Examples of Groupthink: Instances of Collective Decision-Making

Examples of Groupthink: A Collective Behavior Specialist’s Perspective

Updated Feb 24, 2024

In mass psychology, the media landscape is a fascinating study of groupthink. This phenomenon, where individuals uncritically conform to prevailing views without considering alternative perspectives, is prevalent in media outlets worldwide. The media, primarily controlled by a small group of individuals, often shapes public perception by selectively presenting information, thereby fostering groupthink.

The media’s role in shaping public perception is a powerful tool. It can subtly guide the narrative on various issues, often sidelining dissenting opinions. This manipulation of information can create a reality that resembles a carefully orchestrated reality show, where the audience’s reactions are manipulated by the information they receive.

Consider the media’s coverage of military engagements. A critical analysis, free from media influence, reveals a pattern: the targeted nations often pose little threat in retaliation. This narrative, however, is rarely questioned due to the prevalence of groupthink.

Groupthink in the media can lead to self-censorship, illusions of invulnerability, and direct pressure to conform. These characteristics can cause individuals to accept viewpoints representing a perceived group consensus, even if they may not believe it to be valid, correct, or optimal. This can lead to an overly optimistic view of situations and a tendency to engage in risk-taking.

The dangers of groupthink are manifold. It can cause people to ignore or reject important information, leading to poor decisions and errors in leadership. These errors can sometimes result in disaster or unethical behaviour because the key decision-makers are unaware of potential risks, and contrarian viewpoints have been silenced.

Breaking free from the constraints of group thinking requires critically evaluating the information presented. Doing so, we can better understand the world around us and make more informed decisions. As a collective behaviour specialist, I urge you to question, analyze, and seek diverse perspectives to counter the effects of groupthink.


The Banking Illusion: Unveiling the Veil of Groupthink

The banking industry, often seen as a bastion of trust and stability, is not immune to the pervasive influence of groupthink. This psychological phenomenon, where the desire for harmony or conformity in a group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome, has historically led to some of the most dramatic financial bubbles and subsequent crashes.

Financial bubbles are a classic manifestation of groupthink in the banking sector. As investors collectively buy into the narrative that certain markets or assets will only appreciate, a self-fulfilling prophecy takes hold, inflating prices beyond sustainable levels. The inevitable burst of these bubbles often leads to widespread financial devastation.

Moreover, the banking elite, or ‘banksters’ as they are sometimes referred to, have been known to manipulate markets and public perception to serve their interests. They can influence government policies and shape public sentiment, using their control over the money supply and media outlets to create a reality that benefits them.

Recent geopolitical tensions, such as those among NATO members, can serve as a distraction orchestrated by larger powers. The promises of aid and displays of unity may be more about maintaining control than genuine support, prompting the contrarian investor to question the true motives behind such actions.

In this complex web, the role of mass psychology cannot be overstated. It is the understanding of these group dynamics that can provide a contrarian investor with the insight to see through the facade and make informed decisions that go against the grain of popular opinion.

The Polarisation Phenomenon: A Chess Player’s Perspective

In the grand chessboard of global politics and economics, polarization is a strategic move, a gambit that can shape the perception of reality for the masses. This is a classic example of groupthink, where individuals are directed to see or hear nothing but what they are guided towards.

Often controlled by those in power, the media create narratives that agitate the populace. As a result, people willingly surrender their freedoms in the name of security. The threat, however, is often a mythical construct, a phantom pawn in the chess game designed to control the masses.

Consider the geopolitical tensions between the West and Russia. The powers that be hope for an attack on a smaller NATO nation to justify further restrictions on freedom. This is a strategic move, a sacrifice of a pawn to gain an advantage in the game. However, the real war is not against a foreign power but against the people of the West.

The pendulum has swung, and the once-free West is becoming a state where freedoms are curtailed, reminiscent of a tightly controlled chess game. The kings and queens, the influential players, manipulate the pawns, the ordinary people, to maintain control over the board.


Examples of Groupthink: Abundant In Politics

Groupthink is prevalent in various sectors of our interconnected global society, including politics, healthcare, and the financial market. This phenomenon occurs when the desire for consensus in decision-making leads to an irrational or dysfunctional outcome, often overriding individual creativity and independent thinking.

In politics, groupthink can lead to policies that favour popular opinion or the status quo over innovative solutions. Decisions made in the political arena often reflect the tendency of groups to align with the dominant viewpoint, even if that viewpoint may be based on incomplete information or fail to consider long-term consequences.

The healthcare market is a prime example of groupthink affecting policy and practice. The collective assumption that healthcare should be treated like any other consumer product ignores that health services are fundamentally different. The ethical implications and the inelastic nature of demand for healthcare necessitate a different approach, yet groupthink can lead to policies that inadequately address these unique aspects.

Financial Market:
Groupthink can result in herd behaviour within the financial market, where investors follow market trends without due diligence. This can inflate bubbles or exacerbate crashes, as seen during the financial crisis 2008. The belief that certain investments are ‘safe bets’ due to widespread acceptance can lead to significant losses when the market corrects itself.

Government Intervention:
Groupthink can also influence how government intervenes in the economy. The consensus may lean towards excessive regulation or laissez-faire policies without considering the nuanced balance required to address market failures and promote efficiency.

Understanding the impact of groupthink is critical in recognizing the manipulation that exists in our society. By acknowledging that many of our beliefs and decisions are shaped by the collective rather than individual analysis, we can begin to challenge the status quo. Reflecting on philosophical works like Plato’s Allegory of the Cave can help illuminate the shadows cast by groupthink, allowing for more informed and independent decision-making.



The Echoes of Consensus: A 400-Year Journey Through Market Groupthink

The Tulip Mania of the 1630s:
In the 17th century, the Dutch were swept up in what is now known as one of the first recorded speculative bubbles. The price of tulip bulbs soared to extraordinary heights, driven by a collective belief in their ever-increasing value. This period of economic frenzy was a classic case of groupthink, where the infectious optimism of the crowd clouded rational judgment. When the bubble burst, it left many investors in financial ruin.

The South Sea Bubble of 1720:
Another early example of groupthink occurred during the South Sea Bubble in Great Britain. The South Sea Company’s shares were hyped based on unrealistic expectations of trade profits from South America. Investors, including Isaac Newton, succumbed to the public frenzy and invested heavily. The subsequent crash served as a cautionary tale of the dangers of herd mentality in the financial markets.

The Wall Street Crash of 1929:
Fast forward to the 20th century; the Roaring Twenties were marked by a booming stock market and widespread belief that the era of prosperity would continue indefinitely. This overconfidence resulted from groupthink, leading to reckless investments and margin buying. The eventual market crash corrected the inflated stock prices and plunged the world into the Great Depression.

The Dot-com Bubble of the Late 1990s:

The advent of the internet led to a surge in investments in technology companies, many of which had questionable business models and no profits. The collective belief in the internet’s transformative power drove stock prices to unsustainable levels. When reality set in, the bubble burst, and the NASDAQ Composite lost nearly 80% of its value, reminding investors that even revolutionary technology is not immune to sound investing principles.

The Housing Market Collapse of 2008:
In the early 2000s, the belief that housing prices could only go up led to a frenzy of buying and lending. Complex financial instruments and a lack of regulatory oversight fueled this groupthink. The bubble burst triggered a global economic crisis, underscoring the perils of widely held but flawed beliefs.

The Cryptocurrency Craze:
In recent years, cryptocurrencies have experienced explosive growth, with Bitcoin leading the charge. The fear of missing out (FOMO) has driven many to invest without fully understanding the technology or the risks. This modern manifestation of groupthink shows that even in the information age, the allure of quick wealth can cloud collective judgment.

From tulips to tech stocks to cryptocurrencies, the markets’ history is dotted with groupthink episodes. These moments remind us that when the chorus of consensus drowns out dissenting voices, the stage is often set for financial folly. As we navigate today’s and tomorrow’s markets, these historical lessons serve as a guide, urging us to question the prevailing wisdom and think independently.


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