
Europe For Europeans According to Dalai Lama

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Europe For Europeans? We thought based on your interests that you would find this article to be interesting before we got into the meat of the topic at hand. The astute investor now has a front-row seat to witness in real-time that the best time to buy stocks is … Read more

Millennials living with Parents: Pros & Cons

  They don’t want to hold onto worthless paper that the Fed can create whenever it so wishes. China could have been paying down debt; another way to put this money to good use, instead of holding it while the U.S continues to inflate the supplies of dollars at a mindboggling rate. Finally,  Money was … Read more

What Retirement Without Savings Looks Like?

Without Savings: Retirement ” Markets are systematically driven by good and bad news. As the media outlets are controlled, one has to assume that all financially related news is purposely hyped up to create a soap opera-like moment.  Forget the news and focus on the trend.  Always remember that misery like stupidity loves company.  We covered … Read more

Western Companies Cheat Africa Out of Billions of Dollars

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Western Companies Cheat Africa Africa was cheated out of US$11bn in 2010 through just one of the tricks used by multinational companies to reduce tax bills, according to new Oxfam report, ‘Africa: Rising for the few.’ This is equivalent to more than six times the amount needed to deliver … Read more

The Rat Race: The American Dream-Work Until You Die

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor The Rat Race Forcing staff to start work before 10 am is making employees ill, exhausted and stressed, an Oxford University researcher has claimed. Before the age of 55, the circadian rhythms of adults are completely out of sync with normal nine-to-five working hours, posing a “serious threat” to … Read more

Is The Bull Market Over? Mass Sentiment States It’s Not

Is The Bull Market Over? This Bull is far from over, in fact, by some measures it still has a long way to go before it collapses from exhaustion. Forever QE The Fed is being overly accommodative; the last rate cut was not necessary, especially with unemployment at historic lows. However, this action has nothing … Read more

Why Global Warming Is A Hoax & How Oil Giants Are Feeling The Heat

Why Global Warming Is A Hoax Consider this article for it might prove to be interesting; a small excerpt is posted below. In the past, when the yield curve inverted, the Fed did not ease up on its aggressive rate-hiking stance. The current Fed has no choice but to lower rates.  So the Fed is … Read more

Mass Media fueling Brexit Fears

Good Money management is Key to success ” Many a naysayer, many of which fall under the newsletter writers camp keep pumping the nonsense that all paper money will cease to exist and that everyone will revert to the gold and silver standard in the not too distant future. First of all, they are about … Read more

Clinton in dead heat with Trump offers sharper contrast

Dead Heat: Hillary vs Trump This is one of the top stories for the week. It could prove to be of interest to you, so we are posting an excerpt of it below, and then we will continue with the main story. We are entering a new paradigm; get used to forever QE, though it … Read more

New DOL overtime rules detrimental to small businesses

New DOL overtime rules How about a great, random article to start the mood before jumping into the topic? Any student of history can spot a pattern that goes back to ancient times; the powers that be knew that the key to controlling the masses was to control the news outlets. In the old days, … Read more