By Tom McGregor, CNTV Panview Commentator Have young Chinese men (aged 18-34 years old) lost their masculinity? According to a number of single women who have spoken to me about their search for a good man to fall in love with, the answer is “yes.” Here are some common complaints: “Chinese men are too afraid to ask … Read more
The Rate of Inflation is not an issue in 2017 Bonds should have continued to plunge, but notice that bonds bottomed in April and have started to trend higher. After the July rate hike, bonds should have taken out their April lows, but they did not. Instead, they went on to put in a series … Read more
Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor Millennials forcing finance industry to adapt or die Tech-savvy millennials are “rewriting the rules of the financial marketplace,” with the banking industry at “the highest risk of disruption by millennials,” Susan Axelrod, executive vice president of Regulatory Operations at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, said Tuesday. Speaking at the … Read more
Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor Antifa called out by mainstream media Here’s one for the history books. The Washington Post, the very liberal-leaning Washington Post, actually blasted a headline that summed and supported the so-called “right-wing” side of post-Charlottesville things. Check the skies. Pigs must be flying. “Black-clad Antifa attack peaceful right-wing demonstrators in Berkeley,” the Monday headline sang. … Read more
Editor: Vladimir Bajic| Tactical Investor Millennials’ Relationship with Religion “While the U.S. public, in general, is becoming less religious, the nation’s youngest adults are by many measures much less religious than everyone else,” David Masci, a senior writer and editor on religion at Pew Research Center wrote in January 2016. Millennials, the generation of young … Read more
Millennials Are the Biggest Public Library Visitors A new analysis of Pew Research Center survey data from fall 2016 finds that 53% of Millennials (those ages 18 to 35 at the time) say they used a library or bookmobile in the previous 12 months. That compares with 45% of Gen Xers, 43% of Baby … Read more
Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor The stock market crash story is getting boring and annoying to a large degree. Since 2009, there has been a constant drumbeat of the market is going to crash stories. In 2009, many experts felt that the market had rallied too strongly and that it needed to pull back strongly before moving … Read more
Baby Boomers Outvoted by Millenials Generation Zers, Millennials and Generation Xers cast 69.6 million votes in the 2016 general election, a slight majority of the 137.5 million total votes cast, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of Census Bureau data. Meanwhile, Boomers and older voters represented fewer than half of all votes for the … Read more
Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor This Stock Market Will Crash The Tactical Investor focuses on multiple arrays of Topics because they are all interrelated. If you fixate on one area, then you will miss the whole picture and those that fail to see the whole picture are the ones left footing the bill. The stock … Read more
Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor Millennials and Money Crowd Psychology dictates that if you focus on the tree, you will forget that the tree is part of a forest and in doing so you will miss the bigger picture. For example, George Soros is behind the surge in fake stories, the massive Anti-Trump riots … Read more