Emotional Manipulation Tactics: Big Money’s favorite Weapon

Emotional Manipulation Tactics: Big Money’s favorite Weapon

Emotional Manipulation Tactics

Updated Dec 2022

How often have you run into services or a service that guarantees they have found the holy grail, and after you lost a ton of money, all you can do is say Holy S**T. Sol Palha

Psychological warfare is not just limited to military tactics; it’s also prevalent in the financial industry. Big players use emotional manipulation tactics to influence investors and make a profit. They create stories and scenarios that elicit reactions from investors instead of focusing on facts. These tactics are used by services that promise to have found the “holy grail” of investing, leaving investors with significant losses.

The mass media is also complicit in psychological warfare by changing how people perceive reality. They influence the angle of observation and, in doing so, create an alternate reality. This phenomenon is reminiscent of Plato’s allegory of the cave, where people see only shadows and not reality.

However, it’s essential to recognize these tactics and not fall victim to them. One way to protect yourself is to focus on the facts and do your research rather than relying on sensationalized stories and scenarios. Investing in ETFs can be a good strategy during the market panic, as they provide diversification and help mitigate risk. By staying informed and making rational decisions, investors can protect themselves from psychological warfare and achieve long-term financial success.



Emotional Manipulation Tactics: Defence Strategies 

The importance of maintaining a level head and examining situations from multiple angles is emphasized in this text. The author warns against wearing one’s emotions on their sleeve and becoming overly attached to one’s beliefs. It is suggested that when tempers rise, it is wise to take a step back and consider the opposing viewpoint.

The media is also highlighted as having an agenda to polarize the population, leading to an increase in polarization globally. The text suggests that bashing the truth in is not a viable solution and may lead to future issues. Instead, it is advised to remain objective and analyze the situation from different perspectives.

Don’t commit yourself to any given camp.

The importance of remaining neutral and avoiding commitment to a particular side in any situation is emphasized in this text. By committing oneself to a specific stance, one’s ability to examine a situation from different angles is reduced, limiting the range of observation. This same principle applies to investing in the stock market, and many investors lose money due to this. The text suggests using all available data and not limiting one’s vision to make informed decisions. The puppet masters in the financial industry use this tactic to their advantage, moving fluidly from one camp to another as the trend changes. Therefore, it’s essential not to wear one’s emotions on their sleeves but instead, examine any situation from at least two angles and move into the centre of neutrality. By doing so, one can avoid getting caught up in the psychological warfare and media polarisation that is rampant in the world today.

  Such limitations do not hamstring the puppet masters; they can easily navigate the sewer of ever-changing opinions.  Sol Palha


Emotional Manipulation Tactics Tip 3: It’s all about hot Money

Hot money will drive everything in the future for the fake bailout package created after the financial crisis of 2008 proved that the masses could be conned into buying anything. The banks that committed the fraud were bailed, but the victims were left to hang dry; nothing will if that’s not proof enough for you.

The financial industry is notorious for using psychological warfare tactics to manipulate investors. This text highlights the importance of not letting emotions cloud our judgment and encourages us to consider situations from different angles. It cautions against blindly committing ourselves to a particular camp and emphasizes using data to make informed decisions.

The growing divide between the rich and poor is also mentioned, with the super-elite controlling most of America while the working class is sold the false promise that hard work pays off. The author argues that the 2008 financial crisis exposed how easily the masses can be deceived into buying anything and that hot money will continue to drive everything in the future.


Emotional Manipulation; the idea is to make people feel helpless

The top players in the financial industry are using psychological tactics to make people feel overwhelmed and helpless, just like the rats in the experiment. The barrage of information and opinions that bombard the average person can be paralyzing, making them feel like they have no control over their financial future.

However, just like rats, people can turn things around and become fighters with a bit of encouragement and support. It’s important not to give up and to seek out the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions about investments and financial planning. Don’t let the overwhelming amount of information make you feel helpless; take charge of your financial future and fight for it.



Resistance is non-existent

The current state of affairs seems to indicate that resistance is almost nonexistent, much like the Borg in the Star Trek series proclaiming that “resistance is futile”. The Bailout and QE programs were implemented with so little resistance that nothing seemed to stand in the way of the bankers from printing trillions, eventually quadrillions of dollars.

The masses have been convinced that FIAT currency is legitimate, and the illusion has been created that every disaster can be fixed with enough money. Hard money is no longer a concept that many believe in, and the Fed has already won the central part of this battle.

Fiat currency will only end when the masses are entirely drained, and no hope is in sight. At that point, there may be rebellion and destruction. However, it could take another 50-100 years for this to happen. In the meantime, it’s essential to focus on the opportunities that arise, such as buying stocks at a fraction of their original price during stock market crashes.

Tactical Investor Update

Keep this in mind; no bull market has ever ended on a note of fear or anxiety. The media has been trying to prove otherwise for several years and has failed miserably. This illustrates that news, in general, should either be treated as trash or viewed through a humorous lens.

As far as the stock market goes, until the Fed changes its stance, all sharp corrections must be viewed as buying opportunities, and backbreaking corrections must be placed in the category of “once-in-a-lifetime events,” provided the trend is positive. That is our job, to inform you whether the trend is positive (Up) or negative (down).”

The world is going to witness a Fed that has decided to make a cocktail of Coke, Heroin, Crack and Meth and take it all in one shot. Imagine what a junkie on this combination of potent drugs is capable of doing, and you will have an idea of where the Fed is heading in the years to come.  Market Update Feb 28, 2019  Forever QE & Stock Market Bull 2019

Hive Mindset Still Gripped By Fear

Throughout history, it won’t fail now. The key is to maintain a long-term perspective and not get caught up in the short-term noise of the market. Volatility can create opportunities, and it’s essential to be prepared to take advantage of them.

Remember, the market is not always rational; emotions can drive it to extremes. It’s essential to have a solid plan in place and stick to it, regardless of what’s happening around you. Don’t let fear or greed drive your decisions; instead, focus on the fundamentals and trust in the power of compounding over time.

Buy when the masses panic and sell when the groups are euphoric; this plan has not failed.

Emotional Manipulation Tactics Overview: Dec 2022

Insiders are taking advantage of the market pullback to purchase shares, and one way to gauge their level of buying is by looking at the sell-to-buy ratio. A ratio of 2.00 is average, but the current ratio is at a mind-boggling 0.35, indicating that insiders are buying shares with great intensity.

Once the panic subsides, we can expect a feeding frenzy in the markets like never before. With zero interest rates, trillions of dollars of federal injections, and other stimulus packages to boost the economy, the markets will soar to unimaginable heights. However, these zero rates will force many individuals with fixed incomes to take risks, as they have significant cash sitting on the sidelines.

Unfortunately, psychological warfare is a commonly employed tactic in the financial industry. Services claiming to have found the holy grail of investing are a perfect example. They create stories and scenarios that elicit a reaction, causing investors to imagine the future riches they will earn rather than focusing on the facts. Mass media is also part of this psychological warfare, as they change the angle of observation and create an alternate reality that fits their narrative.

To combat this, it’s essential not to wear your emotions on your sleeve and examine situations from multiple perspectives. Committing yourself to a single viewpoint reduces your range of observation and limits your ability to use data effectively. Instead, use all the available data to form a more informed opinion. The super-elite control most of America today, while the working class is left with the belief that hard work pays off. Unfortunately, the opposite is often true, and those with the right connections can walk away with millions while hardworking individuals are left struggling.

Random notes On Thievery on Wall Street

A substantial body of research and literature documents how banks and big firms use hot money or easy money to make a profit at the expense of the poor. One way they do this is through inflation, which refers to increased prices of goods and services over time. Inflation can significantly impact people who rely on fixed incomes or have limited savings, as their purchasing power diminishes as prices rise.

Central banks, including the Federal Reserve in the United States, often use monetary policy tools such as lowering interest rates or increasing the money supply to stimulate economic growth. However, these policies can also lead to inflation if not carefully managed. When interest rates are low, it becomes cheaper for banks to borrow money, which they can use to invest in higher-yielding assets such as stocks or real estate. This easy money can drive up the prices of these assets, creating a bubble that eventually bursts, leaving the poor and middle class to bear the brunt of the economic fallout.

Additionally, banks and big firms can manipulate stock prices through various tactics, including insider trading and market manipulation. Insider trading involves the illegal use of confidential information to make profitable trades. Market manipulation involves artificially inflating or deflating the price of a security or asset to benefit the manipulator. These practices can result in enormous profits for banks and big firms, while ordinary investors are left with losses.

Overall, using hot money and easy money by banks and big firms can significantly negatively impact the poor and vulnerable populations, mainly through inflation and stock price manipulation. Regulators and policymakers must address these issues to ensure a fair and equitable financial system.



  1. “The Consequences of Hot Money Inflows in Developing Countries: A Literature Review” by Gabriel Cuadra and Horacio Sapriza. This paper discusses the negative impact of hot money inflows on developing countries and how it can lead to economic instability.
  2. “The Redistributional Consequences of Financial Deregulation” by Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez. This paper argues that financial deregulation can exacerbate economic inequality by allowing the wealthy to earn higher investment returns.
  3. “Hot Money and the Politics of Debt” by Paul Langley. This book explores how hot money has contributed to the rise of debt and financial instability in the global economy.
  4. “The Role of Easy Money in the Housing Bubble and the Global Financial Crisis: Some Evidence and Thoughts” by Richard Koo. This paper discusses how easy money policies contributed to the housing bubble and subsequent financial crisis.
  5. “Financialization, Inequality, and the Great Recession” by Gerald Epstein. This report examines the relationship between financialization, inequality, and the 2008 financial crisis, arguing that financialization has contributed to rising inequality and instability in the global economy.

Articles Illustrating How Wall Street Fleeces the Masses

  1. “The Fed, Interest Rates, and Easy Money: An Updated Primer” by The Balance: https://www.thebalance.com/easy-money-definition-explanation-3305831
  2. “How the Rich Are Using Low Interest Rates to Get Richer” by The New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/15/business/low-interest-rates-wealth-inequality.html
  3. “Easy Money: The Biggest Ponzi Scheme in History” by Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/johnmauldin/2021/09/14/easy-money-the-biggest-ponzi-scheme-in-history/?sh=5cd104a73c7d
  4. “The Dark Side of Cheap Money” by Bloomberg: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-11-11/the-dark-side-of-cheap-money
  5. “The Effects of Monetary Policy on Inequality in the United States” by The Brookings Institution: https://www.brookings.edu/research/the-effects-of-monetary-policy-on-inequality-in-the-united-states/

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