British MPs Demand Trump Dossier Inquiry
British lawmakers are demanding an inquiry into what role, if any, British security agencies played in the handling of the controversial Trump intelligence dossier prepared by a former member of the country’s secret services.
Fears are mounting in London that the lurid allegations contained in the 35-page dossier about Republican U.S. President-elect Donald Trump could impact relations between Britain and the United States.
Lawmakers say the British parliament’s intelligence oversight committee should launch an inquiry into whether the intelligence services and government ministers, including Prime Minister Theresa May, saw the document prepared by Christopher Steele, a former member of Britain’s foreign intelligence service, MI6.
And they want to know if the government evaluated the dossier, which includes tawdry and compromising information that could have been used to discredit Trump, if accurate, before passing it on to the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Steele, the co-owner of a London-based private intelligence firm, was retained during the U.S. presidential race by political opponents of Trump to investigate the billionaire’s ties with Russia. British government officials have confirmed to VOA that the former MI6 agent spoke to British intelligence officials about his probe and sought the agency’s clearance, as a matter of courtesy, before supplying the FBI with his findings and meeting with U.S. law enforcement personnel to discuss them. Full Story
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