
Getting Even With China

Getting Even With China “China has unleashed this plague on the entire world through their dishonesty and their lack of transparency and corruption,” charges Senator Tom Cotton on Fox News. “Communist China unleashed a viral plague on the world, covered it up, and is now trying to blame the U.S. for the whole thing,” writes Federalist co-founder Sean … Read more

Trump Vents Fury at FBI Raid of His Attorney

Trump Vents Fury at FBI Raid “It’s, frankly, a real disgrace. It’s an attack on our country, in a true sense. It’s an attack on what we all stand for,” Trump said of the raid of his longtime Trump Organization attorney as he met with senior military leaders to discuss a chemical weapons attack in … Read more

Suicide, Depression Risk Increase With Altitude, Study Finds

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor  Depression Risk Increase With Altitude A new review of research, titled “Living High and Feeling Low: Altitude, Suicide, and Depression,” was published in the journal Harvard Review of Psychiatry. The findings suggested when a person’s residence is located in high-altitude areas, they may face an increased risk of suicide and … Read more

FBI raids offices of Trump’s personal lawyer

Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor FBI raids offices of Trump’s personal lawyer This article was rated as the article of the week (change it to month sometimes) by our readers. Let’s take a quick look at it before we move to the main story. As we stated in the last update, the Dow utilities are … Read more

Trump’s Approval Rating Rises according to latest poll

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor US President’s approval rating SOARS DONALD Trump’s approval rating has risen since meeting Russia’s leader Vladimir Putin, according to the latest poll result, with his campaign against what he considers “fake news” fuelling the US President’s popularity. A new survey from NBC-Wall Street Journal revealed the US President’s approval … Read more

Trump’s approval rating remains unchanged after Stormy Daniels’ interview

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Trump’s approval rating remains unchanged A Politico/Morning Consult poll out Wednesday shows little change in President Trump’s approval rating after the “60 Minutes” interview with porn star actress Stormy Daniels. The poll shows Mr. Trump currently has a 42 percent approval rating a 2-point drop from last week’s poll, but within the margin of … Read more

Media Lies About Trump But His Approval Ratings Are Rising

Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor Media Lies About Trump He Is Still Faring Well With a robust U.S. economy, polls show that President Donald Trump’s approval ratings are on the upswing, even as a majority of Americans still disapprove of his 14-month White House tenure. A pair of polls this week — by CNN … Read more

Donald Trump’s rising popularity only confounding to elites

Editor: Vlad Rothstein | Tactical Investor Donald Trump’s rising popularity President Donald Trump’s approval numbers have just jumped, and according to newly released Associated Press and CNN polls, he’s up 7 percentage points from last month. And it’s not that difficult to see why. This is the direct fallout of positive White House economic moves coupled … Read more

Trump Impeachment Odds: Fewer Americans Seek Impeachment

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Trump Impeachment Odds Continue Dropping The billionaire Tom Steyer thinks so. He stars in TV ads calling for impeachment and has set up a “Need to Impeach” campaign to build national support for removing the president. The House minority leader, Nancy Pelosi, doesn’t think so. She says talking about … Read more

Pink-haired whistleblower at heart of Facebook scandal

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Instantly recognisable with his pink hair and nose ring, Christopher Wylie claims to have helped create data analysis company Cambridge Analytica before turning whistleblower and becoming “the face” of the crisis engulfing Facebook. Carole Cadwalladr, the Guardian journalist who worked with Wylie for a year on the story, described … Read more