
Panview Keeping the Zheng He explorer’s spirit alive

By Tom McGregor, CNTV Panview Commentator Nearly all Chinese herald the 15th Century admiral Zheng He, a eunuch, as one of the greatest naval explorers of all time. He led a massive fleet to travel thousands upon thousands of miles, trekking from the Chinese home port of Nanjing to reach far-flung locations in Southeast and … Read more

lowest rates in 5000 years all for nothing

Lowest rates in 5000 years: The insanity continues The figures are truly shocking and stunning, to say the least.  Central bankers World Wide have printed more than $12.3 trillion.  Then we have over $10 trillion worth of bonds with negative yields; this is insane. People are paying for the luxury of purchasing this toxic and … Read more

Crude oil bottom likely to Propel Dow Industrials higher

The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for. Maureen Dowd The chart below clearly illustrates that a relationship exists between crude oil and the Dow.  For most of the 1st half of 2015, oil traded sideways, and the Dow followed suit.  Then, around July of 2015, … Read more

How To Prevent Eye Strain in a Digital World

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Random Thoughts Before The Main Article From a contrarian angle (and not a political point of view) a Trump win could be construed as a positive development; non-contrarians will demand to know why? Mass Psychology clearly states that the masses are always on the wrong side of the equation.  A … Read more

E-Cigarette Smokers Need More Breaks & Vaping Rooms

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor E-Cigarette Smokers Take a look at this random article before we get into the E-cigarette smokers article, it explores some interesting concepts. We posted an excerpt below. Fanaticism is a different emotion from Euphoria; it is a form of madness, and it is hard to analyse an insane person … Read more

The Education System Is Broken

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor The Education System Is Broken   Education problems: Is the System Broken? America’s education system is below that of many third world countries and that is a crying shame as we spend more money on education than any other nation. However, we don’t churn out more geniuses or math … Read more

FHA Implements Mortgage Forgiveness Program

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor FHA Implements Mortgage Forgiveness Program As a result of the massive surge in unemployment due to the Coronavirus pandemic, HUD is coming out with a new mortgage forgiveness program. Effective immediately for borrowers with a financial hardship that makes them unable to pay their mortgage due to the COVID-19 … Read more

Giuliani would have convicted Hillary over emails

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Giuliani would have convicted Hillary Comey stated that while there was evidence of wrongdoing there was not enough evidence to convict Hillary. These were his exact words: “Although there is evidence of potential violations regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring … Read more

Big Tobacco Attacks Vaping Industry

  Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Big Tobacco Attacks Vaping Industry The nation is in the midst of panic that flavoured E-cigarettes are dangerous and big tobacco is going to use this to their advantage. This panic is likely to change the risk perception of electronic cigarettes,” Huang says. He expects e-cig use to … Read more

Hillary Clinton’s Corruption Trumps Trump?

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Chicago Times on Hillary Clinton’s Corruption Since Watergate, “follow the money” has guided major corruption investigations. Both Democrats and Republicans have accepted Kremlin money, including the Clintons and Trump advisors. This suggests Russia sought to influence both sides. Any investigation into Russian interference should track the money that flowed … Read more