Yellow Journalism On The Rise Gossip is the original name for Fake News, so why is everyone obsessing over this ancient phenomenon Fake news is nothing new; it is being hyped today to divert attention. Whenever much noise is made it is for a reason and the reason or reasons are usually not benign in … Read more
Disinformation and The Fake News Trend The idea is to make it appear that there is a new problem at hand and then offer the masses a solution. The solution is the hidden agenda as you cannot provide a solution if you do not create a problem. The real war taking place all over the … Read more
Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor Random Thoughts Throughout 2016, we stated we did not expect much from Gold, and we stuck to this forecast, even though many experts went out of their way to report that Gold was ready to soar to the Moon or even to the next Galaxy. In fact, since 2011, … Read more
Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor Random Notes If you look at history going all the way back to the Tulip bubble one theme rings out loudly; the experts always claim to know exactly when the market is going to crash. Interestingly these same jackasses had no idea as to when the market would take off, … Read more
Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor[color-box color=”green”] Hillary Clinton States: ‘I Am Ready to Come Out of the Woods’ “I am ready to come out of the woods and to shine a light on what’s already happening around kitchen tables at dinners like this to help draw strength to enable everyone to keep going, that’s the … Read more
VPN’s are leaking Personal Data Many companies state that they will protect you, but when we tested them we found out that many of them purposely leak just enough data out to enable your IP to be detected. Your IP address in a way is like you SS number or credit card number; you have … Read more
SNH (Senior Property Housing Trust) It pays a high dividend of over 8%. It primarily invests in senior housing properties, so its business is relatively stable, unlike commodities-based companies, where the commodity price could soar to the moon or drop down into the pits of hell. The weekly chart indicates the stock is oversold, and … Read more
Apollo Commercial Real Estate Inc: A Good Play This company operates as a real estate investment trust that primarily originates, acquires, invests in and manages commercial first mortgage loans, subordinate financings, commercial mortgage-backed securities, and other commercial real estate-related debt investments in the United States. The current yield stands at lofty 10.4% Like SNH, the … Read more
Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor Turkish minister defies Dutch resistance But despite a planned rally in Rotterdam being cancelled, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is defiant. “I will go to the Netherlands, of course I will,” he told reporters in Ankara on Thursday. “Everybody should know that no such implementations, no such obstacles can stop … Read more
Editor: Vlad Rothstein | Tactical Investor Dutch leader tells Israel to ‘ignore UN Watch this video on YouTube Dutch leader tells Israel to ‘ignore UN and continue building’ Leading Dutch politician Geert Wilders has criticized US President Barack Obama for not vetoing the Security Council resolution against Israel on Friday and advised Israel to ignore … Read more