Stock Market Futures Investing: Triumphs, Pitfalls, and Surprises

Stock Market Futures Investing: Triumphs, Pitfalls, and Surprises

Stock Market Futures Investing: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

May 27, 2024


Stock market futures investing is a pathway fraught with immense opportunities and significant risks. While the potential for substantial profits can be enticing, it is crucial to understand the complexities and intricacies of this investment avenue. This essay will explore the triumphs, pitfalls, and surprises associated with investing in stock market futures. We will explore the concepts of mass psychology, common sense, and the wisdom of ancient sages to provide a comprehensive guide for navigating this volatile market.

 Advantages of Futures Investing

The futures market offers a unique landscape where investors can maintain a perpetual bullish or bearish stance by shifting between various markets. Unlike equities, which generally trend in the same direction, futures markets operate independently, providing many opportunities for astute investors. For example, over the past 15 months, an investor could have sequentially engaged in the U.S. dollar, oats, corn, wheat, oil, natural gas, cocoa, cotton, and coffee without ever needing to take a bearish position.

Challenges and Volatility

However, this market’s inherent volatility can be a double-edged sword. The same volatility that offers high rewards also poses significant risks. Traders must develop an intuitive understanding of the markets they trade in from repetitive exposure and disciplined analysis. Famous Russian philosopher Leo Tolstoy once said, “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.” This wisdom is particularly relevant in futures trading, where success often requires a long-term perspective and the ability to withstand market fluctuations.

 Mass Psychology and Lemmings

Mass psychology shapes market trends and investor behaviour. “lemmings” refers to investors who blindly follow the crowd, often leading to disastrous outcomes. Ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu aptly noted, “He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened.” Understanding the behaviour of the masses and one’s reaction to market movements can provide a significant edge in futures trading.

 Avoiding the Lemming Mentality

To avoid the pitfalls of mass psychology, investors must cultivate a contrarian mindset. This involves buying when the market is ignored or disliked and selling when euphoria is rampant. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, crude oil prices collapsed due to fear and uncertainty. Investors who recognized the potential for a recovery and bought at the lows reaped significant rewards as prices rebounded in the following months.

 Combining Mass Psychology with Technical Analysis

 The Power of Technical Analysis

Technical analysis involves studying price charts and patterns to identify potential entry and exit points. When combined with mass psychology, it can significantly reduce investment risks. Indian philosopher Chanakya once said, “Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions – Why am I doing it, What the results might be, and Will I be successful?” This principle applies to futures trading, where a thorough analysis of market trends and sentiment is essential for success.

 Extreme Setups: Patience and Precision

One effective strategy is waiting for extreme setups where mass psychology and technical analysis align. This requires patience, as one must wait for periods of extreme fear or euphoria and for technical indicators to trade in the highly oversold or overbought range on monthly charts.

 Example 1: The Great Financial Crisis

During the Great Financial Crisis of 2008-2009, crude oil prices plummeted from their peak of $147 per barrel to below $40 per barrel. The market was gripped by fear and panic, leading to widespread selling. However, investors who recognized the long-term value of crude oil and bought during this period saw substantial gains as prices recovered in the following years.

 Example 2: The COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, crude oil prices experienced an unprecedented collapse, with WTI crude futures even briefly trading in negative territory in April 2020. Fear and uncertainty gripped the market, leading to a massive sell-off. However, astute investors who recognized the potential for a recovery and bought at the lows reaped significant rewards as prices rebounded in the following months.

Example 3: The 2014-2016 Oil Glut

The 2014-2016 oil glut saw crude oil prices fall from over $100 per barrel to below $30 per barrel. Market sentiment was overwhelmingly bearish, with many predicting a prolonged period of low prices. However, investors who took a contrarian stance and bought during this period benefited from the subsequent recovery, as prices eventually stabilized and rose.

 Wisdom from Ancient Sages

 Russian Sage: Ivan Ilyin

Ivan Ilyin, a Russian philosopher, emphasized the importance of self-awareness and discipline. He said, “The strength of a person is in their ability to control their emotions and actions.” Controlling one’s emotions and maintaining discipline are crucial for success in futures trading.

 European Sage: Aristotle

The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle highlighted the importance of knowledge and understanding. He stated, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Understanding one’s risk tolerance and investment goals is essential for making informed decisions in the context of futures trading.

 Chinese Sage: Confucius

The renowned Chinese philosopher Confucius emphasized the value of patience and perseverance. He said, “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” This wisdom is particularly relevant in futures trading, where patience and a long-term perspective are vital to navigating market volatility.

 Indian Sage: Patanjali

Patanjali, an ancient Indian sage, highlighted the importance of mental clarity and focus. He stated, “When some great purpose inspires you, all your thoughts break their bonds.” Maintaining mental clarity and focus in futures trading is essential for making rational decisions and avoiding impulsive actions.

 Avoiding Common Pitfalls


One of the most common pitfalls in futures trading is overtrading. Traders often feel compelled to make frequent trades, leading to increased transaction costs and potential losses. To avoid this, it is essential to adopt a disciplined approach and only trade when there is a clear opportunity.

 Ignoring Risk Management

Risk management is a critical aspect of futures trading that should never be ignored. This involves setting stop-loss orders, diversifying investments, and avoiding excessive leverage. As Nathan Rothschild famously said, “The best time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.” However, this contrarian approach should always be balanced with prudent risk management.

 Emotional Trading

Trading based on emotions can lead to poor decision-making and significant losses. It is essential to remain calm and composed, especially during market volatility. As John D. Rockefeller once said, “The way to make money is to buy when blood is running in the streets.” This requires staying focused and avoiding being swayed by fear or greed.

The Role of Common Sense

 Practical Wisdom

Common sense and practical wisdom play a vital role in futures trading. This involves making decisions based on sound judgment and experience rather than following the crowd or relying solely on complex analysis. As Plato stated, “A wise man speaks because he has something to say; a fool because he has to say something.” In futures trading, acting based on careful consideration and rational analysis is essential.

 Avoiding Overcomplication

Overcomplicating the trading process can lead to confusion and poor decision-making. Keeping things simple and focusing on the key factors influencing market movements is essential. This involves understanding the basics of supply and demand, market sentiment, and technical analysis. By keeping things simple, traders can avoid unnecessary complexities and make more informed decisions.


Stock market futures investing is a challenging yet rewarding endeavour that requires a deep understanding of market dynamics, mass psychology, and technical analysis. By drawing on the wisdom of ancient sages and modern-day experts, investors can navigate the complexities of this volatile market and achieve long-term success. The key to success lies in maintaining discipline, managing risk, and adopting a contrarian mindset. By combining these principles with practical wisdom and common sense, traders can turn the challenges of future investing into opportunities for growth and profit.



Essential Resources for Stock Market Futures Investing

Information regarding futures contracts and margin requirements.

Futures contract info and specifications

specifications info from

Places you can open a demo account

Futures online



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