Hidden Agenda: Deception, Robbery, and Control Unveiled

Hidden Agenda

The Hidden Agenda: Robbing, Poisoning, and Controlling the Masses

Dec 11, 2024

Intro: The True Puppet Masters

The true power does not wear a face—it hides in the shadows. The Bilderbergs, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Masons, and their ilk do not merely exist as isolated entities; they are all part of a grand design orchestrated by the hidden forces controlling the world from behind the scenes. These puppet masters dictate the actions of organizations you believe are in charge of manipulating events on a global scale. The game is rigged, and you’re not at the table—you’re the game piece.

Psychological Warfare: The Silent Brainwashing

Today, the landscape is dominated by an insidious form of psychological warfare. America, as always, is the testing ground for these operations. From the moment a child steps into the public education system, psychological brainwashing begins, slowly moulding them into compliant citizens. This system is a well-oiled machine designed to churn out individuals who are conditioned, compliant, and ready to obey.

Once this indoctrination is complete, the battle is essentially over for 90% of the population. The remaining 10% may escape the grip of control, but even they are trapped in the fringes, powerless to affect real change. Without control over the levers of power, they may gain followers, but their impact remains marginal. The system ensures that only those who comply with its agenda can rise to true power.

The Hidden Agenda of Chemical Warfare

The war against the masses isn’t just psychological—it’s chemical. The food and water supply have long been poisoned. This subtle yet deadly manipulation of our sustenance goes largely unaddressed, and the effects are devastating. The videos below shed light on this dark reality. Still, one of the most insidious and overlooked dangers is radiation leakage—an issue so catastrophic that it is rarely mentioned in the mainstream discourse.

The Psychological Manipulation of the Masses

The hidden agenda at play is chilling: the goal is to make the masses accept ideas that, not long ago, would have been deemed utterly insane. And it’s working—flawlessly. One glaring example is the mainstream acceptance of Share Buyback programs on Wall Street and Main Street. What was once viewed as corporate greed is now presented as normal, even necessary for growth. The power to manipulate perception is a tool of control, and so far, it’s proving shockingly effective.

The Illusion of Economic Growth
When an entity gains power, it never willingly relinquishes it. The hunger for more, ever more, is insatiable. In the United States, rather than allow natural economic forces to work out the excesses the system has created, the elites found a much simpler solution: create money out of thin air. This illusion of wealth fuels the rich, while the masses are left to suffer, watching as no real jobs are created and the supposed “economic growth” proves itself a mirage. As long as the masses remain distracted and docile, the elites will continue to amass their fortune.

A Global Scheme
The manipulation is not confined to the United States—it’s a global ploy. Take Europe, for instance. While European citizens rage against the influx of Muslim immigrants, they are unknowingly being played. The true issue lies in Europe’s stagnating birth rates and unsustainable welfare systems, not the immigrants themselves. But the chaos is a perfect distraction—a tool to keep the masses’ focus diverted from the collapsing economy.

Governments stir up fear and anger, then turn to their citizens for more funds. The solution? Inflate the money supply, destroy the currency, and, through the fog of crisis, funnel the funds directly into the hands of the wealthy. The rich get richer, and the poor are left to eat dust, unaware of the true game being played.

The Bigger Picture
This is the cycle of exploitation. The elites engineer chaos to justify their theft. The masses are manipulated, their emotions stirred, and their wallets emptied—all in the name of maintaining control. The puppet masters, unseen yet omnipresent, continue to shape the world for their own gain, while the rest of us are left scrambling to comprehend the forces at play. Will the masses wake up before it’s too late? Or will they continue to march in lockstep, blind to the strings pulling them? The choice is theirs—though, it seems, the game is already rigged.


This scheme has worked for generations.

And it will continue to work because the masses never catch on.   The religious wars in Europe were planned, and the populace bought it.  Fake wars are created where we supposedly eliminate dictators and try to stabilize the area. However, the real agenda is to bring on additional instability, thereby creating the need for massive arms sales and control of the population through the agents of terror that work for these hidden powers.

We stated long ago that we are now in the age of money.  The majority will no longer frown on doing dirty deeds; the only factor determining if they do the act, no matter how immoral or evil, will be the number of zeros you add to the check.  We live in a world where everything is for sale if the price is right.

The situation is destined to worsen, and nothing can stop it now. Everything is for sale. We expect the body part market to take off and legalized prostitution to gather steam. What is legalized prostitution?  Some of the marriages today fall under this category.   The option to lease before buying will debut soon regarding Marriages.

Militaries for Rent and The Hidden Agenda

Nations will start to rent out their militaries to the highest bidder.

The biggest shocker, though we cannot lay a date for this event, will be the collapse of religions worldwide when several corporations release technologies that will significantly increase one’s lifespan, bringing us one step closer to the age of immortality. Then, watch a new level of chaos unfold as all those who pretended to be religious let go and allow the wild and untamed side of themselves to manifest.  Companies already have life-altering technologies, but they are holding from releasing them.

Random ideas on investing

When investing, a winning strategy involves a powerful blend of mass psychology and technical analysis. By understanding the Crowd behaviour of the market participants, one gains valuable insights into the market’s pulse. Market psychology plays a pivotal role in identifying trends; the rest becomes relatively straightforward once these trends are identified. Additionally, incorporating the fundamental principles of contrarian investing can elevate your trading skills to new heights, particularly when combined with the crowd’s wisdom and technical analysis.

Lastly, maintaining a comprehensive trading journal proves invaluable in gaining insights into your mindset and crafting a robust battle plan to confront any challenges.

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Originally published on Apr 7, 2016, and updated in Dec 24

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