
Palestinian stone thrower shot dead by Israeli troops

A Palestinian stone-thrower shot dead The video below covers this issue, but this article focusses on what’s going with the stock market today This bull market by any standards should be deemed mature and ready to experience a back-breaking correction, but no market has ever collapsed without mass participation.  Hey, they have to dump the … Read more

Tactical Investor Election Polls-Updated Constantly Until Election day

It appears that mainstream media is on a mission to distort the truth. We have never taken a front seat when it comes to election as we have always believed the process is rigged. However, what we find interesting this time is the massive amount of collusion that is taking place in broad daylight since … Read more

Trump Trumps Clinton in Third Debate

Trump Trumps Clinton in Third Debate In The third debate, Trump apparently came standing on top; Clinton repeated the same robotic text that made anyone who listened to it want to throw up. To top it up she had the goofy, silly smile all over her face and unfortunately, she smiled exactly at times when … Read more

No Doc Loans Resurface: Banks Set to Exploit the Masses

Reviving Risk: No Doc Loans Return as Banks Target the Masses Updated  Dec 2019 Nearly ten years after the housing crisis, banks are getting ready to offer what they call fewer doc loans, which is just a stepping stone to the no doc loan as we stated before, banks need to put money into the … Read more

Wall Street & Banks looking to bring back Liar Loans

Are liar Loans Making A Come Back? These mortgages, which are given to borrowers that can’t fully document their income, helped fuel a tidal wave of defaults during the housing crisis and subsequently fell out of favour. Now, big money managers including Neuberger Berman, Pacific Investment Management Co. and an affiliate of Blackstone Group LP … Read more

Share Repurchase Binge Only Force Keeping Stock Market Bull Alive

All the power that we exercise over others depends on the power we exercise over ourselves. Cotvos Share Repurchase Binge Keeps Bull Market Going? Share repurchase programs are nothing new; they have been around for decades, and in most cases, one would view this type of action under a favourable light. However, for the past … Read more

China Targets Muslim Parents with religion rules in Xinjiang

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor China Targets Muslim Parents Records seem to indicate that China is targeting Muslim parents and enforcing their idealogy in an almost brutal manner.  In one town more than 400 children’s parents are in jail or in some training camp.  China maintains Iron control in Xinjiang. Foreign journalists are followed … Read more

Galaxy Note 7 phones Exploding & Catching on Fire

 Galaxy Note 7 phones Exploding As The batteries explode or catch on fire, the company has stated that the best option is to turn the phone off, until the batteries are replaced.  It stated the lithium batteries were overheating and it was working to resolve the issue ASAP.  To date, it has already recalled 2.5 … Read more

US successfully tests hypersonic missile: Trying To Catch Up

US successfully tests hypersonic missile The US is losing the race to Russia in the Hypersonic battle for supremacy so they are throwing everything including the kitchen sink in bid to catch up with Russia.  Hence the successful test of the hypersonic missile marked an important event in America’s war for Hypersonic supremacy. This what … Read more

The Organic Food Scam; Everything Is Not What It Seems

  The Organic Food Scam Too many people blindly assume the label organic means the food is perfect. They forget that most organic produce contains pesticides so that 10-dollar cucumber you thought you could just eat by rinsing it with water could be loaded with a whole lot of poison.  95% of consumers bought organic … Read more