Opposing viewpoints: Analysis of Interesting Topics

Opposing viewpoints

Updated Aug, 2023

China puts a new nail in the dollar coffin as it begins direct trade with Singapore.

On October 28, Chinese Vice-Premier Zhang Gaoli announced that China would initiate direct trade with Singapore, using their respective currencies for economic transactions. This development holds great significance as it bypasses the US dollar and challenges its status as the global reserve currency. It also adds another major economy to the growing coalition of Asian and Eurasian nations that aim to reduce US dominance over the global financial system.

Singapore is not just any Asian country; it is ranked among the top three in global GDP per capita. It is recognized as one of the leading domestic and international development economies, with surveys indicating that Singapore is the most accessible place to conduct business.

While Singapore will maintain open trade with nations that use the US dollar for global transactions, this new trade agreement between China, currently the largest economy, and Singapore, the top global development economy, creates a coalition of nations that is significantly larger and stronger than those aligned with the United States and the West. Japan, for instance, has firmly established ties with the US and the Western powers. Full story

Russia and China are divesting away from the dollar, which is why China’s reserves dropped for the first time.  So while the Rouble is taking a hit in the short-term timelines, it will regain its strength in the longer term and watch how fast the dollar drops when most nations start conducting business in other currencies. The speed at which nations abandon the dollar is genuinely remarkable, 10 years ago, this would have been unthinkable; today it is a reality.  Given this trajectory, it’s just a matter of time before the critical point is hit; the crucial point is when 51% of all transactions are conducted in the Yuan.

China splits Asian loyalties with new institutions to compete with World Bank.

Much attention has been focused on Europe and Western countries in the ongoing global struggle for economic supremacy, as economic sanctions in 2014 primarily targeted Russia. However, on October 24, China introduced a new element to this economic Cold War by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with 21 nations to establish the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which will directly compete with the US-dominated World Bank.

The AIIB is a result of collaboration between China and India. It has attracted the participation of nearly two dozen Asian economies that desire to operate independently outside the sphere of Western influence. Interestingly, the only major countries that opted not to join this coalition are aligned with the United States and are likely to have faced pressure from the US to abstain from signing the agreement, thereby maintaining their allegiance to the US dollar and the Western-backed global banking system.  Full story

Yet another move to bypass the US-controlled banking system. In time South Korea will have to join, as will Australia, for China will be the new boss, and just like the US pressures both nations not to join this coalition, China will push in the opposite direction. In the end, the one with the more oversized purse will win. It’s just a matter of when or not If before Australia, Japan, South Korea, etc, are forced to accept the new reality.  Note though the US does not ask for help, it forces the nations it helps to do as it bids; bullies are always taken down.

In the wake of U.S. bombing, Syria asks Russia to join their new Economic Zone

While the United States continues to provide financial support to Syrian rebels and conduct bombing operations under the pretext of fighting against ISIS, on October 24, the Syrian government sought closer economic and military ties with their ally, Russia. They expressed their interest in joining the recently established Eurasian Economic Zone, indicating a desire to enhance trade relations and secure future energy agreements with Eastern nations. The Eurasian Economic Union, formed in May of the same year, aims to establish a free trade union where participating countries can engage in economic transactions and agreements independently of the US dollar or platforms such as SWIFT, which involve fees. This new economic union will also be part of a series of free trade zones along the planned Silk Road highway, a construction project designed to connect Pusan, South Korea, to Great Britain via Central Asia.  Full Story

This deal ensures that Russia will not stop providing support to Syria.  However, the Zionists and Neo-cons will do all they can to attack Russia indirectly.  The assumption will be that Russia will not respond.  However, Putin will most likely deliver a devastating response that will shock these Zionists and neo-cons and allow the world for the first time to see how Russia has been the only nation that has resisted these evil warmongers.

Hungary Tells Banksters To Get The F*&%^ Out Of Their Country 

Hungary is making remarkable history. It has become the first major European country to break free from the grip of the Rothschild-controlled international banking cartels, a feat not seen since Germany in the 1930s. This remarkable development should inspire nationalist patriots worldwide to intensify their fight for liberation from financial oppression. In 2011, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán pledged to hold his socialist predecessors accountable for subjecting the nation to perpetual debt slavery under the influence of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the state of Israel, which caused great discontent among the population and ultimately led to the election of Orbán’s Fidesz party.

According to a report from the German-language website “National Journal,” Orbán has taken further steps to challenge the dominance of these usurers. The popular and nationalist prime minister informed the IMF that Hungary no longer desires or requires their “assistance,” as it serves as a proxy for the Rothschild-owned Federal Reserve Bank. Hungarians will no longer be compelled to pay exorbitant interest rates to private and unaccountable central bankers. Instead, the Hungarian government has reclaimed control over its currency and now issues debt-free money as needed. The results have been remarkable, reminiscent of the economic recovery witnessed in National Socialist Germany.

The Hungarian Ministry of Economics announced that thanks to disciplined budget policies, Hungary repaid the remaining €2.2 billion owed to the IMF on August 12, 2013, well ahead of the March 2014 deadline. Orbán stated, “Hungary enjoys the trust of investors,” referring not to the IMF, the Federal Reserve, or any other entity connected to the Rothschild financial empire. Instead, he spoke of investors contributing to Hungary’s productive economy, generating real economic growth that benefits the Hungarian people. This is not the illusionary prosperity of plutocratic profiteers but the production that creates jobs and improves lives. With Hungary now liberated from the chains of debt servitude, it is unsurprising that the president of the Hungarian central bank, operated by the government for public welfare rather than private gain, has demanded the closure of IMF offices in the country. Following Iceland’s lead, the state attorney general has also pressed charges against the three previous prime ministers for their criminal mishandling of the nation’s debt.

The only remaining step to completely dismantle the power of the banking elites in Hungary would be to establish a barter system for foreign exchange, similar to what existed in National Socialist Germany and is currently practised by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) international economic coalition. If the United States were to follow Hungary’s lead, Americans could also break free from the tyranny of usurers and hope for a return to peaceful prosperity.  Full story

The Rothschilds are one step below scum. Their sole agenda is to cause chaos and disaster, and many others like this group (Bilderberg, etc.).  A very big change is coming; the pace at which these greedy bankers are displaced will be just as shocking as their rise.

Can this be true? Russia kicked out the Rothschilds NWO in 2006

WHEN VLADIMIR PUTIN ASSUMED THE POSITION OF RUSSIA’S PRESIDENT IN 2000, THE COUNTRY WAS FACING BANKRUPTCY. At that time, Russia had a debt of $16.6 billion to the International Monetary Fund, which the Rothschilds controlled, and its foreign debt to the Paris & London Club of Creditors, also influenced by the Rothschilds, exceeded $36 billion. However, Putin capitalized on the global oil price boom by redirecting a portion of the profits from Gazprom, Russia’s largest oil producer, to repay the national debt. The consistent rise in oil prices significantly expedited Russia’s ability to regain financial independence.

By 2006, Putin successfully cleared Russia’s debt to the Rothschilds. The country was no longer financially reliant on Jewish financiers. Consequently, Putin could adopt the campaign slogan for his Russian Unity Party in 2007, which proclaimed Putin’s Plan a path to victory for Russia. This slogan continues to unsettle the New World Order. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/08 .

Yes, it is true. Putin threw every evil Zionist banker out of Russia and then went to throw out corrupt Zionists players who had purchased (more like robbed) many of Russia’s assets when the Soviet Union Collapsed.  However, this clan of warmongers did not anticipate dealing with such a smart man as Putin.  They continue to challenge him, but Putin refuses to relent.

Putin: Obama “Idiot” For Adopting Socialism

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has cautioned the Obama administration against embracing additional socialist policies, asserting that Russian history unequivocally demonstrates its propensity for failure.

Putin stated, “It is evident to any student of history, even at the fourth-grade level, that socialism has proven unsuccessful in every country and throughout every era.” He added, “President Obama and his fellow Democrats are either ignorant or intentionally seeking to undermine their economy.”

Economists argue that Putin’s remarks highlight how global markets have interconnected economic adversaries, necessitating mutual dependence on each other’s financial stability.

A spokesperson for Obama dismissed Putin’s assertion, retorting, “We aim to improve the practice of socialism.”  Full story

I beg your pardon; I thought we were supposed to be capitalists; that’s right, America was once a capitalist nation, but now it’s more like a state-controlled prison.

Top Economists: Iceland Did It Right … And Everyone Else Is Doing It Wrong

Unlike the US and several countries in the eurozone, Iceland allowed its banking system to fail in the global economic downturn. It put the burden on the industry’s creditors rather than taxpayers. The rebound continues to wow officials, including International Monetary Fund chief Christine Lagarde, who recently referred to the Icelandic recovery as “impressive”. And experts continue to reiterate that European officials should look to Iceland for lessons regarding austerity measures and similar issues.

Barry Ritholtz noted last year:

Rather than bailout the banks — Iceland could not have done so even if they wanted to — they guaranteed deposits (the way our FDIC does) and let the normal capitalistic process of failure run its course. They are now much better for it than countries like the US and Ireland, which did not.

Bloomberg pointed out in February 2011:

Unlike other nations, including the U.S. and Ireland, which injected billions of dollars of capital into their financial institutions to keep them afloat, Iceland placed its biggest lenders in receivership. It chose not to protect creditors of the country’s banks, whose assets had ballooned to $209 billion, 11 times the gross domestic product. Full Story

When the financial crisis struck, we openly stated that the best thing to do would be to allow those rotten banks to go bust and pay the price for the chaos they caused. It is the Zionist bankers that pushed for the bailout, and as the government is controlled by a vast number of Zionists  (Zionist/Neocon thieves entirely run the federal reserve), they pushed for the bailout.  If they had let those scoundrels pay the price, America would be in much better shape today.  The money could have been used to upgrade infrastructure, train Americans willing to work to play, and so on.

The money should have been used to help the people, not the thieves who caused this problem.  Instead, the money was given to piranhas, whose only function is to suck the blood out of normal decent, hard-working individuals.  Hungary and Russia have both done away with the Zionist bankers. Putin was highly aggressive in this area, so the Zionist and Neo-Con-controlled media were attacking him. He threw these blood-sucking parasites out and, as a result, cut a large part of their food supply.

He is now getting rid of all the Zionist-controlled media and Zionist oligarchs.  China is another country that has been actively getting rid of these bloodsuckers, which is why it is also under attack. The so-called BS revolution in Hong Kong is part of the Zionist and Neo-con-sponsored agenda to create instability in this area.  All you have to do is follow the money and read a bit, and you will find out that the US media purports to call news worse than sewage; at least, sewage has some potential use (if recycled).

Opposing Viewpoints: Not all Jews are Zionists.

Wendy describes her film as an “interview with Rabbi Weiss, a captivating figure from the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish group known as Neturei Karta, which translates to “Guardians of the City” in the ancient Aramaic language. This group was established in the 1930s, prior to the formation of Israel in 1948, to oppose the emerging ideology of Zionism. Rabbi Weiss, who is based near New York City, provides insights into why his organization believes Zionism contradicts the principles of Judaism. He also shares their prayers for a peaceful dismantling of the Zionist state of Israel.”l. Full Story

Another link explaining why many orthodox Jews are against Zionism  http://www.nkusa.org/AboutUs/Zionism/opposition.cfm

Therefore it would be wrong to state all Jews are Zionist, just like it would be wrong to say all Jews are evil.

Random notes on Investing

When investing, a winning strategy relies on a powerful fusion of mass psychology and technical analysis. Understanding the behaviour of the crowd in the market provides valuable insights into its pulse. Identifying trends becomes relatively straightforward once you grasp the role of market psychology. To take your trading skills to new heights, consider incorporating the fundamental principles of contrarian investing, leveraging crowd wisdom and technical analysis.

Lastly, maintaining a comprehensive trading journal proves invaluable for gaining insights into your mindset and crafting a robust battle plan to tackle any challenges.

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