
Obama Turns 55 but America Still in Trouble

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Obama Turns 55, But America’s woes continue Before delving into the main article, we invite you to view a brief video and excerpt that offers a thought-provoking perspective on the current market conditions. Most market observers remain sceptical that this bull run can continue much longer. Sentiment indicators consistently … Read more

Trump Praises Putin’s Remarks on American Exceptionalism

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Trump Praises Putin’s Perspective on American Exceptionalism” Surprisingly, former President Donald Trump recently praised Russian President Vladimir Putin for his remarks on American exceptionalism. While Trump and Putin have had a complex relationship, this statement seemed to strike a chord with the former U.S. leader. In this article, we … Read more

Real Reason Republicans Deny Climate Change

William Church | Managing Director CIWARS Let’s start with the facts.  First, the Republican leadership are not uneducated, slack jawed, knuckle dragging subhumans only focussed on corporate profits; therefore, the effort to paint them this way belie simple observation.  The effort to paint them as mental throw backs because they do not believe in evolution … Read more

French Teen Muslims Burn Bus and Scream Allahu Ahkbar 

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Muslims Burn Bus in France How about a great, random article to start the mood before jumping into the topic? Focusing on the Fear Factor Will Always Lead To Losses. Therefore, do not focus on the fear factor, but try to direct your attention to the “opportunity factor” if … Read more

  Hong Kong Bitfinex Exchange Hacked creates selling frenzy in Bitcoin 

Editor: William Church | Tactical Investor Bitfinex Exchange Hacked Why Are Americans Scared Of Investing? The answer to this question is simple; the focus on the wrong factors such as news which is akin to gossip, political rhetoric, advice from experts (more like jackasses) and a plethora of other equally meaningless reasons.  Let’s look at … Read more

Clint Eastwood blasts Todays Pussy Generation

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor   Clint Eastwood blasts Todays Pussy Generation Clint Eastwood wasted no time with mincing word when talking about today’s generation and their PC nature. In a way he is right, everyone has to tiptoe around issues because they don’t know when they will be taken down for expressing themselves. … Read more

Putin Unfazed by ISIS Threats of Revenge

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Trending Topic of the Week The Fed has been trying to create the illusion that inflation is an issue. The guys from the hard money camp also maintain that inflation is an issue and to a point they are right. Their definition of inflation is an increase in the … Read more

Market Manipulators Overstate the Impact of Brexit

Brexit Effect: Market Manipulators’ Exaggerations The story below, in its excerpts, indicates that fools and idiots are running the press. They keep chirping the same nonsense repeatedly, preaching doom and gloom. However, the outcomes are always different, as the press ends up getting slapped in the face. Yet, they persist with the same line of … Read more

Japan’s Economy: Abe Mulling Another Round of Stimulus

Japan’s Economy is teetering? The war on interest is on: Japan’s economy is not growing, and inflation is not rising despite pumping trillions of Yen into the economy.   So Abe decides it’s best to push even more money into the economy. Is this not the definition of insanity; doing the same thing again and … Read more

Mugabe’s Misdeeds & Zimbabwe’s Path to Hell

William Church | Managing Director CIWARS Mugabe’s Misdeeds Tuesday, July 26, 2016 Zimbabwe’s current unrest cannot be solely attributed to climate change, as the 2015 drought merely worsened an already dire situation. The country is facing a severe food shortage, with a shortfall of over $200 million in emergency food funding for nearly five million … Read more