Trumps Paris Climate Pact Withdrawal Triggers Absurd Headlines

Trumps Paris Climate Pact Withdrawal Triggers Absurd Headlines

Media’s Language Choice Reveals Bias Against Trump, Impacting Political Correctness

President Donald Trump announced the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris climate change accord, citing concerns that the deal would allow other countries to mock and laugh at the United States. The Paris agreement, signed by almost 200 countries in 2015, aimed to address the challenge of climate change by limiting global warming to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Trump’s decision was criticised by political and business leaders and environmental organizations, who argued that it would harm the country’s global leadership and the growth of the clean energy industry, among other things. Many world leaders expressed disappointment with the decision, although some mocked Trump, such as French President Emmanuel Macron, who used a variation of Trump’s slogan by saying, “Make our planet great again.”” Full Story

Forget about climate change and focus on the headline; did you ever see a so-called prestigious outlet such as Newsweek use such colourful language when referring to  Bush or Obama? The media has made a very massive strategic error in going after Trump. They have exposed themselves to the world. We are not stating that Trump is innocent, but not a day passes when some event is not blown out of proportion just because it relates to Trump.

What we stated is coming to pass; political correctness is going to the toilet. Everyone is now speaking their mind and usually opts for colourful words when describing their disdain.

Watch these two videos for an alternative view on Global Warming; note that we are providing food for thought and not taking a stance. You process the data and decide what angle to observe the situation from.

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