
Voices of Brexit: Far-reaching impact on ordinary lives

Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor We cover multiple arrays of topics for one simple reason. The world is interconnected, and it is not only financial factors that drive the markets. Geopolitics is another major driving force behind the markets. Crowd Psychology dictates that if you focus on the tree, you will forget that the tree … Read more

Market Development Robot Market Worth 14.29 Billion USD by 2023

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Market Development & Smart Robots Watch this video on YouTube The global smart robots market is predicted grow due to the their increasing rate of adoption for personal applications such as elderly assistance, robotic pets, pool cleaning, and vacuum cleaning, among others. These robots are presently being designed to … Read more

BAD AI: Top experts warn against malicious use of AI

Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor Bad Ai We discovered that our readers loved the concept of us posting excerpts to other interesting articles. In keeping with that theme, we think you will find the following article to be of interest. We cover a wide array of topics as in today’s world of finance everything … Read more

All Brexit options will be bad for Irish economy

Editor: Vlad Rothstein | Tactical Investor Many readers wrote in stating that they loved the concept of us posting excerpts to other interesting articles. In keeping with that theme, we think the following post could make for a great read. A wide array of topics is covered as we believe that in today’s world of … Read more

New anti-Brexit party launches in Britain

  New anti-Brexit party A new anti-Brexit party was launched in London Monday, lacking any big names but vowing to revitalise the centre-ground of British politics, inspired by French President Emmanuel Macron’s En Marche movement. Renew is one of several new initiatives by pro-European Union campaigners, hoping to capitalise on uncertainty over Brexit to pressure … Read more

U.S. and Russia to Fight Next Cold War Using AI

Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor We discovered that our readers loved the concept of us posting excerpts to other interesting articles. In keeping with that theme, we think you will find the following article to be of interest. We cover a wide array of topics as in today’s world of finance everything is interrelated. … Read more

Millennials Hesitant to Go All-in on Digital Advice

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Millennials Hesitant to Go All-in on Digital Advice Updated Dec 2022 Let’s quickly examine the week’s featured article before delving into the current story. A significant majority of individuals, approximately 90%, now find themselves part of the “polarized equation.” Consequently, manipulating the crowd has become remarkably easy. One can … Read more

Follow this simple chart to become a millionaire

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor How to become a millionaire Watch this video on YouTube If becoming a millionaire is something that’s been on your mind, there’s a helpful chart that reveals what it will take to get there! Financial blogger Lyn Alden published the following chart on her website that shows how much … Read more

Generation Why: The Millennial Struggle to Find Meaning

Generation Why From anxiety to depression to ennui, millennials continue to struggle with mental health issues. Anxiety and depression are by far the most-diagnosed among the college-age generation. But listlessness, boredom and a struggle to find meaning — conditions that do not necessarily fall under mental illness — all contribute to the tide of struggles … Read more

EU presidency urges Britain to ditch Brexit

Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor We cover multiple arrays of topics for one simple reason. The world is interconnected, and it is not only financial factors that drive the markets. Geopolitics is another major driving force behind the markets. Crowd Psychology dictates that if you focus on the tree, you will forget that the tree … Read more