
Trump’s immigration policies will pick up where Obama left off

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Trump’s immigration policies In late May, before the uproar over the Trump administration’s family separations policy had reached fever pitch, several prominent journalists and activists tweeted disturbing photos published in the Arizona Republic from a facility that allegedly housed minors who had been wrenched from their parents. The pictures … Read more

British immigration policy must include integration strategy

Editor: Johnathan Meyers| Tactical Investor British immigration policy Immigrants to Britain must learn English before they arrive or be enrolled in compulsory language classes straightaway, a report released on Thursday has advised the government. The first report from the all-party parliamentary group on social integration makes recommendations for the government’s approach to economic migration. A … Read more

Why can’t I marry the robot I love?

Editor: Vlad Rothstein | Tactical Investor Why can’t I marry the robot I love? Do people have the right to marry the one they love, even if the one they love is a robot? If not, why not? After all, in the words of Lilly from France, who has fallen in love with her robot, “We … Read more

Having sex with a robot: Is This A Growing Trend

  Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor Having Sex With a Robot: Is This Trend Set to Explode — who will soon get more action from robots than each other, experts predicted at a tech conference Monday. The use of sex robots to push buttons between the sheets will be considered “socially normal” in 25 … Read more

Whitelash-Not Exactly-Maybe Not Even Really

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Whitelash The debate over whether racism made Donald Trump president is forcing educated America to grapple with something we are taught is inapplicable when it comes to racism: degree. Typically, the closest we come to acknowledge that racism is not a starkly binary matter is to say that racism … Read more

The Fake War On Fake News; Is It All Part Of The Propaganda Game

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Finland is winning the war on fake news Helsinki, Finland (CNN) – On a recent afternoon in Helsinki, a group of students gathered to hear a lecture on a subject that is far from a staple in most community college curriculums. Standing in front of the classroom at Espoo … Read more

Colbert Unleashes Epic Rant About fakes news & Pizza Gate

  Colbert Unleashes Epic Rant “This is a lie,” he said. “We all know the only people who are trapped in a pizza place are those robots at Chuck E. Cheese’s. I’ve seen Westworld. One day they’re going to rise up and kill us all.” How did this ridiculous conspiracy theory take root? Colbert explained: … Read more

Nightclub Massacre Prompts Questions About Competence of Turkish Security

Editor: Draco Cooper | Tactical Investor   Nightclub Massacre An hour into the new year and shocked first responders were counting bodies in a nightclub on the coast of Istanbul’s Bosphorus. The 39 dead and the dozens wounded had come to celebrate the arrival of 2017 but already, thanks to a lone gunman, this year … Read more

Rosie O’Donnell Calls Trump mentally unstable

Editor: Draco Cooper | Tactical Investor O’Donnell Calls Trump mentally unstable The new year may be off to a fresh start, but actress Rosie O’Donnell is still going at it with her offensive tweets about President-elect Donald Trump. DONALD TRUMP IS MENTALLY UNSTABLE – LESS THAN 3 WEEKS TO STOP HIM AMERICA — ROSIE … Read more

Sexual Assault In India: Minister blames Western Dress For Sex Assaults

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Sexual Assault In India Watch this video on YouTube Sexual Assault In India Is In an Uptrend An Indian minister has come under fire for suggesting the “Western” way women dress was the cause of a series of alleged sex assaults on the streets of Bangalore on New Year’s … Read more