Ukraine Crisis and CIA Involvement in the Kiev Maidan Massacre?
Updated Dec 2023
Throughout history, the CIA has been involved in numerous covert operations worldwide. The agency has significantly shaped geopolitical events, from overthrowing governments to funding rebel groups.
While the given material sheds light on the CIA’s involvement in covert operations worldwide, it presents a one-sided perspective. To provide a balanced view, we must acknowledge that the US and its allies have not been the sole perpetrators of political instability and regime changes in other nations. Here are some instances where external powers, including Russia and China, have interfered in the domestic politics of different states:
1. Afghanistan: Following the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the US supported anti-Soviet mujahedin rebels through the CIA’s Operation Cyclone. This operation helped topple the Afghan government and contributed to the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.
2. Yugoslavia: During the Balkan Wars of the 1990s, both NATO and Russia intervened militarily in support of their respective factions. NATO bombings of Serbia in 1999 resulted in the forced removal of Slobodan Milosevic from power.
3. Libya: In 2011, a coalition of Western powers, including France, the UK, and the US, launched airstrikes against Muammar Gaddafi’s government in response to allegations of human rights abuses. This intervention ultimately led to Gaddafi’s death and the establishment of a new government.
4. Venezuela: Both Russia and the US have been accused of supporting opposing sides in the ongoing political crisis in Venezuela. Moscow has reportedly provided financial assistance to President Nicolas Maduro, while Washington has recognized opposition leader Juan Guaido as the country’s rightful leader.
Another notable example is the CIA’s involvement in the Iran coup in 1953, which led to the overthrow of the democratically elected Prime Minister, Mohammad Mossadegh. The CIA’s role in the coup was revealed decades later, highlighting the agency’s willingness to meddle in the internal affairs of other countries.
These examples demonstrate that external interference in the domestic politics of other nations is not limited to the actions of the CIA and the US. While the CIA’s involvement in the Ukraine crisis is undoubtedly concerning, it is essential to recognize that other actors have also played a role in shaping global politics. By acknowledging this broader context, we can better understand the complex dynamics in international relations and work toward finding solutions that promote stability and peace.
Allegations of CIA Involvement in the Kiev Maidan Massacre
Now, let’s address the allegations of CIA involvement in the Kyiv Maidan Massacre. While some conspiracy theories suggest that the CIA orchestrated the events of the Kyiv Maidan Massacre, there is a lack of substantial evidence to support these claims. Although it is common for intelligence agencies to support local groups or organizations aligned with their interests, attributing the entire Maidan Massacre to the CIA requires concrete proof. Moreover, during the Maidan protests, prominent members of US officialdom, including from the State Department, Congress, and the Obama administration, were persistently present and publicly urged a showdown with Yanukovych, the constitutionally elected president.
However, the rush to seize Yanukovych’s residence was triggered by snipers who killed some 80 or more protesters and policemen in Maidan Square. It was long said that Yanukovych had sent the snipers, but it has now been virtually proven that the shooters were instead from the neofascist group Right Sector among the protesters on the square. Therefore, while the CIA’s involvement in the Maidan Massacre remains unproven, the role of other actors, such as the Russian government and the neofascist group Right Sector, cannot be ignored. Ultimately, the situation’s complexity demands a nuanced and balanced approach to understanding the events that transpired during the Maidan protests.
However, it is essential to note that these allegations lack substantial evidence. While it is common for intelligence agencies to support local groups or organizations aligned with their interests, attributing the entire Maidan Massacre to the CIA requires concrete proof.
Lack of Concrete Evidence
Despite the claims made by conspiracy theorists, no concrete evidence has emerged to prove the CIA’s involvement in the Maidan Massacre definitively. While it is challenging to disprove conspiracy theories entirely, relying on credible sources and verifiable evidence is essential when examining such claims.
The Ukrainian government investigated the Maidan Massacre, known as the “Heavenly Hundred” case. The research found that the violence was primarily perpetrated by the Ukrainian special police forces and snipers rather than external actors like the CIA.
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Ukraine Crisis: Ukrainian Vs Ukrainian
Since the onset of the Ukraine crisis, the neoconservative lobby in Washington has consistently downplayed the less desirable aspects of the government that assumed power in Kyiv in February. In May, a gathering of Western intellectuals occurred in Kyiv, organised by the New Republic, known as “Ukraine: Thinking Together.” During this five-day conference, Leon Wieseltier, then the literary editor of TNR, expressed his somewhat simplistic yet genuinely heartfelt regret at being born too late to participate in the struggle of Western intellectuals against the Stalinist assault on democracy in Europe, adopting a persona reminiscent of Miniver Cheevy.
One of the conference’s co-organisers, Yale historian Timothy Snyder, proclaimed that “Ukraine represents the contemporary face of Europe. We have now reached a juncture where Ukrainian and European history is deeply intertwined, whether for better or worse.”
Ukraine Crisis Fostered by Authoritarian Government
However, in recent months, the unmistakable evidence of the new authoritarianism taking hold in Kyiv has become harder to ignore. The actions of the Ukrainian government’s new allies have raised concerns to the point where even the Washington establishment may be experiencing some discomfort. In September, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reported that the Ukrainian Defense Ministry was establishing a “Special Service” to eliminate the so-called “Russian 5th column” within the Ukrainian armed forces. Ukrainian Defense Minister Valeriy Heletry stated that the new service would be modelled after the Stalin-era SMERSH, which was responsible for identifying and dealing with enemy agents. It is worth noting that SMERSH, an acronym for “Special Methods of Detecting Spies” in Russian, sent many former Soviet prisoners of war to the Gulag after the war, with estimates exceeding 600,000 individuals.
In October, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko issued a decree designating October 14 as the official “Day of Ukrainian Defenders” to commemorate the anniversary of establishing the wartime UPA, the Ukrainian Insurrectionist Army. Historian Halik Kochanski has documented that the UPA collaborated closely with Poland’s Nazi occupiers, carrying out acts such as the massacre of nearly 10,000 Poles on the night of July 11-12, 1943. Kochanski notes that the UPA’s actions were marked by extreme brutality, as they not only killed their victims but often subjected them to torture or desecration. Despite this well-known history, Poroshenko took to Twitter to declare the UPA soldiers as examples of heroism and patriotism for Ukraine. ” Full Story
Ukraine Crisis and the Russian Bear
In a recent Yahoo USA article, it is evident that some individuals are beginning to awaken to the reality of the situation. The article highlights the duplicitous actions of the United States, particularly Prime Minister Yates, who seems to be endorsing and enabling violent behaviour, allowing extremist elements to gain power in Ukraine.
Reading the article in its entirety prompts one to question the mindset of the politicians back home. Are they determined to engage in a conflict with Russia, the only nation capable of challenging and potentially devastating the United States? Even if it leads to mutual destruction, Russia possesses the weaponry to confront the U.S. effectively. It is crucial to recognize that no nation has successfully defeated Russia in a land war on its territory for over 1000 years.
The Russian mentality is not to initiate conflict, but when pushed to their limits, they respond with force and persistence until the enemy is defeated. Thus, one should not be surprised if, after provoking the bear, the bear retaliates and pursues its adversaries relentlessly. The United States’ strategy of cornering Russia is flawed. This tactic was previously attempted in 2008 when Georgia was used to provoke Russia into a five-day war. However, Georgia attacked Russian troops, not the other way around. As a consequence, Russia retaliated by thoroughly defeating Georgia. Over the past 15 years, Russia has been involved in approximately three wars, and each case, they reacted to threats with a remarkably severe response.
Russia’s Lethal Response and U.S. Puppetry Exposed
During the period from 1999 to 2009, Russia engaged in the Chechen war, an internal conflict involving radical Muslims. In response, Russia heavily bombed the capital city of Chechnya, Grozny, inflicting significant damage. The severity of this punishment effectively reduced the terrorist threat from the region to a mere fraction of its previous magnitude.
Similarly, when Georgia launched an unprovoked attack in 2008, Russia swiftly and decisively responded, demonstrating the insignificance of Georgia’s military forces and dispelling the notion that external assistance would come to Georgia’s aid. The five-day conflict showcased Russia’s ability to retaliate against aggression.
Diving into the Ukraine conflict, it’s vital to underscore the undeniable impact of Western meddling, particularly from the United States. In each instance, Russia’s reactions are framed not as initiation but as responses to orchestrated events. I strongly urge you to meticulously verify the facts, probe into relevant subjects, dissect signed agreements, and scrutinize the sequence of events to shatter the illusion of an accurate narrative. What you’ll uncover is a far cry from the truth.
But let’s not mince words; this isn’t an attempt to portray Russia as faultless—quite the opposite. Russia has undoubtedly engaged in dubious actions. Yet, what’s crucial to emphasize is the consistent pattern of the U.S. playing puppet master—meddling, deceiving, and orchestrating others, in this case, Ukrainians, to carry out their less-than-honorable tasks. A prime example is the abrupt abandonment of Ukraine when the going got tough.
Let’s call it what it is—there’s no “sometimes” regarding U.S. interference; it’s a perpetual state of intervention. The dark reality is that the U.S. doesn’t just walk away when challenges arise; it abandons allies, leaving them in the lurch. The Ukrainians, already grappling with a challenging life, are left to suffer infinitely more casualties of geopolitical games played by those who claim to champion justice.
Originally published on April 8, 2016, and updated in Dec 2023
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