Turki al-Hamad: Religion Nourishes the Soul, but Excess is Poison

Turki al-Hamad: Religion Nourishes the Soul, but Excess is Poison

Edited by Vlad Rothstein 

Religion Nourishes the Soul, but Excess is Poison

Updated Sept 2023

Religion, in moderation, nourishes the soul, but excess becomes a poisonous force. Turki al-Hamad, a Saudi political dissident, has consistently raised this argument, emphasizing the perils of religious extremism fostered by the Saudi monarchy. In a chilling TV interview, al-Hamad starkly pointed out that the religious fervour promoted by the Saudi regime catalyzes groups like ISIS. He noted the disturbing sight of ISIS volunteers in Syria tearing up their Saudi passports, highlighting the urgent need to eradicate the roots of extremist ideology to curb such violence.

Fast forward to September 2023, and the dark tone persists. Al-Hamad’s words gain resonance in the aftermath of the November 2015 Paris attacks. Scholar Yousaf Butt reinforces the ominous reality, stressing that the epicentre of Islamic extremism, legitimizing violent acts, lies in the fanatical ‘Wahhabi’ strain of Islam rooted in Saudi Arabia. Butt’s warning echoes loudly, asserting that to quell and eliminate such extremism, the world must confront this primary host and facilitator.

The haunting connection between religious extremism and acts of terror continues to cast a shadow over global affairs, demanding a relentless examination of the roots that feed and sustain this dark ideology.

Highlighting the diversity within the Muslim community, there are numerous Muslims who strongly oppose the actions of ISIS and criticize the policies of the Saudi government. To illustrate this, we present three separate videos showcasing Muslims embracing Western culture without endorsing or resorting to violence associated with radical Islamist ideologies. These videos serve as powerful examples of individuals within the Muslim world who actively reject extremism and seek peaceful coexistence, challenging stereotypes and fostering understanding.

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