The American Dream: Unveiling the American Nightmare

american dream

The American Dream Is Just That, Nothing But A Dream

Updated March 2023

The term “American Dream” has been deeply ingrained in our society, often used as a beacon of hope and prosperity. However, the stark reality that many face today paints a different picture. The dream, it seems, is more of a mirage, a tantalizing illusion that keeps moving further away the more we try to reach it.

The American Dream – A Struggle for Survival

The struggle for survival is not what the American Dream was meant to represent. Yet, survival is the harsh reality for the 76% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck. The nightmare of financial insecurity has replaced the dream of owning a home, having a stable job, and providing for one’s family. The American Dream, in this context, seems more like a cruel joke than a reachable goal.

 The American Dream – A Reality Check

The American Dream was supposed to be a testament to the land of opportunity, where hard work and determination would lead to success. However, the current economic landscape has turned this dream into a daunting challenge. The dream has become a reality check, a stark reminder of the widening wealth gap and the increasing difficulty in achieving financial stability.

The American Dream – A Fading Mirage

The American Dream, once a symbol of hope and prosperity, now seems like a fading mirage in the desert of economic hardship. The dream is becoming increasingly elusive, with many questioning its existence. The term “American Dream” may indeed be more fitting as a dream, an idealistic vision that is far removed from the reality many Americans face.

The American Dream – A Dream or a Nightmare?

The American Dream, for many, has turned into the American Nightmare. The harsh reality of economic struggle has replaced the dream of prosperity and success. The dream, it seems, is just that – a dream. While beautiful in theory, it’s a concept that is increasingly difficult to achieve in practice. The American Dream, it appears, is more of a dream than a reality for many Americans today.

Financial Precarity: Alarming Savings Trends Among Americans

A recent article by John Csiszar on March 6, 2023, sheds light on the financial reality faced by a significant portion of Americans. The piece reveals that a substantial majority of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Even more striking is the fact that nearly 50% of surveyed individuals possess less than $500 in savings, and around 18% have no savings at all. These revelations stem from a GOBankingRates survey involving over 1,000 adult Americans, focused on current financial concerns.

This meagre savings cushion places many respondents vulnerable, leaving them susceptible to falling into debt in case of minor emergencies. Notably, the article delves into key findings from the survey, highlighting that the 45-to-54 age group is most significantly impacted by having insufficient savings, with a staggering 58% falling into the sub-$500 category. While 39% of 18- to 24-year-olds also have inadequate savings, the figures remain lower in comparison.

The piece further underscores the anxiety surrounding future job security, with nearly one-third of respondents expressing concerns about potential layoffs. Housing affordability and general bill payments emerged as the primary financial worries, with many participants indicating a substantial increase in utility bills over the past year. The article offers recommendations for those facing similar financial challenges to enhance personal economic well-being.

The American Dream – The Decline of Homeownership

The concept of the American Dream has always been closely tied to homeownership. The idea of owning a home, a place to call your own, has been a cornerstone of this dream. However, recent statistics reveal a troubling trend. The U.S. homeownership rate has fallen to its lowest point since 1965, a clear indication that the dream is becoming increasingly elusive for many.

In the second quarter, the homeownership rate was reported to be 62.9%, a significant decrease from the previous quarter’s 63.5%. This decline is not a sudden occurrence but rather a steady downward trend that has been ongoing for more than 50 years. The dream of homeownership, once a reachable goal for many Americans, is now out of reach for a growing number of people.

Rising house prices are a major contributing factor to this decline. As prices continue to soar, many renters find themselves unable to make the leap to homeownership. The dream of owning a home is becoming more of a luxury than a standard milestone in the American Dream.

This decline in homeownership is more than just a statistic. It’s a reflection of the growing economic disparity in the country and a stark reminder of the fading American Dream. The dream of homeownership, once a symbol of stability and success, is now a distant reality for many, further emphasizing the gap between the dream and the reality of the American Dream.

Redefining Homeownership: Unveiling the Financial Realities

The notion of owning a house is often heralded as the quintessential American dream, yet the stark truth might lead us to rename it the American nightmare. The decision to own a home becomes prudent only when accompanied by the ability to furnish a down payment of at least 20% of the total cost. While this requirement isn’t obligatory, it is crucial to position oneself in a financial state that can accommodate such an investment. Furthermore, having sufficient reserves to cover a minimum of 12 months’ worth of mortgage payments becomes imperative, offering a safety net should one face unexpected job loss.

Considering an alternative perspective, channelling the funds that would otherwise be lost to interest into more lucrative market ventures or higher-yield investments presents a viable strategy. Strikingly, roughly 90% of monthly payments primarily contributed to interest payments during the initial decade of homeownership. This proportion can escalate even further, soaring to approximately 95% within the first three years.

In essence, this paradigm shift challenges the conventional view of homeownership. Rather than an automatic aspiration, it should be a calculated step into the housing market, underpinned by robust financial preparedness and a comprehensive understanding of the investment’s long-term implications.

Unveiling Challenges of the American Dream

In numerous cases, the surprise comes not during the initial stages of purchasing health plans, but rather when individuals face illness: exorbitant deductibles that render the newly insured almost as vulnerable as they were before obtaining coverage. David R. Reines, a 60-year-old from Jefferson Township, N.J., exemplifies this struggle. With an annual deductible of $3,000, he finds accessing medical care nearly impossible despite having insurance. His situation echoes that of many, shedding light on a pervasive issue.

An investigation by The New York Times reveals a concerning trend. Over half of the plans available through, the federal online marketplace, in numerous states come with $3,000 or more deductibles. This phenomenon is triggering apprehension among Democrats and some Republican critics of the health law. These critics, who once advocated for high-deductible health plans under the premise that consumers would become more financially aware if they had a more substantial stake, are now grappling with the implications of these burdensome deductibles. This dynamic underscores the complex interplay between healthcare access, insurance affordability, and pursuing the American dream.


This underlies our consistent mantra: Live 1-2 standards below your means, and if possible, aim for three. The surplus funds, often squandered on unnecessary possessions to impress those we don’t truly value, can instead fuel future investments. This capital, initially destined for wasteful expenditure, can even be ventured speculatively. Ditch competing with the Joneses, as they embody mass conformity, unable to discern between needs and wants. Regrettably, they’re mere pawns, susceptible to manipulation by higher echelons.

Our nation’s dominant position has been purchased with borrowed wealth, lavished on needless extravagance. This colossal sum could have revitalized our infrastructure, rekindling America’s greatness. Yet, it’s been squandered on futile conflicts we’re destined to lose, ultimately dismantling the vital middle class—the very foundation of the American dream. Regrettably, the American dream has faded; all that remains is the American nightmare.

Dominance in Violence and Armament: Unveiling the United States Global Position

Random data that proves America is exporting the American Nightmare

Indeed, when the subject is violence and the preparations associated with it, the United States undoubtedly claims the top spot. As of 2013, as outlined in a Stockholm International Peace Research Institute report, the U.S. government was responsible for an astonishing 37% of global military expenditures, a considerable lead over all other nations. (China and Russia, the nearest contenders, accounted for 11% and 5% respectively.) Notably, during the period from 2004 to 2013, the United States held the prestigious title of being the world’s primary arms exporter. Furthermore, given the uninterrupted series of wars and military interventions by the U.S. government since 1941, it’s plausible that it holds supremacy in terms of international violence compared to its rivals.

This pattern is mirrored domestically, where the United States boasts the highest number of guns and gun-related fatalities across all nations. A late 2013 study revealed that the United States possessed a staggering 88 firearms for every 100 individuals and 40 gun-related deaths per 400,000 people. These figures outpaced those of the 27 economically developed countries examined. In stark contrast, Britain reported a mere six guns per 100 people and a solitary gun-related death per 400,000 individuals. However, it’s important to note that the United States doesn’t hold the top position in numerous other spheres. Full Story  

The U.S. is broke and can conduct operations of chaos and destabilization only because the USD is the world’s reserve currency.  Thus, unlike any other nation, the U.S prints extra money whenever the need arises and has no one to answer to.  This is why the Debt has soared to such a mind-boggling rate over the past 15 years and shows no signs of letting up.

Unveiling US Support for Authoritarian Regimes: Challenging the Democracy Narrative

The United States ostensibly champions freedom and democracy, but the reality paints a starkly different picture. It appears to favour drug lords and arms dealers, murderous figures, and fascist governments. A glimpse into recent events highlights this contradictory stance:

Maidan in Kiev

What began as a peaceful protest took a violent turn once the U.S. stepped in. John McCain’s intervention in Kiev escalated the situation, and the U.S. openly admitted investing over $5 billion in efforts to influence regime change. This raises questions about our audacity in dictating another nation’s leadership while grappling with rampant corruption within our own elected officials.


Once again, the U.S. chose to overthrow a democratically elected leader, empowering supposed moderate rebels who proved to be ruthless criminals, inflicting harm upon innocent Syrians. Our interference contributed to the refugee crisis in Europe, further complicated by the infiltration of potential terrorists among the displaced population.


In Egypt, the U.S. played a role in aiding the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood. However, their brief reign ended with a military coup, thwarting America’s plans and revealing the situation’s complexity.


The subsequent article methodically outlines the U.S.’s involvement with 35 nations actively undermining freedom of speech and democracy. Shielded by protection from institutions like the State Department and the CIA, U.S. allies have perpetrated atrocities ranging from murder and torture to coups and genocide. The consequences of this carnage traced back to the highest echelons of American power. Historian Gabriel Kolko’s assertion that the notion of an “honest puppet” remains an unresolved contradiction for Washington echoes through history. The article provides a concise historical guide, revealing the consistent failure.


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