
Portugal Ditches Austerity

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Portugal Ditches Austerity As EU Responds to Pandemic Crisis The global financial markets have experienced a severe crash due to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, prompting central bankers worldwide to implement unprecedented measures to mitigate the economic fallout. The magnitude of the crisis has compelled governments to adopt … Read more

Brexit Frees Britain From Carbon Taxes

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Random  Article of the Week The one-year chart indicates that things appear to be going smoothly on the surface, and injecting large amounts of money into the markets seems to yield positive results. Even if the index were to decline all the way to 7200, the short-term outlook would … Read more

Masses Wrong Again; Markets Surge on Wall of Worry

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor  Markets surge on a wall of worry Let’s look at what this means While a “wall of worry” may sometimes consist of a single economic, political or geopolitical issue significant enough to affect consumer and investor sentiment, it more commonly comprises concerns on numerous fronts. The markets’ ability to … Read more

Treasury Yield Curve Inverts: Negative Interest Rates Are Dangerous

Treasury Yield Curve Inverts In the short to intermediate timelines, this is not a big problem but in the long run, the Negative Interest Rates Experiment will end badly. Earlier this month, the Bank of England cut interest rates for the first time in seven years, from 0.5 per cent to a new record low … Read more

Low Commodity Prices & Strong Dollar Destroying Sovereign Credit Ratings

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Low Commodity Prices The outlook for sovereign creditworthiness in 2020 is negative as the disruptive and unpredictable domestic and geopolitical environment is exacerbating the gradual slowdown in trend GDP growth, weakening global and national institutions and increasing the risk of economic or financial shocks, Moody’s Investors Service says in … Read more

Eurozone Collapse: Economist wants EU to Rescue European Banks

Eurozone Collapse? Unmasking the Illusion We live in a world where the main driving force behind this illusory economic recovery is hot money and fraudulent data manipulation. According to Government stats, inflation is nonexistent, but anyone with a grain of grey matter understands this is not the actual case. Rents, education and medical costs are soaring, … Read more

Fed Interest Rate: Negative Rates Are A Game Changer

Fed Interest Rate Turns Negative Before getting to the article in question  we would like to present you with an excerpt to an equally interesting article: ” We live in a world where the main driving force behind this illusory economic recovery is hot money and fraudulent data manipulation.  According to Government stats, inflation is nonexistent, … Read more

Pension Fund Definition: Pension Funds Getting Hammered

Pension Fund Definition? Scranton pension funds take a big hit as the coronavirus rocks global economy The city’s pension fund plummeted in recent weeks under a global economy rocked by the coronavirus pandemic, officials said. The value of the city’s composite pension fund investments fell from $106.7 million in January to $90.5 million as of … Read more

What Economic Recovery? Most Americans Lack $1000 In Savings

He who is plenteously provided for from within needs but little from without. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe What Economic Recovery  A key sign of financial health is savings; if one does not have a decent amount of money tucked away for a rainy day, it is a sign that all is not well. Americans have … Read more