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman al Saud. Leyen argued that the right to choose one’s clothing is a fundamental right shared by both men and women. She declined to wear a hijab or an abaya, emphasizing her belief in the freedom of attire choice.

In a statement reported by Das Bild, Leyen expressed her annoyance at the expectation for women to conform to wearing an abaya, asserting her commitment to the principle of free choice in clothing. Social media buzzed with images of Leyen in a crisp dark pantsuit, sans hijab, prompting criticism from some Saudis who deemed her actions deliberate and insulting to Saudi Arabia.

Leyen, however, clarified that she respects the customs and traditions of the country she visits while emphasizing the freedom individuals have in Germany to choose their attire according to personal preferences. Her refusal to conform to traditional dress norms sparks a conversation about the importance of individual choice and cultural sensitivity in diplomatic interactions. Full Story

The author of this story is nothing short of a first-rate jackass. No genuinely normal Muslim nation, apart from the House of Saud, insists on compelling women of any religion to wear a hijab. It’s an imposition that the world is increasingly rejecting, marking the dawn of a new era where nations refuse to bow to such absurd rules. The so-called Wahabi Islam enforced by the House of Saud is deemed the most radical form, deviating significantly from the essence of true Islam. In a recent study, it was suggested that holding the House of Saud accountable could effectively quell radical Islam.

On a broader note, this narrative serves as yet another confirmation that Europe is gearing up to take a firm and dramatic stance against radical Islam. There’s an anticipation that Trump, in the coming months, might make announcements that will not only shock radicals but also earn him admirers in Europe. The author’s use of the term “first-rate jackass” underscores the strong disapproval and contempt for what is seen as oppressive and irrational practices, setting the tone for a narrative that challenges existing norms and predicts significant geopolitical shifts.

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1 comment

Major kangaroo

I dont believe it .