
Companies Buying Back Stock Binge Keeping Stock Market Bull Alive

Companies Buying Back Stock Binge This is a video article of the article titled 50 Trillion in Cash illustrates Mass Anxiety-Dow Industrials will soar not Crash. We are doing as a result of the increased number of requests from our readers for video-based articles.  A small excerpt of the article is provided below which is followed … Read more

Introduction to Stock Market Trends and Fake News

Intro To Stock Market Trends A new trend can begin that is based on fake news or false data to create the illusion all is well. Remember that the truth or lies are just a matter of perception. One person will swear that he is telling the truth, while another will swear that he is … Read more

Bull Stocks Today: Stock Market fools-Market Crash next video?

Bull Stocks Today This is a video of the article titled Stock Market Bulls,  Stock Market Bulls, Stock Market fools-Market Crash next or is this just an Illusion of which a small excerpt is provided below. Since the markets bottomed in 2009, one naysayer after another has penned many an obituary for this market. Alas, all those … Read more

Feds Interest Rate Stance equates to Nonsense-Video article

Feds Interest Rate Stance: Nothing But Hot Air This is a video version of the article titled “Feds Interest Rate stance equates to Rubbish-Economic Recovery is Illusory,” which includes an excerpt provided below. Many of our readers have requested video articles, so from now on, we will provide all new articles in text or video … Read more

Why Invest in Gold: Fly or Fall?

Why Invest in Gold: Breakout Or Breakdown Updated March 2023 Gold experts have been making proclamations of a gold breakout since the beginning of time, yet most of them are no longer with us. While these experts love to talk, their predictions hardly ever come true. Looking at the Gold Market Price, it’s evident that … Read more

French presidential election 2017-Macron or Le Pen?

Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor Emmanuel Macron Won but is now hated; Continue Reading Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will fight for the French presidency after the country’s two main parties crashed out of the first round for the first time since the founding of the Fifth Republic in 1958. Conservative François Fillon, dubbed … Read more

UK economy resilient at end of 2016-manufacturing jumps

Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor UK economy resilient Watch this video on YouTube Britain’s economy remained resilient at the end of last year according to the latest official figures despite the surprise vote in June to leave the European Union. However 2017 looks likely to be more difficult. Manufacturing output jumped by 2.1 percent … Read more

Jim Rogers-Prepare For The Worst Economic Problems In Your Lifetime

Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor The Worst Economic Problems In Your Lifetime Rogers said: “Get prepared because we are going to have the worst economic problems we have had in your lifetime or my lifetime and when that happens a lot of people are going to disappear. “In 2008 Bear Stearns disappeared, Bear Stearns had … Read more

Political Correctness Is Still A Scourge

  Editor: Vlad Rothstein | Tactical Investor Political Correctness Is Still A Scourge These days, in Blighty at least, the term ‘political correctness’ is generally scoffed at by all sane individuals albeit with a certain concern. Yes, it is stupid and yes, it has no place in a sane civilised society but, sadly, it appears … Read more

Top Firms Get Richer In Otherwise Poor Year For The Legal Industry

Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor Top Firms Get Richer In Otherwise Poor Year For The Legal Industry On the other hand, like a lot of 2016, the year is best measured by your point of view. If you’re a fan of anyone from Bowie to Gene Wilder to Princess Leia or a typical member … Read more