
Pentagon Fears Rapid Advancement of Chinese & Russian Anti-Satellite Weapons

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Pentagon Fears Rapid Advancement of Chinese Weaponry Watch this video on YouTube The intelligence directorate of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, designated J-2, told the Washington Free Beacon that these missiles are currently in development and will be combat-capable as early as 2020. “Both will continue to pursue a … Read more

Mueller indicts 16 Russians for allegedly helping Trump

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Mueller indicts 16 Russians   Watch this video on YouTube Special counsel Robert Mueller’s office has charged three Russian entities and 13 Russian nationals with “violating US criminal laws in order to interfere with US elections and political processes.” The indictment was the fifth in Mueller’s Russia investigation, which … Read more

Hillary Clinton has some explaining to do

HomeHillary Clinton Hillary Clinton has some explaining to do. “A senior adviser to Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign who was accused of repeatedly sexually harassing a young subordinate was kept on the campaign at Mrs Clinton’s request, according to four people familiar with what took place. Mrs Clinton’s campaign manager at the time recommended that … Read more

Dir McCabe Emails Indicate Hillary Received Special Treatment

Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor Dir McCabe Emails Indicate Bias Towards Hilary Watch this video on YouTube McCabe had already planned to leave the FBI in 2018, but will now immediately go on leave and then retire in mid-March, when he is eligible to receive his full pension benefits, according to The New York … Read more

Bannon Warns Trump He’s Getting Happy Talk On Russia

  Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor We cover multiple arrays of topics for one simple reason. The world is interconnected, and it is not only financial factors that drive the markets. Geopolitics is another major driving force behind the markets. Crowd Psychology dictates that if you focus on the tree, you will forget that the … Read more

Government regulation of social media: a cure far worse than the disease

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Government regulation of social media Watch this video on YouTube In recent weeks, Congress has grilled Twitter, Facebook and Google about their role in allowing foreign interests to place ads and articles intended to divide the electorate and spread false information during the 2016 election. Now a number of … Read more

Is China’s space laser for real?

Editor: Philip Ragner | Tactical Investor China’s space laser This article was rated as the article of the week (change it to month sometimes) by our readers. Let’s take a quick look at it before we move to the main story. Nationalism is going to soar in Europe to levels not seen for hundreds of years, … Read more

Cancer findings a bit of a joke

Editor: Johnathan Meyers | Tactical Investor Is anything in cancer findings real? This is one of the top stories for the week. It could prove to be of interest to you, so we are posting an excerpt of it below, and then we will continue with the main story.  In some ways, today’s stock market … Read more

New Desalination Technologies separates seawater into freshwater and lithium

Editor: Vlad Rothstein | Tactical Investor Desalination Technologies New Desalination Technologies to separate minerals from seawater Seawater is a complex cocktail of useful minerals, but it’s hard to separate out the specific ones we need. Now, a team of scientists from Australia and the US has developed a new water desalination technique that can not … Read more

Why students at prestigious high schools still cheat on exams?

Editor: Vlad Rothstein | Tactical Investor Watch this video on YouTube Prestigious High Schools Facts Consider this article for it might prove to be interesting; a small excerpt is posted below. Self-stimulating male rats would ignore a female in heat and would repeatedly cross foot-shock-delivering floor grids to reach the lever. Female rats would abandon … Read more