The majority of the sayings posted here are original. Some original sayings were modified or added to create a new expression in the process.
Sayings By Sol Palha: A Guide to Thriving in Life & the Market
When it comes to the Markets, we do not aim for the exact bottom or top, as that is an endeavour best reserved for monkeys. Sol Palha
Mass psychology plays a critical role in nearly every aspect of our lives, from mundane decisions to investing in the markets. Yet, it is widely misunderstood. Sol Palha’s “Sayings to Live By” book illustrates how to harness the power of mass psychology to make better decisions and improve one’s life.
The masses are often on the wrong side of opportunity, seeking comfort in numbers instead of individuality. This leads to their downfall. In contrast, Sol Palha’s approach focuses on being contrarian and putting the first principle of mass psychology to use immediately. He views disasters not as an end, but as a code name for opportunity.
At Tactical Investor, Sol Palha combines the best of mass psychology and technical analysis to create a robust and adaptable stock market timing system. The aim is not to identify the exact top or bottom, but to spot when a market is bottoming or topping. Don’t miss out on this ultimate guide to success, join our mailing list to be notified of the book release.
The Art of Contrarian Thinking with Sayings By Sol Palha
Don’t try to do the right thing just do things the right way.
Repetition is the father of all sins, stupidity is the mother and not knowing when to keep one’s mouth shut is the grandfather of them all.
Life is a journey that has various stops, misery, pain, happiness, joy and love; it’s up to us to decide how long we vacation at each stop.
One man’s madness is another’s sanity. The tricky part is to figure out who is mad and who is sane.
The thought behind every action is what counts the most, even though the action on its own may amount to nothing.
A loss can be viewed as a liability or as an inspiration to recover and gain twice as much.
God helps only those that help themselves, and the devil helps all those that fall in between
Deal with reality if not reality has a cruel and effective way of dealing with you.
Remember only fools claim to be God’s and only God’s make fools.
Think not, want not, and relax a lot.
The leaders represent less than 2% of the population yet take in more than 90% of the profits. Getting to this stage is not easy as it involves changing one’s ingrained modes of behaviour.
Progress and success are not only measured in terms of one’s wealth but in one’s ability to see the world every day with a different set of eyes.
An Intelligent man knows when to keep his mouth shut; a stupid man does not.
If we all knew everything, then life would indeed be meaningless for it is the mistakes we make and the lessons we learn that give our life meaning and value.
Repetition is the father of all sins, stupidity is the mother and not knowing when to keep one’s mouth shut is the grandfather of them all.
To be wise is to be open; to be open is to be knowledgeable; to be knowledgeable is to understand that you actually know nothing.
If you are stupid enough to believe in anything, then I will be smart enough to sell you whatever it is your desire.
The truth may not set you free, but it certainly won’t imprison you like stupidity.
A paralysed body is a painful situation; a paralysed mind is a monumental tragedy
Hope is someone who has a dream but no way of putting it together.
Walk in the path of the light or die in the tracks of darkness
We are what we eat that’s why most of us are so full of crap
Routine day work is the modern day arsenic for the mind
Deaf ears hear nothing and play their own music.
Stupidity knows only the sound of its own voice.
Help yourself progress because there are thousands out there, ready and willing to help you regress
The difference between a successful individual and a failure is discipline and patience
Leave your mark on this world if not it will leave its mark on you.
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