Happiest Countries In The World: America Falls Short of the Mark

America ranks at bottom of happiest countries in the world

Global Happiness Rankings: America’s Pursuit of the Top 10

Aug 25, 2023

In recent years, the United States has seen a concerning decline in global happiness and well-being rankings. Once a consistent presence in the top five happiest nations, America sank to 12th place in 2013 and 23rd by 2014. This downward trend prompts difficult questions about what fuels joy and satisfaction in a society.

Meanwhile, some unexpected countries are rising up the happiness ranks. Saudi Arabia, for instance, could potentially crack the top ten in 2016 despite its reputation for oppression. If this comes to pass, it would speak volumes about America’s eroding status as the world’s exemplar of freedom and prosperity.

The keys to happiness are complex, but America would do well to learn from nations outperforming them in surveys like the UN World Happiness Report. A society cannot flourish on wealth alone. Community, purpose, and work-life balance also feed the human spirit. By thoughtfully examining where the US has lost ground, we can regain the shared joy and satisfaction that once defined the American Dream.

The Pursuit of Happiness: Unveiling Global Trends and Contrasts

To seek happiness, one might need to don a winter coat. A recent report reveals Norway as the world’s happiest country, while the happiness of Americans appears to be dwindling. The factors behind the high happiness ranking of countries like Norway lie in their sense of community and strong social welfare support. Norwegian comedian Harald Eia attributes their happiness to well-functioning institutions, which treat people respectfully, fostering trust and a sense of belonging. Despite economic challenges, Norway claimed the top spot in the World Happiness Report, emphasizing the significance of non-material aspects in overall well-being.

The United States, on the other hand, has experienced a decline in happiness over the past decade despite its growing wealth. Ranked 14th in the report, the US has been rating itself less happy. John Helliwell, the report’s lead author, emphasizes the importance of human connections and well-being over material wealth. While some might dismiss the study of happiness as trivial, experts argue that understanding emotional well-being can lead to better policies that impact people’s lives.

Norway’s rise to the top of the happiness rankings is attributed to its work-life balance, safety nets, and access to education and healthcare. Although wealth plays a role, it’s noted that beyond a certain point, additional money doesn’t necessarily equate to greater happiness. In contrast, countries at the bottom of the list, including the Central African Republic, suffer from poverty and lack of basic needs.

The report evaluates 155 countries based on GDP per person, healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom of choice, perceived corruption, and generosity. Despite the overall trend of increasing happiness, the US’s happiness score has dropped by 5 per cent over the past decade. Experts attribute this to a declining sense of community, increasing mean-spiritedness, corruption, and rising inequality. The study reflects conditions in the American heartland, where a lack of hope has led to issues like addiction and suicide. This stark contrast puzzles some, like Norwegian comedian Eia, who wonders why Americans, who are considered bright, cannot achieve similar levels of happiness. full story

Unveiling the Illusion: America’s Costly Superpower Status and Its Consequences

The United States, once heralded as the world’s sole superpower, faces a stark reality beneath the surface. Despite extravagant spending on healthcare and military prowess, the nation lags behind in crucial areas. The claim to superpower status is questionable when compared to the shortcomings in healthcare and international standings. While armed might may bolster this status, other metrics show a different story, raising doubts about the legitimacy of this designation. The nation’s financial resources are strained, allocated to endeavours that fail to enhance the well-being of its citizens. Instead of investing in critical infrastructure and domestic growth, funds are directed towards futile wars and unnecessary extravagances. As a result, the very foundation of the American dream—the middle class—is eroding, leading to a pervasive sense of disillusionment.

The parallels with history are evident; when the flow of resources is disrupted, even the mightiest military complex crumbles, mirroring the collapse of the Soviet Union. While the media may focus on geopolitical rivalries, the true doghouse might be America’s own backyard. The consequences of misallocated resources and misplaced priorities are already unfolding, even if the broader public has yet to recognize it.


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