It’s not just you – politics is stressing out America’s youth

It's not just you – politics is stressing out America's youth

Editor: Vlad Rothstein | Tactical Investor

 Youth Distress: Coping with the Emotional Toll of the 2016 Presidential Election

The 2016 U.S. presidential election was a difficult time for Americans of all ages and political affiliations. The American Psychological Association released a list of coping strategies to help adults deal with stress just before the election. However, the emotional toll of the election was not limited to adults. Teens and college-aged Americans were exposed to the same headlines and experienced similar stress levels.

A recent survey conducted by a team of researchers across the United States found that a majority of young people aged 14 to 24 experienced physical or emotional distress before and after the 2016 presidential election. The study included 80 participants and revealed that young people across the political spectrum felt the election’s impact, with many struggling to sleep, concentrate, or keep up with schoolwork. Some even expressed fears for their safety and wondered if they needed to wear gas masks to school.

The study sheds light on the need to pay attention to young people’s emotional well-being during political upheaval times. While coping strategies for adults have been available, the study highlights the need for tailored strategies to help young people navigate election-related stress. Read more

The 2016 election stressed out some teens and young adults

The University of Michigan Medical School conducted a study to understand how the 2016 U.S. presidential election affected the emotions of young people. The study involved surveying over 1,000 teenagers and young adults aged between 14 and 24 who live across the United States, using weekly text messages. The questions covered various topics, including sleep, exercise, politics, and gun violence.

In the early stages of the study, when there were only 100 active participants, the researchers asked the young people to share their reactions to the presidential election, with the first survey going out one week before voting day. The researchers followed up with two more surveys, two weeks and four months after Donald Trump won the election. Of the 100 participants, 80 responded to at least one texted survey, and 40 responded to all three. The study found that the election triggered a new level of negative emotions in some teens and young adults, affecting people across the political spectrum.  Read more

How has the presidential election affected young Americans?

The 2016 US presidential election and its aftermath have significantly impacted the emotional and physical well-being of young people across the country. To better understand the experiences of 14 to 24-year-olds during this time, we conducted a qualitative study using open-ended probes sent via text message.

Our findings reveal that most participants reported experiencing emotional stress throughout the election season and its aftermath, with female participants more likely to report negative emotional responses. White participants were also more likely to report negative symptoms pre-election and four months post-election.

These results highlight the lasting effects of political events on the emotional and physical health of young people, particularly for young women. Further research is needed to fully understand the extent of these impacts and develop strategies for supporting youth during times of political turmoil. . Read more

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