
List Of Experts That Were Wrong On Trump’s 4 Percent GDP Target

Trump’s 4 Percent GDP Target hit as Projected All the experts stated that Trump’s projections of 4% GDP were ludicrous, well they are all eating their words now or at least they should be. However,  like bad carpenters, they refused to acknowledge the error of their ways and continue to find ways to state that … Read more

US Trade War: Trade is not that Important to America

Navigating the Impacts: Understanding the US Trade War and Its Consequences Lots of noise is being made about this trade war with the US, but the exciting part is that the US has already won the trade war against China. Furthermore, it will also win the trade war against the EU, and the simple reason … Read more

Greg Gutfield Proves liberals hate Trump

Liberals hate Trump Trump & It’s Not A Logical Response With so many positive events going on in the world, all the media can focus on are these fairy tales that never got any legs, like Stormy Daniels and the Russian collusion. The left got stuck in their own flypaper and can’t seem to budge. … Read more

what is third wave feminism? 100 Nude Women Protested the RNC

what is third wave feminism? The Story Below is a Good Example Insanity in action, if you are protesting the way Trump treats women, start by having a little self-respect for yourself. Why the need to expose your naked bodies to the public, how does that help women in general?  It does not and all … Read more

New Realty; Has ISIS Declared War on France

  Has ISIS Declared War on France Declaring war would certainly be cathartic, politically, for a nation that has lived in the shadow of Islamic jihadists since September 11, 2001. But such a declaration is a hammer that views the problem it wants to be solved as a nail. While military action is required to … Read more

Huawei Smartphone Sales Soared 25%; next target Apple

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Huawei Smartphone Sales Soared Western governments may be piling the pressure on Huawei but that’s not holding back its fast-growing smartphone business. A senior executive at the Chinese tech company said Thursday that Huawei expects to displace Samsung as the world’s top smartphone seller by the end of 2020. … Read more

Tesla bond Price Are :Investors are paying to Much to avert a crisis

 Tesla bond Price: Is there a crisis? Watch this video on YouTube The cost of insuring Tesla bond price against default via credit default swaps hit an all-time high on Tuesday. The cost of insuring $100 of Tesla bonds debt hit $6.58 around 10:30 am Tuesday, according to data from Bloomberg, amid fresh fears over … Read more

End of globalization: Trump Presidency could Signal The End

By Tom McGregor, CNTV Panview Commentator The End of globalization? On Jan. 29, 1991, then-United States President George Bush stood at the height of his popularity with the American people. The Cold War had ended and a spirit of optimism prevailed. Bush stood before both Houses of Congress to deliver his State of the Union … Read more

Stock Market Graph: Stock Market Crash Pipe Dreams?

Stock Market Graph;  Market Crash Talk Amounts to Gossip It seems like groundhogs day when it comes to experts and their stock market crash predictions; not a month has gone by since the markets bottomed in 2009, without some expert stating that the end is nigh. So far the only thing that has crashed is … Read more