
Europe’s Muslim immigration Problem

Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor[ Europe’s Muslim immigration Problem Some 25 million Muslims live in the 28 Member States of the European Union. The vast majority of these Muslims came seeking work and they were needed as they worked in sectors usually referred to as “difficult, dirty and dangerous”. In the ’80s, they started … Read more

The misunderstood differences between light and darkness

Light and darkness; how to use this Info to improve your trading skills. The process is simple and easy  Light and darkness; how to use this Info to improve your trading skills We are told to walk in the path of light but how about if most people misunderstood this message. Typically light is made … Read more

Britain to trade under WTO rules if Europe rejects Brexit deal

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Different Views Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen will pass through the United States when she visits Latin America next month, the Taiwan Foreign Ministry said on Thursday, angering China which urged the United States to block any such stopover. China is deeply suspicious of Tsai, who it thinks wants to push … Read more

Brexit Could Hit 30K U.K. Finance Jobs

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor BREXIT ‘COULD HIT 30,000 U.K. FINANCE JOBS’ According to a report from Bruegel, a policy shop influential in the EU, Brexit could result in the loss of about 10,000 banking jobs and 18,000 to 20,000 professional jobs in consulting and law, which could move to other EU nations. The … Read more

U.K. Threatens House Of Lords Over Brexit Bill

Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor Random Musings Throughout  2016, we stated we did not expect much from Gold, and we stuck to this forecast, even though many experts went out of their way to report that Gold was ready to soar to the Moon or even to the next Galaxy.  In fact, since 2011, … Read more

Scotland-Holyrood rejects Brexit plan

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Scotland-Holyrood Rejects Brexit plan Scotland’s devolved parliament has rejected UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s plan to leave the EU in a symbolic, non-binding vote. The majority of Scottish voters chose to remain in the EU in last year’s referendum. Scottish First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has consistently advocated for Scotland’s interests … Read more

Scottish Parliament set to vote against Brexit launch bill

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor   EU Withdrawal Bill rejected by Scottish Parliament MSPs have set themselves at odds with Westminster by backing a Scottish government motion that makes clear that Holyrood “does not consent to the EU Withdrawal Bill”. The move could trigger a constitutional crisis, as it would be the first time the UK government has pushed … Read more

At gun show; what Trump’s election means for sales

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Trump Election Shows ‘Democrats Are Good for Gun Sales’ After all, under Barack Obama we witnessed 19 consecutive months of record background checks May 2015 through November 2016. In fact, so many background checks were performed January 1, 2016, through November 30, 2016, that those 11 months alone surpassed previous annual records … Read more

Two Ways Trump Could End Too Big To Fail

Editor: Vlad Rothstein | Tactical Investor Differrent Views Who cares? To which most will respond what, how can you say that? To which the observer will respond, remember the point is to polarise the crowd. The objective here is not to provide real revelations to the masses but to agitate them. When the crowd is … Read more

Low-inflation regime ends

  Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor The Era of Very Low Inflation and Interest Rates May Be Near an End The evidence isn’t definitive. This could be a false dawn, of a type that has happened a couple of times in recent years. But let’s put it this way: If the world economy was coming out of … Read more