
Netherlands to Ban Gasoline-Powered Cars By 2025

Netherlands to Ban Gasoline-Powered Cars In a bold move towards sustainable transportation, the Netherlands is set to ban gasoline-powered cars by 2025. This ambitious decision marks a significant milestone in the country’s commitment to combatting climate change and reducing carbon emissions. The Netherlands aims to accelerate the transition towards electric vehicles (EVs) and other clean … Read more

Fossil Fuel Divestment Trends gain momentum

  Fossil Fuel Divestment The theory put forward that fossil fuels, fuel (no pun intended) global warming are spooky science at its best.  Fossil fuels do contribute to pollution when used in an uncontrolled manner, but with the improvements, technology has brought to us, one can burn coal and oil very efficiently and leave a … Read more

Chaos in Politics: How Things Went From Bad To Worse

Chaos in Politics It’s 2020, four years from now. The campaign is under way to succeed the president, who is retiring after a single wretched term. Voters are angrier than ever—at politicians, at compromisers, at the establishment. Congress and the White House seem incapable of working together on anything, even when their interests align. With lawmaking … Read more

Russian orchestra holds concert in Palmyras ruins

Russian orchestra:  Playing For Peace We thought based on your interests that you would find this article to be enjoyable before we got into the meat of the topic at hand. As this update is coming on the back of a very recent update, there is not much to be said other than the money … Read more

China launches civilized tourist program

By Tom McGregor, CNTV Commentator There’s much ado about some Chinese neglecting good manners when traveling abroad. The Japanese government had released video footage of the Chinese trampling in Tokyo’s public gardens to steal cherry blossoms. A 15-year-old Chinese teenager had allegedly scratched his name on a temple in Luxor, Egypt and drunken Chinese passengers … Read more

Innovations Key Growth driver for China’s new economy States Brookings

Innovations Key Growth driver for China’s By Tom McGregor, CNTV Commentator The Washington D.C.-based think tank, Brooking Institute, has touted innovation as the key driver of growth for the “new economy” of China, which is also expected to be a major topic of conversation at the upcoming G20 Forum, scheduled for Sept. 4-5, 2016 in … Read more

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor moving forward

By Tom McGregor, CNTV Commentator Pakistan hopes to emerge with a more robust economy. Poverty has crushed the spirits of many Pakistanis, but a partnership with China can create new opportunities for them. Chinese President Xi Jinping introduced the Belt & Road initiative in 2013, pledging to build major infrastructure projects to boost cross-border trade … Read more

Cooperation essential for Nuclear Security

By Tom McGregor, CNTV Commentator Our world faces tumultuous times amid the spread of terrorism, some terrorists would tryto get their hands on dirty bombs (radioactive weapons). Prospects seem more appalling since terrorists hold suicidal aims to blast the world into pieces. Implementing stronger security measures calls for sovereign governments to enhance global cooperation to … Read more

Report by CSIS on China Belt & Road worthless

Report by CSIS on China Belt By Tom McGregor, CNTV Commentator The headquarters of the think tank, Center for Strategic & International Studies, is located on Rhode Island Ave. in Washington D.C., costing more than $100 million to build it. Wealthy donors have given hundreds of millions of dollars more to CSIS since its founding … Read more

China takes pragmatic approach to Green Energy

By Tom McGregor, CNTV Panview Commentator China has long struggled with pollution. It’s inevitable that when a nation transforms from an emerging market into a developed one, there would be growing pains. China’s economic success story has helped hundreds of millions of Chinese escape from poverty, but new societal ills have arisen. Compelling Read: Negative rates … Read more