Editor: Draco Copper | Tactical Investor
Random Musings
Throughout 2016, we stated we did not expect much from Gold, and we stuck to this forecast, even though many experts went out of their way to report that Gold was ready to soar to the Moon or even to the next Galaxy. In fact, since 2011, we have continuously said that until the Trend turns positive, it would be best to play other lucrative markets, such as the general equities market, the US dollar, etc.
During this time several experts stated that Gold was ready to surge and some issued insane targets ranging from $20,000-$50,000. Under no circumstance can we ever see Gold going to $20,000 or $50,000 and even if drank a whole bottle of scotch or any other toxic compound it would still be very hard to visualise such a target. Issuing such targets is perfect for fear mongering, and we find that tactic to be unpleasant and distasteful. Gold Market Finally ready to breakout?
House of Lords threatened with ABOLITION if they vote against Brexit
Crossbench peer Michael Jay said sneaky Lords were planning to vote against Theresa May’s pledge to remove the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in the UK.
The unelected politicians could vote for a raft of measures that the Prime Minister has previously said would be against the interests of the UK.
Speaking at the Institute of Government yesterday Lord Jay warned his colleagues could vote in favour of EU membership beyond March 2019.
However, the Conservative Lord Strathclyde has condemned any attempts to frustrate the process of leaving the bureaucratic organisation.
The senior political has voiced concern that voting against the measures put forward by Theresa May’s Government could lead to a fight for the survival of the House of Lords.
He said: “It would be an act of political suicide for the House of Lords, it would be reminiscent of the debates we had just over 100 years ago in 1910 and 1911 and I’m not convinced that the House of Lords has the thirst for that right now.”
The Parliament Act, introduced in 1911, constrained the power of the unelected parliamentary chamber after it was seen to vote against the will of the general public. Full Story
If the House of Lords tries to thwart Brexit, it will be digging its own grave
The House of Lords had its first proper debate this week about a key item of legislation that would prepare Britain for its withdrawal from the European Union, and Lord Patten wanted everyone to know how much he hated it. “I hate referendums!” the former European Commissioner snapped, smacking his hand down in his rage about the “appalling” Brexit vote.
Dozens of peers expressed similar horror about what the British people had voted for, which may have led spectators to worry about how they would mangle the EU Withdrawal Bill. Full Story
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