Nearly Half of Millennials Don’t Want Monogamy

Study-Nearly Half of Millennials Don't Want Monogamy

Nearly Half of Millennials Don’t Want Monogamy

So, instead of discussing this topic  (millennials and monogamy), we are going to put two videos that will cover all the angles in a more informative manner. However, in the interim, you might find this story to be of great value

As this update is coming on the back of a very recent update, there is not much to be said other than the money on the sidelines continues to grow, politicians continue to behave like morons and individuals continue to wear their emotions on their sleeves. Educated individuals have now descended to the level of apes, possibly even lower and unless you watch the show from a distance you risk being drawn in.   So let’s examine a host of random topics today

So according to the specialists at Lipper, investors panicked and pulled out over $40 billion from equity funds over the past few weeks. This is one of the largest drawdowns since 2016 and we all know how well the masses fared after that wise decision. Now add this data to what we have presented over the past three weeks and as the trend is showing no signs of weakening, its means if the market pulls back you should jump up with the joy and buy; if there is a very strong correction, back the truck up. Will Impeachment Hearings Derail This Bull

Half of Millennials Don’t Want Monogamy

This dude has some interesting thoughts on monogamy



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