Huawei adds Amazon Alexa to flagship phone

Echo APP

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor

Random Musings

The most pessimistic explanation as to why humans seem to be becoming less intelligent is that we have effectively reached our intellectual peak. Between the 1930s and 1980s, the average IQ score in the US rose by three points and in post-war Japan and Denmark, test scores also increased significantly – a trend known as the ‘Flynn effect’. This increase in intelligence was due to improved nutrition and living conditions – as well as better education – says James Flynn of the University of Otago, after whom the effect is named. Worldwide IQ scores dropping but Stupidity rising rapidly

Echo APP is being added to  Huawei China’s Top Smart Phone Maker

The number three global smartphone brand, Huawei announced at this week’s Consumer Electronics Show that its Mate 9 handset would include the personal digital assistant developed by Amazon.

The Mate 9, a large-screen “phablet” marketed as a rival to the big handsets from Apple and Samsung, will be available to US buyers in “early 2017,” the Chinese firm said at the Las Vegas tech show

Amazon is making Alexa available to third parties as it seeks to boost its presence in the consumer electronics field with artificial intelligence and home automation.

Alexa is battling similar services developed by Google, Microsoft and Apple that can be used on a smartphone or home speaker hub.

Huawei, whose US presence is limited mostly through direct-to-consumer sales of unlocked devices, launched the Mate 9 late last year in Europe and other markets, but without Alexa. Full Story

Huawei could rescue Amazon’s Alexa from the smart home

Voice-activated assistants – which use powerful AI engines to deliver detailed, context-aware and personalized answers to users’ questions – are the way in which web giants hope to place themselves at the heart of a user’s whole range of activities, whether they are in their smart home, connected car, at work or on the phone.

Apple Siri kicked off the race, though the company seems to have lost its early momentum in voice interfaces – rapidly taking over from touch/text for many uses. Google Now and Microsoft Cortana added new levels of AI to the digital assistant category, but then Amazon launched its Fire Phone, whose defining technology was the retailer’s own AI-driven assistant, Alexa.

However, the Fire Phone flopped, and it seemed Alexa might have died with it, until the technology reappeared in Amazon’s Echo home hub, which has unexpectedly seized the initiative back from its rivals, leaving Apple and Google to announce hasty moves into the home hub market last year.

Alexa might have given Amazon a boost in controlling the user’s home experience, from content and music choices to housekeeping, but the company was still woefully behind in the mobile space, which is vital if consumers are to interact with cloud and web services in a uniform way, wherever they go. So pushing Alexa into smartphones – third party ones, not Amazon’s own this time – is vital, as is an in-car system. Full Story

No, this video is not about the Echo App, it’s about the Government is controlling your perceptions

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