Violent Extremism: Breaking the Cycle: through Educatio

Violent extremism


 Preventing Violent Extremism: Collaborative Efforts and Education

April 2023

Preventing violent extremism is a priority for international organizations like the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Collaborative efforts between governments, practitioners, scholars, and civil society are necessary to develop and implement effective policies and programs prioritising human rights and the rule of law.

The OSCE’s Action Against Terrorism Unit offers tailored support in preventing violent extremism through various resources, including their flagship initiative, Leaders against Intolerance and Violent Extremism (LIVE), which encourages civil society initiatives against violent extremism. Similarly, UNESCO’s collective actions through education, science, culture, communication and information equip learners with the necessary knowledge, values, attitudes, and behaviours to combat violent extremism.

Preventing violent extremism is not merely reacting to violent acts but rather disrupting the radicalization process through dialogue and respect for human rights and the rule of law. Education is a powerful tool to develop learners’ resistance to violent extremism and mitigate the drivers of this phenomenon. By strengthening their commitment to peace and non-violence and addressing hateful and violent narratives, education can help prevent violent extremism.

Collaborative Efforts to Prevent Extremism

Preventing violent extremism requires a collaborative effort. The OSCE’s Action Against Terrorism Unit collaborates with government officials, practitioners, scholars, and civil society to develop and implement effective policies and programs prioritising human rights and the rule of law. They offer tailored resources, including Leaders against Intolerance and Violent Extremism (LIVE), to support the prevention of violent extremism.

Similarly, UNESCO’s collective actions through education, science, culture, communication, and information facilitate preventive efforts that enhance individual, community, and societal resilience. By empowering learners of all ages and backgrounds with the necessary knowledge, values, attitudes, and behaviours to combat violent extremism, UNESCO’s work in education is essential in preventing violent extremism.

Education as a Tool to Prevent Violent Extremism

Preventing violent extremism requires more than just reacting to violent acts. It involves disrupting the radicalization process through dialogue, respect for human rights, and the rule of law. Education is a powerful tool to prevent violent extremism by developing learners’ resistance to it and addressing the factors that contribute to it.

By building a commitment to peace and non-violence and countering hateful and violent narratives, education can help prevent violent extremism. UNESCO’s work in education, science, culture, and communication and information, along with the OSCE’s resources like Leaders against Intolerance and Violent Extremism (LIVE), can equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to prevent violent extremism.

Preventing Violent Extremism Through Education and Collaboration

Preventing violent extremism is a collaborative effort that involves various stakeholders, including governments, practitioners, scholars, and civil society. The OSCE’s Action Against Terrorism Unit and UNESCO work to prevent violent extremism through tailored resources and collective actions in education, science, culture, communication, and information.

Education is a powerful tool to prevent violent extremism by developing learners’ resistance to it and addressing the factors that contribute to it. By building a commitment to peace and non-violence and countering hateful and violent narratives, education can help prevent violent extremism. We can work towards a more peaceful and tolerant world through education and collaboration.


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