EU Immigration Policy is Broken We agree quite wholeheartedly and are surprised it took someone of authority this long to say something more definitive than Merkel it was not a smart idea to open the floodgates of refugees to Europe. “It’s quite simply stupid to open Europe’s doors wide and invite in everyone who wants … Read more
Calamities are of two kinds: misfortune to ourselves, and good fortune to others. Ambrose Bierce [color-box color=”blue”]Student debt is increasing at the rate of almost $3000.00 per second; this is stunning considering that education tour system does not even rank in the top 10 globally; we are ranked 18 out of 20. Worse yet, it … Read more
Europe Migrant Crisis Grandma Merkel is up to her neck in problems and they are not going to get better. The biggest mistake she made was taking in low IQ individuals, who have no chance of fitting in with the mainstream culture. Most of the refugees coming in are not even Syrian; they are … Read more
The Mindset Of A Terrorist In order for ISIS on any other terrorist organization to gain traction it has to have an enemy to point a finger at. This enemy is America and rightly so because we have caused endless amounts of misery in the world. We have started wars we should not have in … Read more
Cracking Down on Corruption: China’s Unyielding Efforts to Combat Graft China has been actively implementing measures to combat corruption within its borders, displaying a determined stance against graft. These efforts have been characterized by a series of significant actions aimed at curbing corruption and improving transparency. One of the key initiatives undertaken by China is … Read more
Trump and Syria. Mission Uncertainty Amidst Oil Field Deployment In Syria, there is an ongoing struggle to clarify the mission of nearly a thousand US troops, primarily positioned near oil fields, following directives from President Donald Trump. Initially, Trump ordered a complete withdrawal of US troops ahead of a Turkish incursion into northeastern Syria, leaving behind … Read more
Gossip News or Real News: That’s The Question Most websites are happy only to recycle gossip news and pass it off as real news. Other sites put very catchy titles to attract eyeballs. Upon reading the article, you are left with a bad taste in your mouth and the uncontrollable urge to strike out at … Read more
Popping the Illusion: Unveiling the Education Bubble One of the critical ingredients for any crisis is greed; there are several more, but the rest don’t matter without greed. Colleges and universities are greedy players; they keep raising the cost of tuition while the actual quality is dropping. The U.S does not even make it to … Read more
Average Student Debt The, key ingredient for any crisis are greed, desperation and a fake sense of need, regardless of the cost of the item that is being sought. Think tulip crisis or mortgage crisis and the student loan market is following the exact same pattern. Hence, the outcome is going to be the same. … Read more
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and this chart is probably worth a lot more. It illustrates how the BLS has been lying through its teeth over the past seven years. Then again anyone with a grain of common sense could figure out that the retarded methodology the BLS employs is bound … Read more