
Navigating Success: Top Stocks of 2016

Top Stocks of 2016: Uncover Profitable Opportunities Updated Aug 2023 We are going to explore this topic from a historical perspective for two straightforward reasons. Firstly, it vividly illustrates the adage that those who neglect to learn from history are destined to repeat it. Secondly, and perhaps more significantly, it showcases our real-time actions. We … Read more

Seizing Dominance: The Relentless Rise of Mental Warfare

Mastering the Art of Mental Warfare: Strategies for Mental Manipulation Updated Aug 2023 The true essence of power often remains concealed, operating behind the scenes. In addition, there is an ongoing psychological experiment taking place. As we have consistently emphasized, America serves as the testing ground for operations rooted in psychological and chemical warfare. Chemically, … Read more

HUD Fraud: Relentless and Expanding Like the Energizer Bunny

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor HUD Fraud: Unstoppable, Like the Energizer Bunny Updated Aug 2023 The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has been scrutinised for its financial management practices over the past decade. Despite numerous recommendations for improvement, critics argue that HUD’s neglect of these suggestions has rendered its books virtually … Read more

Is The Stock Market Crashing: Separating Signal from Noise

Is the Stock Market Crashing or Just a Blip? Updated Aug 2023 Examining Such Topics Through a Historical Lens There are two compelling reasons to delve into such subjects within a historical context. Firstly, those who draw lessons from history are less likely to repeat past mistakes. Secondly, it allows us to showcase the precise … Read more

Europe Immigration crisis: Europe’s Far Right Rises

  Europe’s Immigration Crisis: Rising Pressures and Political Changes Updated Aug 2023 Surging Sea Arrivals Outpace Relocation Efforts So far, in 2023, over 36,000 migrants have arrived in Europe by sea, nearly double the rate of 2022. Most landed in Italy and Greece, with few other EU states participating in relocation efforts to ease pressure … Read more

Are Anxiety Disorders and Investing Linked?

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Exploring the Connection Between Anxiety Disorders and Investing Update Aug 2023 We will delve into this topic using historical context because history serves as the best teacher. Learning from history helps us avoid repeating mistakes, and it also demonstrates how we at Tactical Investor apply this concept in real-time. … Read more

Greenspan Put: Why the Maestro has it Wrong?

Greenspan Put: Rates Won’t Rise Soon Updated Aug 30, 2023 As we delve into the concept of the Greenspan put, it’s evident that our discussion must be rooted in a historical context. This is due to the fact that Greenspan vacated the position of Fed chairman long ago. Therefore, our focus will primarily center on … Read more

Stock Market Predictions Today: Americans Fear The Market

Stock Market Predictions Today Updated Aug 2023 We are going to discuss this topic against a historical backdrop for two reasons: first, those who learn from history don’t repeat the same mistakes, and second, to illustrate that we practice what we preach.   Why Are Americans Scared Of Investing? The answer to this question is … Read more

Financial Crisis History: Unveiling Opportunities Within

Decoding Financial Crisis History Updated Aug 30, 2023 In the realm of constant worry, the ability to think and focus becomes clouded. If you closely observe the news, you’ll notice that this tactic is frequently employed. It’s a powerful psychological strategy to ensure the masses remain in the dark. It would be best if you … Read more

Financial Insights: Cutting Through the Noise

The Tactical Investor’s Five Minute Financial Insights Project aims to cut through the noise and provide relevant financial data concisely and entertainingly. The project aims to challenge the status quo of sensationalism and gossip that dominates the financial news industry by utilising principles such as mass psychology, contrarian thinking, and technical analysis. The Tactical Investor’s … Read more