
DACA Deal Trump: Conservative Latinos explain their opposition

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor DACA Deal Trump   Watch this video on YouTube DACA Deal Trump: Why Latinos Oppose DACA Inside the student union at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP), members of the campus College Republicans club are holding their monthly meeting, brainstorming questions for a congressional candidate debate they … Read more

Nigerian Agency Employs Witch Doctors to Fight Human Trafficking

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Witch Doctors to Fight Human Trafficking Watch this video on YouTube The National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons, NAPTIP, has engaged the services of local witch doctors in Benin, Edo State to curb trafficking in persons. According to a report by The Punch newspaper, the Director-General … Read more

Donald Trump Declares Jan 2018 A Month For Tackling Human Trafficking

Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor Tackling Human Trafficking Watch this video on YouTube Human trafficking is a sickening crime at odds with our very humanity. An estimated 25 million people are currently victims of human trafficking for both sex and labour. The Department of Health and Human Services has established a new national training and … Read more

Human trafficking Crimes at all time high says top British Catholic

Human trafficking Crimes Britain’s esteemed Catholic leader delivered a compelling address at a Vatican conference dedicated to combatting human trafficking, highlighting the urgent need for action. Archbishop Vincent Nichols, the revered figurehead of Westminster and esteemed president of the Santa Marta anti-trafficking group, expressed his deep concern, stating that the world is witnessing an unprecedented … Read more

Authorities Free 177 Foreigners Held By Human Trafficking Group

Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor Unveiling the Interconnected Tapestry: Exploring the Intricate Forces Shaping Markets At our core, we embrace a diverse range of topics driven by a fundamental understanding of the world’s interconnected nature. While financial factors undoubtedly exert influence over markets, we acknowledge that geopolitics stands as another powerful driving force. By adopting … Read more

Human Trafficking Is a $150B Industry

Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor We cover multiple arrays of topics for one simple reason. The world is interconnected, and it is not only financial factors that drive the markets. Geopolitics is another major driving force behind the markets. Crowd Psychology dictates that if you focus on the tree, you will forget that the tree … Read more

Dangerous Supplements: Do Not Buy these dietary supplements

Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor Dangerous Supplements I recently interviewed Catherine Price, author of Vitamania: How Vitamins Revolutionized the Way We Think About Food. The book is a habit-altering romp through the seemingly banal topic of vitamins. Price got the idea for her book when her husband asked her the question, “What’s a vitamin?” and … Read more

People Put Engagement Rings Inside Avocados

  Engagement Rings Inside Avocados Watch this video on YouTube If you love avocados just about as much as your partner, you’ll get all the feels for an engagement idea taking off on Instagram after a post by food stylist Colette Dike topped 10K likes last week: using avocado in lieu of a ring box … Read more

Overdose deaths fell in 14 states. In N.J. they surged 35 percent

Overdose deaths are dropping Drug overdose deaths fell last year in 14 states including Washington, according to preliminary data released this month by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The numbers suggest the tide of opioid overdoses is starting to turn in a number of states, mostly in the western United States, driving an … Read more

Hijab Wearing TV Reporter Charts New Path for Muslim-Americans

Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor Hijab Wearing TV Reporter Watch this video on YouTube “I love the way that you can craft a story with TV news,” explains Tahera Rahman, who started her job as a reporter at WHBF in February. “You get to do it in the words of the people themselves.” Those footsteps … Read more