
Black Wall Street: Dirty politics & Fraud one big Happy family

Black Wall Street; The real Dirty Dancing Movie These elections will be one of the most polarised elections in the history of the US; when people let emotions do the talking, they are easy to manipulate.  Market Update July 2, 2016 The term Black Wall Street is used here to illustrate just how dirty Wall … Read more

Smoke and mirrors: Quantitative Easing

What Is Quantitative Easing (QE)? Quantitative easing (QE) is a form of unconventional monetary policy in which a central bank purchases longer-term securities from the open market in order to increase the money supply and encourage lending and investment. Buying these securities adds new money to the economy, and also serves to lower interest rates … Read more

Edible Food Packaging Made From Milk-unpack & munch

  Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Random thoughts Central bankers have become very adept at deflating a nation’s currency while maintaining the illusion all is well. This is achieved by subsidising key industries, using a basket of goods that (and the sectors these goods originate from are usually the one’s receiving massive subsidies) paint … Read more

China approves Hong Kong-Shenzhen stock exchange link

    Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Hong Kong-Shenzhen stock exchange link Approved If you are a novice trader you will find out investing for dummies section to be of great interest. Now let’s look at the most-read article of the week shall we and then we will get to the story at hand. … Read more

Merkel, Hollande and Renzi Celebrate After Brexit Blow

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Brexit Blow Let’s start off by posting an excerpt of the article that viewers loved the most this week. The masses made no noise when central bankers started to flood the system with hot money and are still quiet, so why will the banks stop?  There are trillions of dollars … Read more

TEXAN Judge Blocks Obama’s Transgender Rules for Schools

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor TEXAN Judge Blocks Obama’s Transgender Rules First, let’s start off by looking at the random article of the month  We agree that the driving forces behind this economy are illusory in nature and that this economic miracle has and is being supported by hot money. Nothing else is driving … Read more

Crooked Hillary Case: 15,000 New Emails Uncovered

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor  Is Crooked Hillary in Trouble Again? Let’s look at the week’s article before entering the Hillary story. In the world of central banking, negative interest rates have become a pervasive trend. However, this experiment is unlikely to end without triggering a currency crisis. The timing of such an event … Read more

More Vets losing their Minds; compensation for mental disorders soars

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor More Vets losing their Minds Let’s get things warmed up by looking at the article of the month, before getting into the “more vets losing their minds” article. Investors are panicking again; they withdrew a whopping $20.7 billion from hedge funds in the month of June. This is one … Read more

What’s making this Current Stock Market Bull So Resilient

Is Current Stock Market Bull Ready To Trend Higher? The market has resisted all attempts to correct. We know why it’s not crashing; this has to do with mass psychology, but what’s preventing it from letting out a meaningful dose of steam.  The table below might hold the answer.   We looked at all 30 components … Read more

Victims of Sexual Assault: OZ Police Force Plagued with Sexual Harassment

Editor: Vladimir Bajic | Tactical Investor Victims of Sexual Assault let’s start with the article of the week and then get to the story at hand. Central bankers are declaring war on cash for one reason only; they want to punish savers and reward speculators and in the process destroy the middle class. The only way … Read more